Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1312: Survival by cutting off the tail

Compared to Huangfu Song, Jose was even more confused: "The chief wouldn't have deliberately concealed his strength! Why did I remember that in the chief's information, real-time strategy was only average! With such a ferocious level, he must be at least in the top 100 Bar!"

But now Jose still thought that the reversal just now was the hand of Cheng Ying. Seeing that his army was about to be entangled, and it would be even more difficult to escape when the Han infantry arrived, Jose made a prompt decision and ordered to abandon the remaining baggage and go directly to sea. !

Considering that his leader is likely to be hidden among the enemy's troops, Jose is not sure that his ice plan will be foolproof. Fortunately, he has left some backup in order to retreat.

As far as the Han army is concerned, Han Xin's command becomes more and more skillful. After gradually understanding the current state of the earth's energy, Han Xin's command becomes smoother.

The Han troops merged involuntarily and were organized under Han Xin's command. After seeing the equipment of his civil servants, generals, soldiers, and soldiers, Han Xin just wanted to curse, I have never fought such a rich war!

The logistical supplies that Chen Xi can provide to his soldiers are almost to the limit that Han Xin can imagine. The capable generals under his command are more like Wang Zha. Although the opponent has a total of two million regular soldiers and three million Auxiliary soldiers, the health bar is so long that you can't see the edge, but Han Xin said that this battle can be fought! And you can win!

"Hey! You want to run! Can you run away?" In the eyes of the Bingxian, every move of the opponent can reveal his thoughts, especially for an opponent like Jose who can reduce the smallest unit under his command to an individual. His mentality is revealed in the details of his command.

He was caught just after showing some hesitation in his command. Han Xin made a prompt decision and pursued the victory. After seizing a flaw, he cooperated with the Xiliang cavalry who had just returned from the sea. He directly forcibly divided the immigrant army into three parts. The smallest part included only a few hundred thousand people. He was actually prepared to eat all of them in one go.

However, as soon as the siege was completed, Han Xin's expression suddenly changed: "No! This guy may have some tricks to kill him together!" No matter how talented he was, things he had never seen before were still beyond his estimation.

Just as he completed the siege, what he read from his opponent's command was not panic, but a sigh of relief. A general feeling, which meant that he might have been ambushed.

However, in this situation, Han Xin had no time to react. The group of soldiers surrounded by his concentrated troops suddenly seemed to be crazy and launched a Long Live Charge.

It is impossible for a normal person to commit such an act of committing suicide. It goes without saying how difficult it is to sacrifice one's life for righteousness. This kind of charge that is almost certain to die exceeds the limit of normal people's courage. Even if they don't have any special back-ups, just charging to the death without fear is enough in itself. It can cause serious damage to the top elites.

In Han Xin's pre-reading, this is not the limit of danger.

The backhand prepared by the opponent is far more terrifying than what meets the eye.

I saw those soldiers who rushed in front of the well-equipped and powerful Han army. The moment they were killed, their bodies suddenly turned red and swelled. The high explosives that had been implanted in their bodies combined with the crazy influx of heaven and earth into their bodies. The essence caused a terrifying explosion.

Directly blowing up several people who killed him at the same time. The power of the explosion is different from the sharp attack. The latter cannot be defended with strong armor and strong muscles. The shock wave is essentially a wave. Even in solids, it can spread. The armor's weakening effect is very limited. Even if no obvious damage is visible on the body surface, the internal organs have been irreversibly damaged. Many people affected by the blast wave seemed uninjured. But already dead.

It is difficult for conventional black powder in this world to achieve this effect. But it doesn't mean that other explosives can't have corresponding effects. Especially when combined with the self-destruction caused by the essence of heaven and earth. It can remove almost all the supernatural power's blessings on soldiers. Use your mortal body to face the impact of the violent explosion. Even the most elite soldiers can hardly guarantee that they will not be injured. Only perverts like the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, who have practiced defense to the core, can face the blast of high explosives that are almost the same size as a human after being stripped of most of their extraordinary power. It's still intact.

Hundreds of thousands of people shouted Allahu Akbar and launched a long live charge. Such a crazy thing. This has never happened before in the history of this continent. No previous empire could devote so many elite manpower and material resources to sacrifice. It is already difficult to train a single dead soldier, let alone hundreds of thousands.

Imagine how Jing Ke was treated when he assassinated Qin, and it is not difficult to understand how cherished a warrior who is not afraid of death is. Hundreds of thousands of people suddenly appeared, each carrying high explosives. Even Han Xin was stunned for a while by the explosion. Except for the Xiliang cavalry, all the elites of the Han army suffered heavy losses in this glorious explosion.

Almost every general cherishes the soldiers under his command, and this is the situation at hand. It immediately made many people blush. Immediately some did not obey orders and were killed directly. Even Han Xin had no way to deal with this situation. He was just a soldier, not an almighty god. He had no way to stop the emotional behavior of some generals. He could only watch helplessly as they rushed toward the trap. Among them, Guan Yu was the one who rushed at the front. His headquarters was almost the group with the heaviest casualties.

It can be seen from the records in the original work that the elite generals of other generals generally rarely suffer major battle losses, while Guan Yu's headquarters of more than two thousand people often suffers horrific battle losses of seven to eight hundred. Although it is not specifically described, But it can also be seen that although Guan Yu's headquarters is strong, it is actually extremely fragile. It also paid the heaviest price in the explosion just now, with nearly a thousand casualties.

Such a heavy price almost made Guan Yu red-blooded. Countless old comrades who had been with him since the Yellow Turban period were killed in the battle. Even Zhou Cang was seriously injured and his life and death were unknown, which made him desperate to make the immigration army pay the price.

Although it was a retaliatory charge, Guan Yu's mind was extremely clear. At this moment, he even saw details that even Han Xin had not seen. Even Lu Bu couldn't help but praise the powerful will of God. At this moment , observed an inexplicable fluctuation, connecting every soldier of the immigration army.

Under the distortion of reality by his strong will, electromagnetic waves were actually projected in the form of visible light, and everyone on the battlefield could see the underground along the coast. It was the source of all the fluctuations, and Guan Yu was rushing straight towards it.

[To be continued]

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