Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,313 Beheading Operation

At the beginning, Han Xin could only rely on intuition and experience to judge that the opponent had a command center from which orders could be issued to every soldier. However, it was precisely because of this way of transmitting orders through the air that he could not pass The delay of the command system is used to estimate the opponent's position.

There is no way that even if there is a delay in this kind of command that relies on electromagnetic waves, it is only a tiny delay that propagates at almost the speed of light. No matter how powerful Han Xin is and he is not a radar, how can he tell the small difference in such a short time?

But now these electromagnetic waves have been twisted by Guan Yu's will into visual light. Everyone can clearly see thousands of red light threads connecting the soldiers of the immigration army, just like controlling puppets. Control them to charge or defend.

Han Xin was also shocked. At first, he only saw that his opponent could issue instructions to every soldier, but he never figured out how many people his opponent could control at the same time.

Although he had known for a long time that this number must be a lot, he still felt a tingling sensation when he saw seven or eight thousand red lines. Even a computer in the 21st century would be stuck in ppt with so many threads running at the same time. Jose relied on himself It is really amazing that the human brain has reached this point.

But then Han Xin couldn't help but sigh. He had such an awesome ability, but he was still beaten to a pulp. Apart from his unique control of cloud energy and being able to surpass him, in other aspects he could only be said to be at the level of an ordinary general. Simply speaking of commanding troops. Generals of the Han Empire present. There are six or seven who can surpass him.

However, if you include that special ability to control cloud energy, apart from him, Huangfu Song is probably the only one who can keep the pressure steady. After all, the ability to control thousands of people at the same time is a huge advantage when fighting in a legion.

However, Guan Yu revealed his entire command line in anger. What was originally a huge advantage turned into his disadvantage. He had no choice but to rely on electromagnetic waves for command. There was no normal command system at all, which meant that he If you don't want your army to completely lose control, you must reveal your position at all times.

And Guan Yu, who is now red-eyed, will definitely run towards him and kill him with all his strength, and then kill him off his horse.

Guan Yu was confident, under the knife that he poured all his heart into. Even gods will kill you.

Of course...even if this knife really hits Jose, it won't actually cause him any serious injuries. In terms of spiritual cultivation, Jose may not be strong, but as a Tulip citizen, he needs to exercise his mental strength. , it will definitely crush this era. After all, this is what the boss eats. If he really frees up his mental power, probably only Chen Xi, who has the will of the empire, can stabilize the pressure. But it is limited to the output of human beings. Will be Jose's opponent.

After all, humans have their limits, and as soon as they arrived, Jose stopped being a human being.

He relies on brainwashing to control his subordinates.

This also means that he does not need to carefully hide his identity. He simply relies on technological advancement and in-depth transformation. In terms of strength improvement speed, he has steadily surpassed Cheng Ying who stole Shenxiang. Relying on the transformed biochemical brain , even if it is impacted by all the divine will of Guan Yu, it is nothing more than temporarily abandoning the function of the right brain and sealing Guan Yu's divine power. When the time comes, there will be room for manipulation whether to cut it off or do anything else.

For him, the most dangerous thing is actually the existence of this kind of direct attack on the spirit. People like Dian Wei who purely cultivate their own strength are the ones he is least afraid of.

No matter how strong an individual's power is, you cannot violate an objective law, that is, modifying and improving the efficiency of power within your own body is far faster than recasting a mechanical body outside your own body. It may take a month to exercise the body and increase the strength of one kilogram, but to increase the strength of an external machine by one kilogram is just adding a motor.

The difficulty of making external machinery and the difficulty of improving one's own body are like the difference between making a steam locomotive and miniaturizing the steam locomotive and installing it in the human body so that people can exert the power of the steam engine. After the potential is developed to the limit, each step of improvement will be millions of times more difficult than using external tools.

So Jose is not afraid at all of generals who rely on strong strength or energy attacks to rush in front of him. If such a thing really happens, he will be happy to teach these generals that the biggest difference between humans and animals is actually the ability to use tool.

In contrast, there is an improvement in the mental aspect. The required technical difficulty is almost impossible to achieve under the existing technical conditions of the Han Empire. It can only be ensured by forcibly training and accumulating mental energy. Don't be killed by a determined person with a strong mental impact. Some kind of In a sense, this can also be regarded as a way of proving the Tao through force.

After Han Xin found the enemy's commander, he immediately ordered other generals to assist Guan Yu and help him penetrate the enemy's defense. Go straight to the enemy general.

If we really talk about the ability to advance, there is a gap even between the Xiliang Iron Cavalry and Guan Yu's headquarters. After all, the most powerful thing about the Xiliang Iron Cavalry is its invincible defense. The attack aspect is really lagging behind. Many Imperial Guards , and even the dual-talent military commanders with special attacks are stronger than the Xiliang Iron Cavalry in terms of attack power. When the Xiliang Iron Cavalry is thrown onto the battlefield, it is like a giant turtle rock platform, but you want them to break through quickly. The thick front line is a bit overwhelming.

After all, the enemy this time is different from the previous generals. In the past, if the generals wanted to command the army and ensure that it was not in chaos, they could not move the camp casually. Otherwise, the transmission of orders would not be smooth, and they would die faster.

But Jose is different. He can run around as long as he carries that one with him. A huge signal machine, he can even run faster than the army. If it weren't for the distance, the signal strength wouldn't be enough. He can even command the battle remotely from the sea.

In other words, the Han Empire's army finally rushed to a place very close to him, and he could completely carry the machine and run away. The distance that the army that had just broken through had been wasted.

Anyway, his purpose is just to retreat, and he does not need to win the war. This means that if he wants to seize it, the breakthrough speed must be fast, and this is probably only possible by Guan Yu and his subordinates.

In the later period, Ma Chao, Aldashir, and even the Speedy White Horse might be able to do it, but at the current progress, only Guan Yu can achieve it.

[To be continued]

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