Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1314: Group fight against time-travelers

The current task of the Han army is to dig out the high-speed moving Jose among a large group of immigrants, and Guan Yu's headquarters is the sharpest knife.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Han Xin gave the army at the vanguard the most luxurious equipment. In addition to Guan Yu, there was also Dian Wei's headquarters as the vanguard.

Although Dian Wei is super good at fighting, his ability to lead troops is really not very good. Basically, he charges in front and the soldiers follow him. If you encounter a master, although the enemy may not be able to do anything against him as the commander, they can still do it by eating away his troops bit by bit.

Now Dian Wei only has more than 200 of his most capable personal guards left. In fact, few of the others died in the battle. After all, most of his subordinates were heavily armored, but they did not know how to escape because of the chaos of the army. Wherever he went, he was captured by Han Xin and used as a fighting force to capture thieves and kings.

In order to ensure a clean sweep, Huang Zhong's legion and Ma Chao's legion were also at the vanguard.

Ma Chao's combat effectiveness may not have reached its peak, but Huang Zhong is definitely one of the strongest. It's just because of his old age and the forced renewal of his son's life that his foundation was damaged and his combat effectiveness declined.

Even so, in the original work, this person had fought against Lu Bu many times. In the early days, his combat effectiveness was even stronger than that of Zhao Yun. Even if he is cheated by his son now, he is ranked among the top five in the Han Empire, which is not a big problem.

With this lineup, even if they faced Lu Bu head-on, they wouldn't be in trouble at all. Maybe I can beat Lu Bu away.

Although Han Xin has never seen the true abilities of these people. But I had just been face-to-face with Xiang Yu before, and I had some understanding of the abilities of these top strong men. No matter how you looked at it, this lineup was enough to kill the commander on the other side, and even capture him alive in nine out of ten cases.

These immigrants have been brainwashed, and Han Xin can also see this. If we want to completely solve the problem, I'm afraid we can only do it by catching the mastermind.

Relying on the more elite advantage of the Han Empire's army, Han Xin successfully completed the division and encirclement. He used his elite cavalry to establish isolated lines of defense among the immigrant army, gradually reducing the scope of Jose's activities, although this could not cut off his Immigration troops command but are not good at attacking fortresses. It is also difficult to penetrate the defense line established by the Han Empire, giving the coach a chance to move out.

Jose also realized that he might not be able to win the opponent through competitive operations. No matter who is in charge of the opponent, the opponent's level is high, and I am sure that he can be completely crushed.

If you continue to work hard at this time, it will lead to chronic death. Jose is also very decisive. He directly uses himself as a bait to create time for the army to evacuate. As for him, he hands over the mainframe to those brainwashed subordinates. These people are all selected by him. The group with the highest talent and intelligence have now learned how to give orders to their troops through electromagnetic waves, but there is no way to control so many threads at the same time like him.

According to the established procedures, it is definitely more than enough to command the troops to retreat. And he could forcefully evacuate by relying on his own fighting power alone. A general who forces an attack on a military formation is seeking death, but if a general surrounded by a military formation wants to run away, only strong men of the same level can stop him.

Jose is also betting on the strong man in this world, and there is no way to force him to stay. If he simply fights for his own fighting power and is not allowed to use weapons, his behavior is no different from seeking death. But this is war, not How could a duel between warriors be possible without the use of weapons?

Han Xin also saw his plan, but as the saying goes, capture the thief and capture the king. Regardless of whether he can directly control the army after capturing him, at least after killing him, the immigrant army will become much easier to deal with.

After the encirclement was reduced to a hundred meters, Jose was finally squeezed out of the army. At this time, the originally chaotic battle lines became clearly defined again. And Jose is at the junction of the two armies' fronts. The cloud energy gave both sides equal suppression, and the next thing to compete was the general's combat effectiveness.

From the moment he commanded his subordinates to self-destruct, he felt a strong killing intent locking him in. In some aspects, Guan Yu's will was even more outrageous than Cheng Ying, a pervert who specialized in playing with mental power. Even Cheng Ying couldn't do it. When it came to locking onto a person of the same level as Jose with his will, Guan Yu did it and marked his location. Now he finally found the mastermind and immediately took the lead and picked up the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and killed him.

The green dragon sword spirit is entrenched on the blade. As Guan Yu's will explodes, his spiritual power is compressed on the sword. Wherever the green light passes, everything is eclipsed, and the blade seems to have magnetic force. It attracts people's attention, leaving only the glow of the blade in their eyes.

Faced with this powerful attack that could turn even a world-breaking warrior into an idiot, Jose just raised his armor-wrapped arm and blocked it. There was no expression on his face that was completely covered by the armor.

What followed was just an extremely ordinary sound of metal colliding. Guan Yu's attacks were almost all focused on the divine level. In terms of conventional physical destructive power, they were not particularly exaggerated. Even the armor on his arms was not completely damaged. Breaking it open, it only shattered the small round shield that popped up on it, leaving a shallow mark on the surface of the armor.

"A very powerful attack. You burned 60% of the computing units in my brain. If I hadn't taken precautions and moved the module in charge of thinking logic to other places, I'm afraid I would have been chopped into a vegetative state by your knife. ." Jose's voice had no characteristics. In fact, it was not his own voice, but a synthesized sound coming from the speakers.

Guan Yu realized that he was going to suffer the moment his opponent opened his mouth. Although he didn't understand what it meant to transfer the thinking logic module, it was obvious that his attack just had no effect, and the opponent used some means to avoid the damage.

Just when Guan Yu was about to strike again, he raised his arm to block him. The attacker suddenly disappeared. When he reacted again, a voice appeared behind him: "You are very strong. You didn't dodge the move just now." It's possible, but that doesn't mean that I can't even dodge your other attacks."

By the time he finished speaking, Guan Yu had been knocked off his horse. Even if he put his sword away to defend himself at the critical moment, the blow would have knocked him and his sword away. In terms of physical talent, Guan Yu was Among the many generals of the Han Empire, not even the top twenty were ranked. After receiving this blow, even if he relied on his strong will to deny the reality of his own death, he was still seriously injured.

[To be continued]

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