Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,315 Inhuman Power

"How can humans have that kind of speed!" This was Guan Yu's truest thought. He really saw that the red steam spurting out from the gaps in Jose's armor was beyond the scope of human beings in terms of speed and power.

The moment Guan Yu was knocked away, Dian Wei had already arrived, stopped Jose's pursuit, turned the air into liquid under his feet, and punched Jose in the chest.

However, the seemingly thin breastplate didn't even have a single dent. In fact, Jose didn't even take a step back. Instead, a big crater was created behind him by the shock wave.

Dian Wei's attack was not without power. In fact, that punch was enough to stop the speeding locomotive. However, what Jose was least afraid of was the kinetic attack.

Before humans even come down from the trees, they have already begun to use kinetic energy, throwing fruits among the branches, or picking up stones to break open the bones of corpses and suck out the marrow.

Kinetic energy, for human beings, is the easiest kind of power to utilize and guide. Even relying solely on the body, one can develop force-strengthening techniques such as Tai Chi, and rely on mechanical power to achieve the same effect. The effect is undoubtedly easier.

Before Dian Wei could react to what was going on, he saw a simple metal fist magnified in front of his eyes. He could even see the flames spurting out from the elbow of the armored guy. That was the propeller that was giving this person The punch speeds up.

Almost as soon as he saw it, Dian Wei was hit, and his whole body shot up into the sky like a baseball. Although such an attack was not fatal to him, as one of the few strong men who could not fly, After being blown away so far, it is definitely not possible to come back in a short time.

Jose wanted to escape, so there was no need to kill anyone. It was much easier to knock the opponent away to a place where he could not return for a while than to kill the opponent directly.

But at the same time as he waved his fist, nine blue streams of light merged into one behind him, carrying an extremely cold aura, and hit his back.

Although it was disgraceful to injure someone with a hidden arrow, the strength shown by Jose made Huang Zhong have to be cautious. Even Dian Wei would be knocked away. There is no doubt that the opponent's strength has exceeded the scope of human beings. Face this enemy. Melee combat is undoubtedly seeking death, no matter how skilled you are. If someone punches you directly, if you can't dodge it, you will die.

Jose, who was hit, actually staggered a bit, and his turning movements seemed a little stiff, because of the power armor he was wearing. After all, it was done in a hurry. Strength and speed are available, but flexibility and reliability are quite lacking.

Especially this kind of three-no product has not undergone extreme testing at all. When encountering some extreme environments, problems will obviously occur in the working state.

The ultra-low temperature created by Huang Zhong's arrows caused problems in many equipment.

This scene was also seen by Guan Yu who flew back, and he immediately mobilized the cloud energy, turned into the form of ice, and chopped it down. Huang Zhong also used his legion talent to strengthen the power of frost for this legion attack.

Huang Zhong's talent itself is to make the soldiers' attacks have the effect of freezing the enemy. It is even more outstanding when used for blessing in legion attacks.

"Use the power of the legion? Do you think you are the only one who can?" The cloud burned behind Jose and turned into raging flames, rising into the sky and burning up the legion attack with frozen power almost instantly.

Compared with creating low temperatures, it is much less difficult to create high temperatures. Whether it is using chemical energy or using various energies for conversion, raising the temperature of an object is often much less difficult than lowering it. After all, everything must follow The theorem of entropy increase, even in the extraordinary world, cannot escape from this law.

"If that's all you have, then I'll leave!" With that said, Jose raised his arm. Huang Zhong was not the only one who could attack from a distance, for a powered armor. Installing ranged weapons is much easier than increasing melee power.

Highly compressed clouds of gas ejected from the bubbles on his arms, turning into high-speed jets that exceeded the speed of the first universe, and headed straight for Huang Zhong. Opponents who could use long-range attacks were the greatest threat to his evacuation. Especially since this is a guy who has mastered ultra-low temperature attacks.

That kind of freezing power will cause great damage to the original parts inside his armor. If it is hit while flying in the sky, it may crash unluckily. The reliability of Sanwu products is unreliable.

The moment Jose raised his arm, Huang Zhong felt a terrifying threat that made his hair stand on end. It was a fatal danger. If he was hit by something fired from his arm, he would definitely die, not even the scum would be left.

Facts have proved that his intuition was very correct. The moment he discovered that his opponent had the intention to attack, he unleashed all his strength. Huang Zhong, who had white hair, instantly became younger, and his body that originally seemed a little shriveled also expanded instantly. , as if he suddenly looked like he was in his twenties.

While transforming, he kicked his own horse, and with the help of the reaction force, he threw himself down. He narrowly dodged the attack, but there was still a burning pain in his back as the attack grazed his back. A layer of flesh was taken away along with his armor. Looking back at the attack, it seemed that it had no intention of stopping and penetrated a mountain peak in the distance. Flying towards the sky, it seems that it can fly all the way to the sky.

At this time, anyone can understand that the guy in front of him is not a human at all, because it is impossible for a human to be able to do this. Even Lu Bu can only chop off a plasma cannon at most. A human body, And the source of chemical energy that drives the body limits the upper limit of human output. Even if this upper limit can be briefly broken by distorting reality through will, there is a limit to the extent to which it can be improved. In any case, there is no way to compare with those tools designed to unleash attacks.

However, there are always some people who do not believe in evil. The moment Ma Chao realized that the enemy was difficult to deal with, he recalled the memory of Chen Xi using him as a nail gun. At that time, Chen Xi told him that if he encountered an enemy that he could not defeat, he would The weapon in his hand was shot out like a nail. Even if Lu Bu was standing in front of him, he would be beaten half to death. Then Chen Xi was forcibly dragged away by Lu Bu to exchange life experiences.

Out of his trust in the almighty Chen Zichuan, Ma Chao mobilized the cloud energy and converted it into the electrical energy in his body, which converged into the trajectory of the electromagnetic gun and pointed directly at Jose. The power of the entire legion's attack was transformed by him into the output of the electromagnetic gun. The gun shot towards Jose at a speed faster than the high-energy jet just now!

[To be continued]

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