Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,320 Field Magic

The moment the Han army rushed onto the ice, Jose knew what kind of tactics the opponent was using. The opponent obviously wanted to transfer the battlefield to the ice and then start a decisive battle directly on the ice.

Compared with simply destroying the ice surface it constructed, this idea is obvious and more feasible. At least in terms of frontal combat effectiveness, the Han army still has some advantages. Especially the opponent's commander has an outrageous level of ability.

Let the Han army suppress the two million immigrant army with a mere 200,000 people. If we create an opportunity for him to fight head-on, it can still be done, not to mention total annihilation, causing huge losses to him.

But on the ice, it was Jose's home court. Even if all the Han troops were allowed to come to the ice, it would be difficult for them to exert their full strength. Just the fact that they didn't prepare non-slip shoes is fatal enough.

If it's frozen, solid ice is actually not very slippery. Many northerners have the experience of walking on ice in winter. The frozen ice is actually not slippery if there is a layer of snow on the surface. It will look very rough.

But if it is covered with a layer of newly fallen snow on ordinary ice, or if the top layer of the ice melts, the ice will become extremely slippery. Without long-term practice, it will be difficult to stand firm on it. arrive.

On such a venue. Not to mention war horses, even ordinary soldiers have difficulty fighting, and there are only troops like the White Horse Yi Cong that almost ignore the terrain. You can fight on such an ice field.

At the same time that the Han Empire's army rushed up, Jose prepared his legion to attack. When more than half of the Han Empire's army came up, Jose prepared his army to attack. A modest layer of flames swept across the surface of the ice sheet, melting only a small layer of the surface. Plus the water washed up by the waves. The ice suddenly became extremely slippery, and the Han army had no special anti-slip equipment. For a moment, people were on their backs. The problem of slippery soles cannot be solved by being strong in combat. Even among the Xiliang cavalry, many had their horses break their hoofs.

The fallen soldier spent a long time and finally got up. He was touched by someone from behind and fell to the ground again. If not for their amazing defense. Maybe he will be trampled into pulp by the horseshoes of the people behind him.

Even Han Xin had not expected this change. After all, it was the first time for everyone to fight on pure ice. If you don't think about it for a long time in advance, there are really not many methods you can use.

Faced with this situation, Han Xin could only let some soldiers who were not very afraid and had slippery roads to block the counterattack of the immigrant army and give him a chance to reorganize his army.

There are still some armies in the Han Empire that are not afraid of slippery roads. The talent of some soldiers is that they can advance on any terrain. The pressure under their feet is transferred to a large volume under their feet or something, allowing them to even run on the water. Although they are a little uncomfortable on the ice, their combat effectiveness is minimal after all.

It was definitely too late to temporarily replace the soldiers with non-slip shoes. The best way was to freeze the ice to death. Although the frozen ice was still slipperier than ordinary ground, they could still walk normally.

Han Xin immediately transformed the general formation into an ice-type one, and at the same time launched an ultra-low-temperature legion attack on the ice beneath his feet.

But fighting on the enemy's home turf. How can it be so easy? He wanted to freeze the ice under his feet, but that also depends on whether the enemy allows it.

The clouds of the immigrant army are vaster, the energy is more abundant, and the military formations they use are more efficient. The Han Empire has a better understanding of heating and cooling. Still staying on flames and frost, the immigration army directly modifies the speed of thermal motion of molecules.

Fundamentally changing the temperature, even with the same number of people, the Han army would never be able to win if they applied to change the temperature of the ice surface.

As soon as Han Xin froze the ice under his feet, it inexplicably melted again. As a last resort, he could only concentrate the power of the general formation on the soles of the soldiers' feet, so that every time they stepped on it, the soles of their feet would freeze together with the ice. Although this would The speed of the soldiers is reduced, and running consumes more energy, just like running on a pile of glue.

But it is better than being unable to stand firmly or climb up. But in this case, it will be more difficult for the Han army to catch up with the rapidly retreating immigrant army.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the immigrant army has begun to destroy the ice. At the junction of the two fronts, the ice has begun to melt and become thinner and thinner, while the immigrant army's legion attack is ready to go, ready to smash the ice in half at any time. Then he drove half of them and fled quickly.

Even if Han Xin wanted to freeze and strengthen this part of the ice, he couldn't do it. Just keeping the soldiers from slipping would have consumed a lot of cloud gas output. If he continued to invest a lot of cloud gas, the soldiers' overall combat effectiveness would be significantly reduced. By that time, no matter how powerful they are, if there is too much difference in quality and quantity, they will be consumed alive.

A clever woman can't make a meal without rice, and a warrior fairy can't show his abilities if he doesn't have enough soldiers.

Just when the immigration army was about to escape, the sky suddenly became overcast. Many top civil servants of the Han Empire, including Xu Shu, Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Pang Tong, Jia Xu, Li You, etc., all rushed to The energy was invested in the clouds and rain, and almost enough clouds were pulled into the sky to form a storm.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuge Liang activated Lu Su's spiritual talent, and a storm and ice rain fell. Since the opponent can use field magic, the slippery surface, the Han Empire can naturally also use field magic, extremely cold ice rain.

This time the scope of the ice rain was extremely huge. Also fully reinforced. The ice between the two sides. If there are no special circumstances. Even for the immigration army, it is not easy to melt this layer of ice.

In addition, the rain was originally summoned by the Han Empire. Wherever they wanted the rain to be heavier was completely under their control. It can be regarded as forcibly equalizing the control of both parties in terms of low temperature.

No longer needing to worry about the ground at his feet, Han Xin's strong command ability was finally demonstrated again, relying on more elite soldiers. It was easy to divide and surround the soldiers behind the immigration army.

Even if Jose has successfully restored command of the legion, he is even able to launch a physical legion attack. If it is really in the mountains. If the boulders still need to be mined. On the sea surface, huge ice lumps can be created at will, so that the firepower of Jose and the others is even stronger than on land, but they still cannot defeat Han Xin.

The soldiers of the Han Empire are getting bigger and stronger. If the immigration army cannot respond in time, they may suffer heavy losses. And under such a situation, even Han Xin was a little dumbfounded when he saw a ship. The big guy came out.

[To be continued]

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