Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,321 True 7th Generation Ship

The giant battleship, which is more than 300 meters long, is temporarily equipped with propeller propulsion. The super-powerful cloud gas engine makes this battleship faster than the recognition of this era.

The huge size does not affect its flexibility and high speed. The rotating muzzles on the bridge are even more terrifying. Not to mention the huge ballistae, many senior officials of the Han Empire have seen the scene when that perverted thing is launched. Not to mention the inner energy leaving the body, even if it breaks the boundary and is hit, it will be killed instantly.

The power of more than ten times the speed of sound is simply insane. Once it is targeted, there is almost no room for escape.

In addition, there is also a black round barrel. Although I have never seen such a thing, the power of this thing cannot be judged from the pressure brought by the muzzle. It will definitely not be worse than the ballista. Both of them There are a total of twenty-four units in total, and all of them can be rotated to adjust the direction.

As for those smaller machine guns, there are countless of them. Who knows how these things are made? The surface is actually made of steel. Although it is just an iron-clad wood structure due to lack of steel, due to the effect of polymer welding, the layer of Adamant alloy and efficient temperature curing, the defensive power of this thing is even better than that of the real seventh-generation ship in the design. It's even more outrageous, that is, it's the kind of level where even if a nuclear bomb hits the front, it won't necessarily end.

What's more, there are a large number of elite soldiers on this thing. The clouds can form a shield to ensure that ordinary legion attacks and long-range attacks cannot affect the warship.

And this thing is now rapidly approaching the ice where the two sides are fighting. More than twenty cannon muzzles have turned and fired shells towards the junction of the two sides.

Boom boom boom!

The super-high-speed shells left brilliant trajectories in the air, and the ice connecting the two sides was shattered. None of the Han soldiers who were hit were dead, and many horses that had no time to brake rushed directly into the sea. Then the ice surface was turned into a pulp due to the sudden collision.

The two pieces of ice that were exploded did not separate instantly. Instead, it will sway under the trend of the waves. If it is caught in the gap in the ice at this time, there is no possibility of survival at all. Tens of thousands of tons is not enough to describe the fraction of the squeezing force. Dian Wei may fall into it. Will be pinched to death.

Although the power of the legion is terrifying, it is still far behind the natural power in this world. Seeing that the two sides are disconnected at the same time. The heavy guns on the battleships were aimed in the direction of the Han Empire.

A large number of battleships began to appear behind the true seventh-generation ships. Although these were wooden sail battleships, many of which had just been built and had not even had time to warm up, they were all equipped with powerful attack ballistae. Theoretically, as long as the crossbow is large enough and made of strong materials, its power will be no worse than that of artillery. It is a kinetic energy weapon.

Hundreds of warships were covering the Han army with a burst of firepower. The range of the warships was much farther than the legion's attack.

Han Xin didn't expect it at all. This new form of warfare. in his memory. The people on the boat can only let the archers shoot arrows at most, and the shots will be inaccurate due to the shaking of the water. The attack range is even smaller than on land.

Who would have thought that there was only a small dot on the horizon. The attack has already come. This kind of beyond visual range attack generally requires extremely rare elite talents. Even in the entire Han Empire, there are not many such legions. Even in the entire world, the only over-the-horizon legions that can be used are the Changshui Camp of the Han Empire and the Peacock Crossbow Legion of the Kushan Empire.

When generals in this era encounter problems that cannot be solved, they usually think of choosing appropriate talents. However, no one has ever thought that the trajectory of long-range attacks can be adjusted not only by relying on talents purely based on feeling. It can also be estimated by calculation. Whether it is a bow, arrow or cannonball, after it occurs, it will ultimately be a parabola. Even if it is affected by air resistance, its trajectory and landing point can be calculated. Therefore, even if not all warships are equipped with radar, they can still roughly cover the location of the Han army with firepower.

This time the fire coverage severely damaged the morale of the Han army, but the casualties were not serious. On the one hand, it's because the distance is too far. Many battleships missed the target. On the other hand, it is also because after all, there are only a few hundred battleships and less than a thousand heavy guns, so the firepower density is not particularly outrageous. Soldiers of this era have extremely high defense capabilities. If not a direct hit. Simply being hit by the explosion shock wave will not necessarily kill you, so a round of firepower will kill hundreds of people, but this is a devastating blow to morale.

The most feared thing in war is that the enemy can hit us, but we have no way to fight back. Even if the casualties are not very high, it will make the soldiers feel fear and powerlessness. Originally, the Han army wanted to use a large number of hooks to grab the immigrants. The army was on the ice, but under the interference of artillery fire, the number of hook locks fired at the same time was obviously not enough, and they were directly broken by the terrifying pulling force.

Just when Han Xin was in a panic, a group of two-winged white horses suddenly appeared in the sky. After Zhao Yun confirmed Ma Yunlu's safety, he immediately led the white horses to attack.

These flying guys. It is truly the greatest advantage of the Han Empire on the sea in the history of the earth. It was the aircraft carrier that made obsolete the huge battleships of World War II.

Nowadays, although there is no aircraft carrier, Baima Yicong is definitely the best carrier-based aircraft. Forming flying formations in the sky. When approaching the enemy warship, they immediately dived and, with a hundred people in a group, launched a legion attack on the warship in the water.

Shields were immediately raised on the surface of each warship. While defending against the legion's attack, anti-aircraft machine guns also began to roar and fired wildly into the sky. Some Baima Yicong were shot down, and some warships had their shields shattered and sunk.

Only the true seventh-generation ship remained unscathed and continued to pour out crazy firepower. The first confrontation between carrier-based aircraft and battleships ended with the battleship slightly gaining the upper hand.

However, those warships that were not properly maintained suffered heavy losses. After one attack, dozens of warships were sunk.

Baima Yi also suffered more than 300 casualties from this side, which was considered a very serious loss for a legion of 6,000 people.

However, there is nothing that can be done about the seventh-generation ship of Baima Yicong, and the fleet group also encountered troubles that cannot be solved. I bought Wushuang Zhao Yun. After coming to Wushuang, Zhao Yun's personal combat power is simply unbelievable, and he can even connect the shield with one blow. Hammering the ship into the sea together, if the immigration army didn't need to consider practical issues, they would have been defeated by such a god-like figure.

[To be continued]

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