Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,322: The Road to Robbery of Food

Cheng Ying is among Zhao Yun's white horse followers. He doesn't need to be too conspicuous. The white horse with new equipment is already strong enough. On such a large battlefield, it is difficult to expose his identity without using his trump card. play a decisive role.

He just led his flight formation to look for updrafts to climb to a higher altitude and look for other warships.

Cheng Ying's idea is completely different from others, because the strategic purposes of the two sides are different. What the Han Empire wants is to defeat its opponents and then capture as many enemy troops as possible. These were once the subjects of the Han Empire, and their population dropped by five. The blow brought by one million is absolutely fatal.

Only labor can create wealth. If five million people are gone at once, the national strength may be reduced by more than 10%. Naturally, we must find ways to keep these people.

However, Cheng Ying knows very well that these people have been completely brainwashed, and it is impossible to rescue them. Even if they seem to change their minds, they have captured a group of moles. The recognition of the master deep in the consciousness cannot be erased, at least. It was impossible with the technological level of the Han Empire.

Cheng Ying's purpose is to kill as many effective members of the immigration army as possible. To put it bluntly, it means killing people. Although it is a bit cruel, it is nothing compared to the damage that Jose's plan may cause.

What Jose wants to do is probably to die with him, and if he wants to kill him with indiscriminate attacks, he may even cause the extinction of surface life.

From a tactical perspective, Jose's mentality is undoubtedly more suitable for the world of chess, and even the mentality of many candidates participating in the battle is more suitable for this battlefield than Cheng Ying. However, due to the advantages in hard qualities, no one has won so far.

Although Cheng Ying is a little more indecisive and sometimes gives up certain combat opportunities due to ethics and many other factors, this does not affect the overall situation. After all, the chess game world is a temporary product created by the contained objects. In terms of having the ability to kill the opponent, he Still won't show mercy.

The easiest way to weaken Jose is not to kill people. Even if a brainwashed person is faced with a desperate situation, they will not close their eyes and wait for death. They will definitely fight to the death. Facing such an opponent, it is difficult to kill them all. It's too big. Not to mention five million people with simple weapons, even five million pigs cannot be killed in a short time.

The best way to eliminate the opponent's vitality is to find the opponent's supplies, that is, there are often food robbery routes in the strategy. After all, the army has to eat and drink. Without food and grass, it can't survive by drinking the northwest wind!

At sea, there is not only a problem with food and grass, but also many factors such as fresh water need to be considered. Without sufficient supplies, five million people will suffer heavy losses in a few days.

The counselors of the Han army did not adopt this method. The reason is very simple. People who have been brainwashed do not need to consider morale. Even if the news of the lack of food and grass is known to everyone, no one will have the idea of ​​​​surrender.

This can be seen from the first few prisoners brought back.

Cutting off the supply of food and grass cannot reduce the combat effectiveness of the immigrant army at all, and there is no way to make them have the idea of ​​​​surrender. It may even cause the opponent to fight against the odds and cause greater casualties.

Therefore, the Han army's strategy has always been to defeat the enemy on the frontal battlefield, and then capture as many enemy troops as possible. If possible, even ensure the survival of more effective enemy troops.

This is different from Cheng Ying in terms of strategic purpose. Therefore, what Cheng Ying is looking for is the opponent's supply ship. This may indeed cause Jose to suspect his identity, but Zhao Yun is behind it. At most, he suspects that someone has given Zhao Yun an idea. , without suspecting that Chengying is hiding in Baima Yicong.

As for the explanation of the Han Empire, it can be attributed to the need to attack the enemy. The allusion of besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao has existed since ancient times. This is a very reasonable reason to contain the enemy's navy by attacking the opponent's food and fodder. As for why all the food and grass on the opposite side were burned, it can only be said to be an accident.

After all, we have already flown over, so we can’t really stop burning, right? Is that still true? Even if Wei didn't save Zhao, if he could really capture the capital, would he not do it?

After flying to an altitude of thousands of meters, Cheng Ying finally found Jose's hidden supply fleet. The sea was too vast and there were no obstacles to cover it, so it became very difficult to hide it.

With the flying speed of Baima Yicong, it was very easy to catch up with the enemy's supply ship. Each of their war horses was filled with kerosene. They had set fires so many times before, and now they were naturally familiar with it.

But just as they swooped in front of these improvised ships that had not yet heard anything, a layer of shield blocked them.

Each battleship has its own shield. When all the battleships are united, they have a common shield. If the fire is directly released, there is no way to burn the ship.

After hitting the shield, Cheng Ying led Baima Yi to raise the altitude. Although these warships temporarily added shields to make up for the lack of materials, the strength of the shields could not be compared with the strength of the army. Compare.

Although Cheng Ying only had a thousand men, it was not difficult to break the shield. I saw them swooping down fiercely, Cheng Ying controlling the legion's attack to twist into a cone shape, covering the sharp arrow array with him as the front.

The way it forms in the sky is completely different from anything on the ground. The ground is a two-dimensional plane. So just make a triangle shape, but in the sky. The formation becomes an inverted cone.

It was like a funnel falling from the sky. The white horse that forms the funnel is circling from everyone, leading to this funnel. Drill-like patterns appeared on the surface, spinning rapidly forward, and the air flow was driven by them, turning into tornadoes and covering them.

Such a formation will undoubtedly greatly enhance the attack power of the legion. When it was about to fall from the sky and hit the shield, Chengying directly summoned Shenxiang with him and attached the enhancement to his subordinates.

Relying on the body to rush through the shield, hitting the high speed of Baima Yicong, unless it is an almost invincible defense like the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, otherwise it will definitely die miserably. If you don't want to smash yourself into a piece of rotten flesh, then We can only strengthen our strength as much as possible.

After the strengthening of Shenxiang comes to everyone. The entire legion has reached the point where all members have practiced Qi and become a gang. Thirty-six inner Qi have left the body, and three world-breaking ones have served as the vanguard. The combat power burst out in an instant has increased by more than ten times, fiercely. It hit the shield.

[To be continued]

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