Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,323 Air Raid

The strength that was increased in an instant was shattered in an instant. The shields of others also protected the safety of Baima Yicong, allowing them to withstand the impact of the collision by relying on the temporarily increased strength.

If the shield is lifted, it can be restored quickly, but if it is directly broken, it will take quite a while to restore.

Cheng Ying wanted to take advantage of the time when the shield did not recover to destroy the enemy's supplies as much as possible. If there are not enough supplies to maintain on the ocean, the casualties will be quite heavy.

Even with some black technology, seawater can be purified and used as fresh water. If you want to popularize and use it on a large scale, you will also need a lot of materials to produce water purifiers. Although organic biotechnology is also a feasible technological route. But for humans, organic matter is always more difficult to control than metal. Without any scientific and technological foundation, I want to create popular organic scientific and technological products. The difficulty is quite great.

Just drinking water and food will become a huge problem. Although the marine biological resources of this era are rich, there are even large groups of whales. Whaling can feed a large population. But the scale of five million is really too big, enough to turn a large area of ​​sea into nothing in a short period of time.

However, compared to the problems of drinking water and housing, which are relatively easy to solve, living on the ocean is not an easy task. Just imagine what it's like to live on a boat all the time, in such a huge number. It is impossible to live on a boat or on the ice all the time. They must either find evidence of an island or build a floating island on the sea themselves, both of which require considerable resources.

In addition, they also need to consider many issues, such as vitamin supply. These ships carrying supplies carry a large amount of bean sprouts. This thing can be regarded as one of the simplest ways to supplement vitamins in the ocean. It is much easier to carry than fresh fruit.

If these things were burned and sunk in the sea, there would be so many people trying to find them in the vast ocean. Sufficient sources of vitamins for survival are definitely not an easy task.

Although artificial synthesis can be done, if you want to do it on such a large scale, you will need a lot of materials to make equipment. There are many kinds of needs, and Jose wants to put his plan into practice. The supplies needed are undoubtedly more. Without basic metal resources, it would take too long to start from scratch and develop biomass technology.

This is not to say that there are no metal minerals in the ocean. There is no doubt that there must be metal minerals in the ocean, which accounts for 70% of the planet's area. However, as can be seen from today's human mining, minerals in the ocean are more difficult to mine than on land. Even if it is mined, it is difficult to refine. Compared with land, it is more difficult to extract carbon as a reducing agent in the ocean, and metals submerged in seawater are also more likely to oxidize.

The flowing seawater makes it difficult for these minerals to be concentrated and deposited, causing huge trouble for mining. The huge pressure on the seabed makes mining extremely difficult without many supporting facilities such as diving bells.

The seabed is even colder and lacks light. If there are not enough initial materials as the first pot of gold for development, the development speed will be very slow.

By that time, Cheng Ying would have climbed to a high position in the Han Empire and developed the empire's national power to the point where it could easily crush the world. By then, even if Jose had his plans, there would be nothing he could do about it.

Because of this, Cheng Ying had no mercy at all when he started setting fire. Not only was Arson in the enhanced state of the arrival of Shenxiang, but the white horse Yi Cong under his command was in an almost indestructible state. The cone-shaped military formation they formed. Rampage through Fleet Street like a drill.

The huge material transport ship was cut in half by them, causing sawdust to fly. There is no doubt that it will sink in the ocean, as long as it is a battleship washed by them. No one is immune. These big guys, whose materials are not warm enough, rely on the strength of the wood itself, and they already need to take huge risks just to travel in the sea. Maybe a storm could sink them. Not to mention this horrific attack.

As a fleet escort, the warship tried to attack Baima Yicong. The machine guns on the ship roared. Under normal circumstances, Baima Yicong would have to hide at high altitude to avoid the anti-aircraft machine gun fire. Large-caliber bullets pose a great threat to Baima Yicong. After all, they are not a military unit that is good at defense.

However, the white horse Yi Cong under Cheng Ying's command are different from the regular soldiers. They may not be good at defense, but after strengthening their strength, everyone has reached the level of Qi Qi. With the blessing of legion cloud energy, even if you are not good at defense, relying on the defense power of your body muscles, ordinary bullets will be difficult to damage, even the weakest one will not be hit more than ten times in a row. Suffering multiple injuries.

Therefore, they almost ignored the fire attack of the battleship. Unbridled rampage and arson, targeting those warships with the largest carrying capacity. In a dozen breaths, a dozen warships sank. Baima Yicong's speed is really too fast. It can penetrate many battleships in one turn. The sea was divided into a ravine due to their flight.

The fleet here, which was being ravaged by the White Horse Yi Cong, immediately issued an alarm. Request main battleship support. For a time, the fleet that was attacking the Han Empire army had to change the direction of the muzzle. Fire warning shots in the direction of Baima Yicong. As for fire coverage, that is impossible. The size of Baima Yicong is too small, much smaller than ordinary carrier-based aircraft. If you want to rely on the battleship, it is almost impossible for the main gun shells to hit. This is simply the same as hitting a mosquito with a cannon. Not only is it a problem of overkill, but also the size of the mosquito makes it almost impossible to aim the cannon.

The fleet that was performing an attack mission had to turn around, hoping that the supply fleet could delay as much time as possible before it could complete its return to defense and ensure that more supplies would not be destroyed.

When Zhao Yun saw what I was doing, he naturally cooperated with all his strength and cooperated with Chengying to delay the return fleet. Although the strategic goal of the Han Empire was not to destroy the enemy's supplies, there was a chance to destroy them and to contain the enemy forces. fleet, so why not?

Now without the support of the fleet, the main force of the immigrant army was entangled again, and the previous rope was torn apart by the huge force of the ice. This time, the Han army directly threw the iron ropes. Although it was still not enough to hold the huge ice surface, as the seawater between the iron locks froze, these chains were like steel bars, tightly connecting the two ice surfaces. together.

[To be continued]

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