Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,324 Calling for Support

Because in this Three Kingdoms era, with the involvement of a time traveler like Chen Xi, some people already knew the strength of reinforced concrete materials, so some people came up with the idea of ​​using ice-wrapped iron chains to build the platform under their feet.

In fact, even if it is not an iron chain but just an ordinary rope or bamboo, it can greatly improve the strength of the ice surface. The ice surface after this processing. It is difficult to break unless melted to a very thin level.

This greatly weakened the immigrant army's advantage in controlling the terrain, and the connection was just barely broken. After being picked up again, the Han army once again entangled with the immigrant army. After finding the enemy commander again, the Han army's purpose became very clear, that is, to kill or even capture the enemy commander alive.

Although these people have been brainwashed, they are not necessarily hopeless. Perhaps they can recover by killing those they are loyal to. Even if you can't do it, you can still ask for a solution after catching their coach. This is always easier than doing a little research on your own.

Moreover, the difference in numbers between the two sides is really too big. Even if the commander is Han Xin, it is unrealistic to defeat more than 4 million people who are under orders with just the few people on hand.

That's right, the number of opponents of the Han army has not only not decreased, but has increased. Those who used to be crazy about building ships in the factory. Now they all picked up crude weapons and gathered into the army of immigrants.

There are less than one million people left as the navy driving warships to transport supplies, which is the group of people entangled by the White Horse Yi Cong.

Han Xin is still confident that this difference in numbers of twenty at a time can be solved if it is to defeat stragglers. The problem is that the opponent is not a straggler at all, but an order and prohibition. This is something that many elite troops cannot do, although the physical quality of these people determines It is difficult for them to produce talents, but relying on tacit cooperation and unswerving implementation of orders, they can fight in single combat with the same number and the same level of command. There are many talented elites in the Han army who are even bigger than others.

Such an outrageous army, coupled with a commander on the opposite side who, although not particularly talented, has devilishly powerful calculations. Even if Han Xin is a soldier, it is unrealistic to defeat his opponent head-on, because this is an army that will not collapse. It has been tested in battles before, and these people have been brainwashed to a certain extent. Everyone can make the final stand of the battle rope.

This troublesome will to fight means that if the king is not captured first, even if they are captured, they must be knocked unconscious first. Han Xin also knows that the gap in hard power between the two sides is a bit big, so he can only adopt decapitation tactics.

Moreover, beheading tactics are also extremely difficult. It would be ridiculous if the enemy leader can activate a mecha. Zhao Yun, the only one who can restrain his opponent, has to contain the enemy's navy. Otherwise, if the true seventh-generation ship is allowed to cover the firepower, the Han army will be very Morale must be weakened first.

The only possibility to capture the opponent's leader is to let the trapped camp and Xiliang cavalry surround the opponent's leader, even at the expense of the power of the military soul.

Forcibly besieging the opponent's coach to death, only the Army Soul Legion can be without fear of being crushed by mechas.

Han Xin calculated the time when he could come, and found it very tricky. Even if he wanted to plan for that situation, it would be even more difficult. He just lacked someone who could challenge the opponent's coach like the incomparable Zhao Yun. Strong general.

Those present, unless Guan Yu and Dian Wei can combine to make up for each other's disadvantages, it will be difficult to even contain the mecha-powered attackers.

Just as Han Xin was thinking about several dangerous plans, which even included exposing himself to create a first-level kill opportunity for the enemy commander, he could use it as a bait to destroy the opponent.

If Zhang Ren was conscious, he would definitely have something to say mmp. What Han Xin believes in is not his own body at all. Naturally, there is no need to be afraid of this kind of bait tactic. At worst, he will be hacked to death. He is an immortal anyway. If he dies, it will be the same. The one who summoned him dies.

Suddenly, a golden light flew from the sky. Looking from a distance, you can see that he was wearing a purple gold crown with three prongs on his head, a Xichuan red cotton hundred-flower robe on his body, an animal-faced head-swallowing chain armor, and a belt tied around his waist. The armor is exquisite, the lion is wearing a wild belt, a bow and arrow are carried with him, a painted halberd is in hand, and a red rabbit horse sits down and neighs in the wind!

It was Lu Bu who came!

Time goes back to the beginning of the battle. Lu Bu, who was stepping on a kangaroo with a bruised nose and swollen face, picked off a fruit that contained the essence of heaven and earth, and was about to go home and let Diao Chan eat it. When he saw a rainbow light flying from the sky, he casually Then he caught the rainbow light.

The powerful consciousness of God has already distorted reality, and he was able to capture even the incorporeal projection.

This projection was naturally thrown by Chengying, and it finally flew to Australia. After flying around in the sky, he finally found Lu Bu. When Lu Bu regained Binzhou, he was possessed by the thousand-year consciousness of the Great Wall, turning Langjuxu Mountain into a lake, and finally even into a broken void. Everyone thought he had ascended.

But in fact, he just completed a space jump and came to Australia. It's just that there are no humans living here at all. The primitive man had been exterminated by the swarms of kangaroos here, so much so that he and Diao Chan thought they had ascended to the fairy world. He just lived a secluded life in Australia quietly.

Lived there for so many years. I have never even seen a living person, and I just had a fight with Guishuang not long ago. I knew that this was not a fairyland, and by the way, I saved Gan Ning's life. Some time ago, he was trying to find the location of the Han Empire. However, because I am a road addict and do not know how to look at the stars to identify the direction, and the stars in the southern hemisphere are different from those in the northern hemisphere, I can't even find the North Star. So after flying around, I couldn't find where the Han Empire was?

At this time, if you encounter someone flying from the sky, of course you have to catch him and ask him. If this person knows how to get to the Han Empire, then you can naturally catch him and use him as a guide.

Cheng Ying's projection was naturally impossible to be Lu Bu's opponent, and he was caught easily.

"Who are you?" Seeing that Cheng Ying's body was illusory, just like those immortals made of energy bodies, Lu Bu suddenly felt murderous intent. He had had quite a feud with the immortals before. If Cheng Ying couldn't make a concession, If he was satisfied with the answer, then he would probably kill the man on the spot.

Cheng Ying didn't care about Lu Bu's tone. He knew Lu Bu's character very well before he came. At least in this book, Lu Bu's character was quite bad. To a certain extent, it was not an exaggeration to say that he acted wantonly, but in this strong man In the world of Weizun, you can indeed do whatever you want with your strength.

He didn't talk nonsense immediately. He simply said that he was an immortal who protected someone. Now there was a fierce war in the Han Empire. There were millions of people participating in the war, and there were so many powerful people fighting there. He also Not talking about the players, I just described the battlefield and showed Lu Bu the scene of Wushuang Zhao Yun fighting.

[To be continued]

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