Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,325 God Lu Bu

Cheng Ying didn't say anything about asking for help. He knew very well that the top generals in the world were all fighting madmen. If Lu Bu heard about such a fierce battle in the Han Empire, there was no way he wouldn't feel it.

Especially when Lu Bu saw Zhao Yun's unparalleled strength, he burst out with a strong fighting spirit. Zhao Yun, who had experienced a life-and-death battle like Changban Slope, has now completely surpassed Lu Bu in all aspects.

Just looking at the power shown in this battle scene, Lu Bu could feel the power of the unparalleled Zhao Yun. He would feel uncomfortable if he did not fight such a powerful opponent.

Since someone in the Central Plains has surpassed him during the time he left, he must become stronger. Lu Bu is invincible in the world, relying on this invincible mentality. Even if Zhao Yun is stronger than him now, he does not think that he will lose to Zhao Yun in a fight. Strength is one thing, winning or losing is another. To say that Zhao Yun's hard power has always been stronger than Lu Bu's, it can even be said that no one in this world can surpass Zhao Yun in terms of various qualities, but Lu Bu was able to overpower Zhao Yun back then.

Although it is currently in a state of war, it is not easy for him to take action against his own people. But Zhao Yun’s opponent is also very strong! Although he has been made of metal all his life, and his strength is not an individual's combat power, that thing can at least be used in a one-on-one fight. He, Lu Bu, still didn't believe that he, the most powerful general, would lose to a dead thing.

Although Cheng Ying strongly disagrees with this view, although tools are dead objects, it is normal for them to be more powerful than the human body's potential. But now, the only one who can compete with the three incompetent mechas is Lu Bu.

And this guy is just like the protagonist, he can often get stronger as he fights. There seems to be no upper limit to his combat power. When he encounters strength, he becomes stronger. You can expect him to have good results. After all, after the mecha is manufactured, it is basically impossible to become stronger in battle. At most, the parts will become stronger through the running-in between them. Fit.

But this kind of improvement is actually quite limited, and the extent to which it can be improved is completely up to chance. It's like when a TV is broken, it will usually get better if you knock it twice, but maybe one day it will be completely broken after knocking it twice. .

Faced with Lu Bu, who is getting more and more courageous as he fights, it would be very difficult for Jose to come.

Back on the battlefield, Lu Bu, led by the immortal in Cheng Ying's disguise, took less than an hour to fly to the battlefield. He happened to see it. Han Xin was thinking of ways to chase and intercept the machine man without even thinking about it. , and rushed forward on a red rabbit horse.

Red Rabbit is also one of the few mounts that can keep up with the acceleration of a machine. Even when fighting alongside Lu Bu, it can provide him with a strength bonus.

Then he saw Lu Bu holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, which turned into a stream of red light and fell from the sky, slashing at the mecha.

But without thinking about the other party, he just raised his arm, and a shield generator started to operate, forming a bubble-like shield.

Just like that, he blocked his attack.

Only after fighting in person did he realize how terrifying strength Zhao Yun had shown before. He could actually smash this thing away, or even spin it up and smash a mountain into pieces. The power required for this was something that Lu Bu couldn't do at the moment.

However, as the benchmark of the Han Empire's top combat power, Lu Bu is worthy of being Lu Bu. Although his attack was frustrated, he was not discouraged at all. He rode a red rabbit horse to avoid the attack of the mecha.

Red Rabbit is essentially flying, so he doesn't have to worry about the ice. Jose, on the other hand, is also frowning. He received the news that the supply fleet was attacked, and it was difficult to judge for a while whether it was Cheng Ying who led it. Attack, but judging from the immediate losses, although the resources are still enough to feed so many people, if we want to quickly form productivity, I am afraid that at least about 30% will have to be abandoned.

Therefore, as long as he takes away a small number of people, it is possible to complete his plan, but there is no doubt that the more people he can take away, the better. If he only takes away tens of thousands of people, it is likely that the plan has not been implemented yet. After completion, it had been wiped out by the rapidly developing navy of the Han Empire.

At this time, a general who was difficult to deal with suddenly ran over, which really made him a little irritated. He failed to hit the opponent with several consecutive attacks. He immediately called for artillery fire coverage, and several warships immediately carried out coverage bombing here.

The soldiers of the immigration army evaded, but Jose refused to hide. Even if the mecha didn't turn on its shield, it could still withstand the artillery fire by relying on its armor, but the opponent was just flesh and blood. No matter how superb his martial arts, he was defeated. A frontal hit from a heavy artillery will result in serious injuries.

As expected, Lu Bu had to retreat and block. At the same time, Jose also made up his mind to give up a considerable number of people. Since these people were brought back and were a burden, they would be used as cannon fodder.

First of all, it is the old, weak, sick and disabled. Jose is not a charity, and he does not need to talk about caring for people. He only needs to be responsible for his own civilization. Therefore, his only goal is victory. Natural selection is extremely ruthless. If the old, weak, sick and disabled are used as cannon fodder and still cannot completely weaken the enemy, then there will be women who have lost their fertility, and then women over thirty-five years old. People with reduced thinking ability.

In any case, only young adults, children with normal intelligence, and young women with childbearing potential will be retained in the end. Some of these people can engage in heavy physical labor, some are quick-thinking and can quickly accept cram-feeding education, and some are just things. Don't use it as the fuel for a comeback later.

Jose knew very well that if his plan could not be completed within one generation, it would be difficult to win. So he is to the next generation. Or for reproduction, the emphasis is quite low. Retaining some women is just as fire fuel. If the plan fails, he can also move to other continents and try to make a comeback. After all, no matter how desperate the situation is, he will not admit defeat.

After making these decisions, he handed over the command to the lower levels. From the situation of the battle just now, it cannot be seen that the Han Empire wanted to implement beheading tactics. If you want to ensure the evacuation of your army, you must leave enough cannon fodder on the one hand. On the other hand, he needs to stay as a bait, so when he stays, he needs to delegate command to others.

Although it is very risky to do so, Jose has prepared many backup plans, even if the situation is unfavorable. He can guarantee that too. At least 30% of the people can retreat successfully. He will leave by force when the time comes. Even if the extremely powerful Zhao Yun came to stop him just now, it would not be easy to stop him.

Just as he was thinking about this, he suddenly felt that the mecha he was driving was spinning. Through the monitor, he saw that Lu Bu had transformed into a golden-armored giant as tall as his mecha: "Scum! Is it enough to hide in the iron shell and be in a daze?"

[To be continued]

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