Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,326 Losing soldiers to protect commanders

Jose expected that the chief would find all kinds of troublesome and powerful people to help. After all, it can be seen from past intelligence that his palm is best at using strength in chess games, which will achieve a considerable degree of success in the short term. Advantage.

But he didn't expect that his chief could actually find two such perverted opponents in a row. If these two people could really listen to the chief's opinions and besiege him wholeheartedly regardless of the state of the war, then they could even It kills directly.

Fortunately, borrowed power obviously cannot be completely controlled. The two people were just pulled into the camp that was hostile to him and did not need to obey the leader's orders. Even the leader's identity was still difficult to determine.

Jose controlled the mecha and got up again. When he saw the huge Fang Tian Hua Ji crashing down on his head, he saw a stack of shields forming above his head, blocking Fang Tian's Hua Ji. The armor on the chest cracked, revealing a huge muzzle.

The huge body allows it to install higher-power kinetic energy weapons. Before the technology improves to a certain level, kinetic energy weapons are undoubtedly the most efficient among weapons of the same magnitude. Although there are many shortcomings such as the need to carry ammunition, it will be high-strength. Cannonballs made of alloy. Launched at dozens of times the speed of sound, the power is absolutely reliable.

Even when faced with plasma cannons, he was not afraid at all. To some extent, attacks from kinetic energy weapons could even restrain Lu Bu's plasma cannons.

After all, the principle of Lu Bu's plasma cannon is to first convert huge kinetic energy into plasma and then release it. This conversion process undoubtedly means that the kinetic energy of the plasma cannon he rubs will be greatly weakened.

Faced with a physical cannonball propelled by electromagnetic force, chemical energy and cloud gas, the cannonball can be vaporized at such a short distance even at high temperatures. There is not enough momentum to offset. The high-temperature plasma will also be kicked back, just like being blown back by a terrifying hurricane. Even Lu Bu needs to face the terrifying damage of high temperature.

The heavy artillery close to the face made Lu Bu in the form of a god feel embarrassed for a while. It was really unwise to compete with the machine for power. Unless he was like Zhao Yun, one person could have the internal energy reserves of an entire legion. Otherwise, It is really thankless to just rely on oneself to continuously increase the combat effectiveness, and to compete with the energy consumption of the machine that may rely on the river dam to win the function.

Lu Bu also realized that the person in front of him was a monster with infinite strength, so he always believed that using force to overcome skill was the true meaning of fighting, but it did not mean that his skills were inferior. In terms of martial arts, he is definitely one of the best in the world.

But this time his opponent made it difficult for him to use many of his skills. The joints of a robot are different from those of a human body. Although there are joint locks that imitate the human body under normal circumstances, anti-joint movements can be achieved when necessary. For example, just thinking about the machine's head can rotate 360 ​​degrees. Even an owl cannot achieve such an outrageous rotation.


This mecha has no head and was hammered to pieces by Zhao Yun before.

In combat, many techniques against humanoid enemies. Face this kind of enemy that can make anti-joint movements. Instead, you will put yourself in danger. But Lu Bu became more courageous as he fought. After being hit hard by several mistakes, there was actually no decline at all. The broken song of the gods actually exploded with stronger combat power than before. Zhao Yun has begun to get closer to untying his inner shackles.

"It's really troublesome! We can't continue to struggle with him. The troops in the rear have been divided. It's time for me to retreat. If we continue to struggle with him, the guy with the white horse and the silver gun will also take action after a while. Then I think It will be difficult to walk." Thinking of this, Jose threw a large number of metal balls fiercely.

This thing was modified from a soul bomb. After being thrown out, these metal balls began to quickly absorb the luck of both the enemy and ourselves. It quickly became brighter. The cloud energy on both sides was significantly weakened by the absorption of the pile of metal balls.

This makes Yun Qi's ability to suppress top generals even worse. Lu Bu originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to explode with stronger power and kill the metal lump in front of him in one fell swoop.

But he didn't expect each of these metal balls to release a terrifying explosion. A big hole was blown out of the ice in the continuous explosions.

Jose stood on the other side of the big hole and waved to Lu Bu. The headless mecha made this move, which looked very mocking. Just when Lu Bu was about to pursue Han Xin, he was also about to take this opportunity to surround him. when.

A synthesized mechanical voice came from the mecha: "Goodbye! No! Farewell! Everyone!"

When he finished saying this, Han Xin realized something was wrong. When they rushed onto the ice, they had always ignored one problem. Although in order to stop them, the immigration army spared no effort to make the ice beneath their feet melt. . But in the final analysis, the Han Empire's army is treading on ice. They were all frozen by the immigration army’s military formation! What the Han army did was to forcefully hold these ice blocks in place so that they would not melt and break.

In other words, if they freeze the ice, they will already have a backup plan. It has now been chased four or five kilometers out of the sea. The Han army, whose entire army was on the ice, might have fallen into the enemy's trap, and might be completely annihilated.

At this time, Han Xin also realized the danger. The enemy used nearly a million troops, disguised as infants as the main force. It was divided and surrounded by the Han army. The remaining people have been completely separated from these people, and some open spaces have even been left between the two sides.

But now I realized something was wrong. It was too late. The huge mecha clenched its fist fiercely, and at the same time said in the loudspeaker: "I also want to thank the chief's wife for developing the soul skill! Without this ice blast skill, it would be difficult for even me to improve it in a short time. Come up with this move!"

Even Cheng Ying, who was far away from Baima Yi, could not help but feel cold in his heart. He knew very well what the Ice Explosion Technique was. Although the Ice Emperor did not know this technique at the beginning, with the development of Tulip's scientific research ability, She has already learned the ice jade scorpion's signature skill, the ability to detonate ice!

If it is an ordinary ice surface, the power of the explosion will make it difficult for the ice surface to crack on its own, but if it is ice injected with ice explosion technology, it will cause a terrifying explosion. If the frozen object contains a huge amount of With soul power, the explosion will be even more violent!

Although the world here does not have soul power, cloud energy can also be used through similar methods. If the ice that the Han army walked through before was injected with the cloud energy of the ice blast technique...

[To be continued]

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