Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,327 Big Ice Explosion

At this time, it's too late to say anything. The power of ice blast depends entirely on the supernatural power that penetrates into the frozen object. The armies of both sides have been fighting for such a long time. The Han Empire even wanted to strengthen the ice. Prevent your opponent from escaping. A large amount of cloud gas was temporarily used to warm the ice underfoot.

These supernatural powers injected into it will become the nourishment for the explosion of ice blast, and this explosion does not need to be very powerful. Just blast all the ice beneath their feet. That was a devastating blow to the Han army.

A legion that has not reached the miraculous level will be absolutely catastrophic if they suddenly fall into the icy ocean. They cannot use their will to distort reality, and most of them just float on the water.

The near-zero icy water can even kill ordinary people in the real world within a few seconds, even if the soldiers in this world are stronger. Fall into this ice water. It’s also difficult to hold on for ten minutes.

To make matters worse, Chen Xi provided excessive logistics to the army, resulting in almost all soldiers wearing plate armor. Heavy plate armor almost covered the whole body. Everything is made of steel. If such a heavy thing falls into the sea, I'm afraid I won't be able to take off the armor by my own strength. It has sunk to the bottom of the sea. Lack of oxygen, low temperature, high pressure, and various harsh environments can kill one of the most elite soldiers in a few minutes.

In such panic conditions, it is almost impossible for clouds to form. It is almost impossible for extraordinary power to help them escape. Such a blow would be even more terrifying than the annihilation of the entire army.

It was too late to say anything at this point, the ice had already begun to burst. Starting from the foot of the Han Empire's army, Han Xin led the Han army to retreat as soon as he realized the problem. However, in order to separate the encirclement, the Han army had become entangled with millions of baits. There is no way to get out in a short time. He could only watch helplessly as he and the enemy fell into the sea. A few in the back row still had time to retreat.

But what made them despair was that the ice surface closest to the coast began to explode, as if it were a bridge connecting the shore. They were blown apart bit by bit from the bridgehead, and they emerged from a peninsula extending from the shore. Became an island in the ocean. But now the old path underfoot is still crumbling inch by inch.

The power of the Ice Explosion Technique is not enough to cause much harm to them, but falling into the sea is fatal to most people.

Han Xin was already aware of this possibility when he was commanding the retreat. In an instant, he almost tried his best to show some of his own understanding of the military formation system, abruptly reversed the effect of the military formation, and used the cloud energy as a stepping stone. The footstones solidified on the sea surface, replacing the broken ice surface, and temporarily became the foothold of some Han Empire troops.

Even so, more than 50,000 troops still fell into the sea. Among these people, only the Xiliang Iron Cavalry under Hua Xiong suddenly burst out with a strong will to survive in the desperate situation and took another step forward in the military spirit army. . It broke through the upper limit of the world and reached a miraculous level, directly distorting the form of itself and the war horse. Merge yourself with the war horse,

It became a twisted form with the upper body of a human and the lower body of an octopus, and actually learned to swim in the ocean.

Of the rest of the troops who fell into the sea, only a handful of strong men survived. Others were thrown into the seabed by heavy armors. Han Xin knew very well how low the probability of those people surviving was, and the value of rescue was almost gone. So he almost immediately issued an almost cold order, which was to drive the military formation with all his strength and freeze the sea under his feet. The temporary foothold formed by clouds will dissipate soon. It is impossible for an army to rely on the support of clouds and fight on the sea like this. Otherwise, it would have to run all the way to pave the way, and there would be no need to step on the frozen ice to pursue.

The freezing of the sea also means that those who fall to the bottom of the sea, even if they rely on their own strength to forcibly burst out the desire to survive, will face the ice that has blocked their way to survive.

But among the large army, no one will talk to you about humanitarianism. The most important thing is to preserve the main force of the Han army at this time.

Naturally, Jose will not let go of the great situation. This was a situation he had only gained by giving up a large number of people. Even if he could not kill the main force of the Han army in one go, they would still have to pay a heavy price.

Cannonballs hit the sea one after another, the foothold solidified by cloud gas. Smashed by heavy artillery shells and huge ice balls, they were torn apart. A large number of Han troops lost their footing and fell into the sea. But Han Xin did not stop at all from the freezing of the sea below his feet and those who fell. All were frozen directly in the ice. There was almost no chance of survival. If you do this, you may lose a few percent of your troops, but if you don't do this, your entire army will probably be wiped out here.

Those soldiers who were frozen in the ice had almost no chance of survival. This is not the kind of thing in science fiction that can be thawed and resurrected after being frozen. Not everyone is Captain America and can be perfectly resurrected after being a Popsicle for seventy years.

As long as it is not frozen by ultra-low temperature in an instant. Then the water in the human body will show many sharp edges and corners during the crystallization process. Cells in the body are punctured by these edges. More than 90% of the cells will lose their function, and even after thawing, they are still a piece of rotten meat. You can understand the situation by imagining frozen pork. Not only will people not be able to survive after thawing. The picture will be very curious.

Seeing Jose's comeback, Cheng Ying was caught off guard, but a cold light flashed in his eyes: "You are unkind, so don't blame me for being unjust! Thousands of threads are forming! Stand up!"

Cheng Ying knew only too well the shortcomings of the Han Empire in the navy, and in a short period of time. It is difficult to make up for this shortcoming by relying on shipbuilding. Even if it completes its seventh-generation fleet, the Han Empire still lacks qualified naval commanders.

To this end, Chengying also built a set of weapons to deal with the navy. If I must say it, this weapon has no technological content at all in terms of form. It is just a piece of wire. The inspiration for creating this weapon comes from three The guzheng project in the body.

If a thread is thin enough and strong enough, it can be sharper than the edge of a knife. In the first part of The Three-Body Problem, Da Shi used a material called flying blade invented by Dr. Wang Miao to make a net and sliced ​​the Judgment Day into pieces silently!

And Cheng Ying doesn't need a net, he only needs filaments long enough to let them pass through the enemy's warships, through the portholes, around the masts, and around the collision angles, connecting the warships together and turning them into A huge net with thousands of threads, this must-kill formation is complete!

[To be continued]

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