Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,328 Retreat

When the fineness and toughness of the silk thread reaches a certain level, even without any other processing, the existence of the thing itself is already an extremely terrifying weapon.

It is impossible for all warships transporting supplies to move simultaneously. Hence the dissonance between them. All will lead to tightening or loosening the threads that tightly wrap them.

And these threads are extremely thin, even thinner than the wind blade of the blade. The wood, which has not been deeply cured, can be cut in half with ease.

Not only will the battleship be cut off, but the people on the battleship will also not be spared. Although these slender threads cannot be as dense as the Guzheng Project in the Three-Body Problem, when the ship was found to be cut open, it started to fly quickly. After the leakage, the people running to report Sailors will accidentally hit these invisible thin lines. Even when their heads are separated and the upper half of their bodies are thrown out, they are not aware that they have been cut off.

Faced with this cruel weapon, even the immigrant army who had been brainwashed and ignored fear could not restore this bad situation. As battleships began to sink, the already chaotic filaments became even more messy, and those entangled Even if the live battleship turns off the engine and remains motionless as much as possible, it will be ruthlessly cut by thin lines because it is implicated by the sunken battleship.

No matter how exquisite the command is, it is meaningless at this moment. The entire army of the baggage ship is doomed. Sometimes the power of a weapon does not necessarily depend on its yield. The combined volume of these filaments is no more than the size of an egg. , even a miniature nuclear bomb manufactured with exquisite technology may not be able to cause such destructive power under the same volume.

Jose also saw this scene. He prepared a decisive blow for the Han army. Why didn't Chengying prepare it for him? Tulip also had similar weapons, but they were rarely used.

Most of these weapons rely on the strength of materials. For enemies with the same technological level, they are not a big threat. Nano-scale materials can easily cut wood and even steel, but if they encounter the same nano-scale materials, Armor, then these filaments are not much different from ordinary silk threads.

And using this kind of weapon to deal with enemies with lower technological levels will cause serious environmental pollution. For example, the most famous invisible mirror inside Tulip was only used once and was banned by law. weapons.

The general situation is that during the process of interstellar colonization, they encountered a group of chaotic and evil fools who were determined not to cooperate. After the threats of force and negotiations were ineffective, Tulip's senior leaders discussed and decided to use weapons of mass destruction.

Just over there from the military headquarters. A brand new weapon has been produced and is ready to be tested on this planet. Specifically, it is a huge mirror, but this mirror only has a few layers. The thickness of an atom is almost the same as the surface area of ​​the planet.

Originally, the military thought that just the mere appearance of this thing in space would scare the enemy into surrender. However, this group of chaotic, evil fools, who lacked even the sanity of normal intelligent creatures, actually had no control over space. The reflected celestial body exactly like his own planet launched various magic attacks.

Although none of their attacks could break the shackles of gravity, it also meant that the negotiation had completely failed. So the huge mirror was thrown down. The person who designed this weapon thought that this mirror. It will be smashed on the surface of the planet. The material of the mirror is very brittle. It doesn't take much force to collide and it will break.

After it is broken, it will form many sharp fragments like an ordinary mirror. As long as there is no strong enough armor,

These fragments will flow rapidly in the atmosphere with the airflow, easily cutting everything in their path, and because of these fragments. There are almost only a few layers of atoms, making them very light and barely settling on the ground, and the attack will last for quite some time. It is guaranteed that even if someone survives the first wave with extraordinary strength, they will be eliminated in the subsequent successive attacks.

The indigenous people on the planet fought back tenaciously. After the mirror approached the atmosphere, many magic attacks fell on it, including what they believed to be advanced magic and even forbidden spells.

The mirror was easily destroyed by them. But because the mirror is too fragile. Their magic does nothing but damage the hit area. It is difficult to extend the damage. As long as the fragments are not accelerated into hell, above the speed, let them fly out of the planet. It won't really have much impact on the attack. The blown fragments will eventually be affected by gravity and fall back into the atmosphere, becoming an indestructible blade.

Actual combat results prove that the power of this weapon does have a crushing effect on enemies with lower technological capabilities. This crushing effect is even stronger than nuclear weapons and space-based weapons.

Those seemingly powerful warriors and magicians faced mirrors that fluttered in the wind. There was no way at all. Those who planned to resist in the early stage were all cut into pieces by the mirror. Those who realized that they were invincible hid underground. This move allowed them to survive for the time being. The earth can indeed isolate most attacks. .

However, something unexpected happened that even the Tulip Military Headquarters did not expect. As a result, the natives who still retained some sense and at least knew how to evade were not spared from this attack.

Those broken mirrors. Collide with each other in the atmosphere. Within a few months it became more fragmented. This allows them to pass through many gaps that were previously impenetrable. Even if they are hiding underground, creatures that need to breathe will leave vents, and these extremely small, almost invisible fragments will invade underground caves from those vents. Whenever you breathe air, there are these fragments. They will die of respiratory failure within a few minutes, because although these tiny fragments have been broken to the point of being invisible, they are still extremely sharp if inhaled into the body. It's like breathing in thousands of knives, shattering your lungs into pieces.

This change not only caused huge harm to Tulip's enemies, but also led to the ecological extinction of the entire planet. It even took more than ten years to clean up these debris. It was even more difficult to deal with than nuclear radiation. , which resulted in similar weapons being banned in Tulip Pen.

However, this is a chess game world, so naturally there will be no such prohibitive regulations. It’s just that Jose has not considered this possibility. Inertial thinking has made him only think about using a Geiger counter to search for radiation concentrations in various places to find Chengying, but he Forget that there are many types of weapons of mass destruction.

[To be continued]

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