Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,331 Forced into the Palace

Chengying's actions are not completely secretive. Even if he is good at cultivating idealists, it is inevitable that there will be people who do not share his ideals. No matter how strict the system is, there will be people like traitors and moles. exist.

Unless he also carries out comprehensive brainwashing, it is impossible to eliminate the insiders who tipped off the information, but those insiders are not within the scope of the influence of Cheng Ying's spiritual talent.

This determination of spiritual talent can also be regarded as an idealistic effect. Only those who are committed to civilization and are willing to contribute to the progress of civilization will be enveloped by his spiritual talent, improving their inspiration and learning abilities, and those who are dedicated to civilization People who hinder the development of civilization due to their own selfish desires. There will be no intelligence enhancement.

So much so that after they ran to report the situation, it was difficult to describe the scene in that strange village clearly in understandable words, plus the problem was a village, plus nearby ones. For some merchants, this was not even considered a scabies disease for the entire empire, so naturally they did not receive much attention.

Even if there was feedback at all levels, the results would only be the results of the investigation by prosecutors. This time it took more than half a month, and the supervisors were directly detained again. This bought me some time. When the other party goes back. This village no longer looks like a village.

A tall city wall with a reinforced concrete structure was quickly built outside the village, with a layer of high-strength temperature-cured alloy armor on the surface. In this era, almost no legion attack could destroy this kind of city wall. Inside the village, there are a large amount of chemicals, steel, coal, and organic matter that can be converted into food.

There is a complete weapons production line in the city, and there are many firepower points on the city wall. From the gaps in the parapet wall, there are heavy artillery muzzles protruding, heavy artillery powered by a mixture of chemical energy and heaven and earth essence. Although there is no terrifying power that can corrode dozens of miles, it is no longer inferior to the power of the crazy 400mm main guns of those battleships during World War II. With the city wall as the base, these heavy guns do not need to worry about recoil at all.

The whole shows a circular fire distribution. Let this small village of less than 10,000 people become as difficult to break into as an iron hedgehog. Even the city walls closed toward the sky and gathered together in the air, turning into the shape of a bowl upside down on the ground. Even for troops like Baima Yicong, it is impossible to attack from the air. Instead, they will be taught how to behave by numerous anti-aircraft machine guns.

Such a fortress without hundreds of thousands of people would be almost impossible to defeat after several years of siege. Diaoyu City was besieged for who knows how many years, but it was not defeated.

Facing this kind of fortress, there is no way to destroy the city wall. Even an army that can achieve miracles is like a dog biting a hedgehog. Who knows, it is a reinforced concrete city wall of tens of meters. Even a pure stone mountain is not that strong.

And after discovering that there was suddenly such a thing in China. The civil servants and generals of the Han Empire almost suffered a myocardial infarction, and the country's strength was already severely damaged. Now if we want to besiege such a city. I'm afraid the entire empire will fall apart.

Not to mention from this fortress. There was also a steady flow of weapons and food being transported out to the surrounding villages, and those people were armed by the villages that were influenced by their ideas. It's like a magic trick. It seems that weapons and food can be exported endlessly from this fortress.

This means that this time the enemy is not afraid of fighting a protracted war. There is no fear of a temporary failure, which coincides with the lowest point of the government's credibility. If they instigate a civil uprising, they will continue to provide material and weapons support. That was really unmanageable.

Chen Xi's face was very ugly. As a minister like a prime minister, all major events in the country would pass through his hands, but he didn't expect that the time traveler would have a trick on him again.

A nail has now been planted in the country. What happens next will be difficult. Just when he was thinking this. His door was suddenly pushed open quietly.

"Ah! I finally have the opportunity to communicate with you face to face about my time travel experience." Cheng Ying stretched out and said straight to the point.

Chen Xi's expression changed several times in an instant. If he were a wise man of this era, he would have the confidence to deal with all troubles. But if he is also a time traveler, even Chen Xi is not sure.

"Are you the mastermind behind the large-scale brainwashing of the people of the Han Empire? How dare you come to Chang'an?"

Cheng Ying found a chair to sit down without noticing anything, grabbed some snacks and threw them into his mouth: "Don't be so nervous, and you'd better put down the communicator in your hand. Do you think the technical level between the two of us is enough?" Gap, is it possible for your electromagnetic waves to be successfully emitted?

Hmm...I know, your design is that once the outside world cannot continue to receive your radio signals, three hundred swordsmen will come out and chop me into pieces. I understand this, there is a similar thing written in The Three-Body Problem Design it! But simulating your new account is very simple for me.

You see, you often talk about the limitations of the times, and this sentence is equally valid for you. If I was really malicious, you wouldn't have a chance to react. "

"Then what do you want to do?" Chen Xi quickly calmed down. After all, even in modern society, this person can be regarded as a member of the elite. Faced with this passive situation, he still did not panic.

"It's very simple, of course I am helping you! Let me tell you, I am not the guy who brainwashed people on a large scale. In fact, that guy is actually my enemy for some purpose. I have to kill him. I want to You should be able to understand that such bizarre things as time travel can happen, and it is obviously not surprising that time travel has a certain purpose.

At least for now, our goals are the same. I built that fortress in the north. After all, I need the qualifications to talk to you. Nothing is a more reliable bargaining chip than the power in my hand, right?

Next, I need some functions related to national development. You should be able to see that there is a gap in technological level between the worlds we come from. With my help, it will not be difficult to solve the hidden dangers at sea in a short time. In the future, it will be easy for the Han Empire to unify the earth. After I kill him, I will no longer interfere with the development of the Han Empire. Wouldn't we both benefit from cooperation? "

Although Cheng Ying's words sounded nice, Chen Xi only believed half of them. First of all, this guy just showed up now. I'm afraid he was just to use Chen Xi as a bait. Since his purpose of time traveling was to kill another time traveler, the guy who did large-scale brainwashing, I'm afraid They also hope to kill him, and the time traveler who is exposed to the public is obviously the most dangerous. Isn't Chen Xi the time traveler who is easiest to be discovered? From this point of view alone, the other party has pure goodwill, but in the current form, cooperation is indeed beneficial to both parties.

[To be continued]

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