Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,332 Compromise

For Chen Xi, Cheng Ying's purpose can never be pure goodwill, nor can the purpose of building a fortress be pure self-protection. However, one thing is certain, that is, they do have a common enemy in the short term. As for Chen Xi himself, it would have been quite difficult for him to defeat his opponents as a child.

As a time traveler, he knows better than anyone else how much a time traveler can do, especially his opponent, who comes from an era with more advanced technology than his own. The difference in this. As long as we make an analogy, the gap between him and people of this era can be easily seen.

In terms of building a system and establishing a leadership team that can operate healthily, Chen Xi is confident that even if the person in front of him comes from a more technologically advanced society, he will not lose to him.

But knowledge itself can create a lot of wealth, and it also represents power. There is no way to make up for the gap in this area without learning. Judging from the tip of the iceberg of the other party's knowledge, even if he has the opportunity to learn, he may not be able to make up for it. It takes a lifetime to learn something.

This is undoubtedly disappointing, because the understanding of ethics is different. Tulip's biochemical technology has always kept pace with mechanical technology. Citizens do not reject human body modification, and they have the courage and awareness to face the consequences of new modifications. side effects. This allows the speed of learning to increase as the speed of technological development increases.

Rather than being like in the real world, where technology is becoming more and more complex, the individual's thinking speed has stagnated or even regressed. Although the speed of improvement of personal thinking cannot keep up with the accumulation of technology, relying on in vitro storage, spiritual world and many other biochemical transformations, even ordinary citizens have the ability to accept knowledge far beyond that of normal humans.

This is also the reason why Chen Xi deduces that even if he, including all civil servants, would not be able to learn all this knowledge in his lifetime.

This also means that before Cheng Ying empties everything in his mind. There is value for both sides to use, and after that, both sides have their own ideas.

For Chen Xi, Cheng Ying's reckless behavior, even if he has strong personal strength and dedicated legion protection, after the empire absorbs his knowledge, there are still ways to eradicate it through tactics.

And Cheng Ying himself knew very well that he was not the type to play tricks. Maybe he could handle Chen Xi alone, but everyone in the Han Empire knew how to play tricks. If he didn't directly start an armed revolution, the strongest people would be killed. Keeping military power firmly in your own hands is absolutely for fun, but only for those who are wise and resourceful.

But it doesn't matter to him. As long as he and Jose decide the outcome, everything in this world has nothing to do with him. As for the ending of this world, Cheng Ying is not very clear. Through observation and calculation The cosmological constant, the result is that this world is the same universe as the Douluo where he is, but for the contained object, the cosmological constant is just data.

Maybe this world is just a temporary space created,

Maybe Cheng Ying was put on another planet in the universe, or in a parallel world. This aspect is difficult to verify, so he does not plan to share the relevant information. Tell the people of this world.

If they were told that after the two people decided who would win, the universe would probably end. The consequences would be difficult to predict, and it would also have an impact on his own mentality in using this containment.

Both parties had their own calculations and chose to cooperate despite each other's reservations. Later, at a court meeting, Li Yuan, who was originally in charge of Baima Yicong, was inexplicably selected as a civil official, and even ranked among the nine ministers. , it simply trampled the promotion system of the Han Empire into the ground. Even the civil servants of Liu Bei's camp fiercely opposed this, let alone the civil servants and military generals of other camps.

Chen Xi looked at Cheng Ying as if he was watching a good show. He believed that this time traveler from the future could definitely come up with something to shut these people up.

Faced with doubts, Cheng Ying scratched his head and said, "Stop arguing. If you have any questions, you can tell me one by one. If you simply think that I am not qualified to sit in this position, then I can take you to see me." qualifications."

"You are just a country boy who has never even read the words of saints. What qualifications do you have to speak nonsense here?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Ying looked over and found that the person who spoke was someone he didn't recognize. As for the famous people, such as Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Xun Yu, and Zhou Yu, they all pretended to be distracted or didn't know anything.

These guys are all talented people. Looking at Chen Xi’s attitude, you can tell that this person must have real abilities. Even Cheng Ying suspects that this person who jumped out was arranged by them in order to establish his authority. This can’t help but Cheng Ying's interest in showing off was greatly reduced. It was really meaningless to slap a guy like this in the face who didn't even have a name in history.

"Am I qualified to speak here? Are you qualified to comment?" Cheng Ying, who lacked interest, had no intention of pretending to be a pig and eat the tiger. Faced with the opponent's weapon of criticism, he directly used the weapon of criticism. Lifting up the collar of the guy on the opposite side, this guy pulled his feet off the ground.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of rude behavior would definitely be punished as a crime of misconduct before the emperor. However, at the same time as Chengying took action, a huge mecha walked outside. When he walked into the main hall, he lifted the Wearing optical camouflage, all kinds of weapons on their bodies were locked on the generals present, making them instinctively feel the great danger, but failed to stop it.

Zhao Yun and Guan Yu were not at the scene, Dian Wei was also in the military camp, and the rest of the generals were in front of mechas with various weapons and equipment. It's really hard to stop Cheng Ying from taking action.

Even Chen Xi's expression changed. It was agreed upon, but without this, he had no idea when this big guy entered the palace. No one even knew. You know, the empress of the empire Liu Tong But sitting on the throne, he can know the terrifying combat power of the mecha from the previous battles. The fact that this thing can come here silently means that even if you are in the palace, it will be difficult for Cheng Ying to stop whoever he wants to kill.

When it came to Liu Tong himself, he didn't panic at all. He just patted his seat and said: "Li Yuan, don't you want to take us to see your qualifications to be ranked as the Jiuqing? Is this agency person the qualification you mentioned? ?”

Chen Xi didn't expect that the queen, who was just pushed up and used as a puppet, would actually show a bit of imperial demeanor in this critical moment, and she would not be afraid of the danger that was so close to her life.

Cheng Ying shook his head and said: "Of course not. I just wanted to have a friendly and friendly exchange with this colleague. After saying that, he threw the unknown guy in his hand more than ten meters away."

[To be continued]

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