Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,333 Exchange of handles

Cheng Ying's performance can be called reckless, especially in this era where imperial power is supreme. I don't know how many people will remember it. Once he loses his current status, I am afraid it will definitely not end well.

But this made Chen Xi feel relieved. If he didn't think about it deeply, then Cheng Ying's behavior was simply reckless and did not understand the rules. But Chen Xi knew very well that these were all shown to him. Clearly, he was telling him that I I don't plan to stay here for a long time, so I can just pretend to be cool and run away.

This also means that there is a high probability that there will be no conflict between the two. Otherwise, Cheng Ying's behavior would be equivalent to ousting himself from the officialdom of the Han Empire. If he still plans to stay in this existing system for a long time, Then when the power at his hand is gone, he will definitely die without knowing how.

After the other party showed his sincerity, Chen Xi also knew that it was his turn to show his sincerity. He immediately clapped his hands and asked everyone to quiet down. As the first civil servant of the Han Empire, Chen Xi's words still carry considerable weight.

"Since His Majesty has said so, let's go and see Li Qing's ability together! If you ask me, it's not an exaggeration for Li Qing to be in my current position."

Chen Xi considered that the cultural background of Cheng Ying's era may be very different from that of the Han Empire and even the Earth, and he was worried that he would not understand, so the words of support were extremely straightforward.

Now not only those who were pushed out to oppose were shocked, but even Li Youjia and the others briefly showed a look of astonishment. Although Chen Xi always said that he was a middle-aged man, in terms of internal affairs, he had always been Is quite confident. It is also everyone's tacit understanding that he is the best civil servant in the world.

And it's not an exaggeration to say that someone sat in his seat. This makes people curious, what kind of ability does Li Yuan have?

Seeing that many civil and military officials were becoming curious, Cheng Ying didn't waste any time and directly stretched out his palms and pressed them on the ground. A drawing appeared out of thin air under the photo. Immediately afterwards, the content depicted on the drawing suddenly enlarged. It turned into a huge three-dimensional light array, and then, as everyone was in a daze, everyone present except the generals appeared in an unfamiliar workshop. Liu Tong's guards immediately blocked him. forward.

The situation in front of him was too weird, and it looked too much like an assassination. Chen Xi did not expect that future technology would be able to achieve this level. Thinking about it, it would be extremely easy for Chengying to assassinate the emperor.

Just like an ordinary modern person can easily make hand bombs as a tribute to the emperor, send the emperor, his son, and the whole family to heaven. I think a person in the future should be able to do more. Relying on his knowledge, it is impossible to make up for all these loopholes.

"Don't get excited, everyone. This is just a biological teleportation array. The generals in the court were too excited and exploded their inner energy before breaking away from the teleportation. In fact, the teleportation will not cause any harm to people. The teleportation array itself It can also be regarded as one of my qualifications to be ranked as the Jiuqing.


Liu Tong's eyes lit up, and regardless of the guard's nervousness, he took a few steps forward and asked, "What Li Qing means is that this teleportation array can be copied and can be given to anyone for use."

"That's right." Cheng Ying nodded: "Theoretically, it can not only be used by other people. People other than me can also make it. But it requires a certain amount of learning. And it requires some talent.

Don't worry, such a talent is not rare. It is roughly equivalent to selecting people who can hold their breath for more than five minutes among mortals. Maybe they are not born with the ability to hold their breath for more than five minutes, but after a certain amount of training, a considerable number of people can. It can be done. "

When Liu Tong heard this, he nodded, but what he was thinking about was that if this thing was used in his palace, wouldn't it be very convenient to play everywhere. As the puppet queen, Liu Tong was very tolerant. Anyway, Chen Zichuan was already in charge of the country. No matter how prodigal or extravagant he was, it would not affect the prosperity of the Han Empire. So naturally, such a good thing would not affect the prosperity of the Han Empire. It’s time to buy a good set for your palace.

But on the surface, she must appear to be a benevolent female leader who serves the country and the people.

"Let me show you all Li Qing's other talents!"

Cheng Ying didn't waste any time and led everyone to the workshop. Although he had a lot of black technology on hand, in an environment like the earth, if he wanted to climb the technology tree, he still needed enough metal production.

Chengying pointed to the extremely mature converter and explained to the officials: "This is converter steelmaking. It blows air into the red-hot molten iron to burn away the impurities inside. Before that, it needs to be Acid and alkali neutralization, removal of various impurities in molten iron, etc. Please take a look..."

Although these people couldn't understand eight of the ten sentences Cheng Ying said, it didn't mean they couldn't understand how efficient this thing was at producing molten steel. This efficiency was completely beyond their understanding. To the extent that it is just like any other family now. The production capacity of a small steel factory can defeat the entire empire in ancient times. From the perspective of ancient people, this is not steel-making at all, but magic, which can be produced with a wave of a big sleeve.

Although Baigong has always been criticized by Confucianists as inferior people and cannot be compared with scholars at all, those who can come here can basically understand that Baigong is not unimportant, and scholars are not inherently noble and will not I even believed what I was bragging about.

The steel output in front of us has reached such a level that it is already unparalleled. If this contribution is made public, the effect will be no less than that of Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing who wiped out the plague. Even if Chengying is not a scribe, he will still be respected by the people of the world. , enter the temple properly.

However, this is just what Chengying showed, the most basic things. You must start with things that these people can understand. If you show them a computer as soon as you start, then these people will probably regard it as a little kid who can count. Officer, from the perspective of this era, it is impossible to understand the meaning of this thing.

So after seeing the steel plant, he took everyone to teleport to the organic matter manufacturing plant. Although it was impossible for them to understand the principle, these people watched helplessly as the piles of weeds and branches were thrown away. Enter the swallowing port, and soon something white and white, looking like rice cakes, will be spat out from the discharging port.

Some people even didn't believe in evil and took a bite... and then found it very unpleasant to eat, but there is no doubt that this thing is edible and will keep you full! This alone can almost solve the feudal dynasty. Most of the problems are solved. No matter how severe the land annexation is, there is no need to worry about people starving to death or the people changing. With this thing, the people can live happily. As long as the land cannot stand on the surface, then the country Just afford it.

[To be continued]

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