Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,334 Black Technology

For this kind of equipment that can produce unlimited food, everyone can realize its important role. The yield of weeds and the yield of food are completely different, and if you grow grass, you don’t know how many crops can be planted in a year. There is no need to wait for a long time to bear fruit. You only need to germinate and photosynthesize. When it grows lush enough, it can be harvested. If it is like leeks, it can be harvested again and again.

If this kind of output could be popularized, it would be more than enough to feed tens of billions of people in such a large land area as the Han Empire. Of course, in that case, the quality of life would inevitably drop significantly, even to the point where we could only survive. But even if It is terrible enough to only feed more than a billion people.

Food in the Han Empire in this world line can be said to be one of the most important things. The fictional characters in this world line, Cookie, and Qu Hanmou, are because they improved grain types and promoted more efficient farming methods. , increased food production by 50%, and he went directly to the temple. People all over the world were willing to treat him to a meal, and any family he found to stay overnight would be willing to bring the best things at home to entertain him. It is conceivable that in this era Attention to food.

Chen Xi couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. He was still thinking just now. Although Cheng Ying's behavior of handing over the clues made him feel at ease, he was still confused. It was too strange to hand over the clues without leaving any capital to protect himself. Well, no one wants to die. Even if they are powerful, they can easily die with the power of the entire empire.

If there is something that cannot be understood, there is probably a conspiracy hidden in it. Therefore, even if Chen Xi believes Cheng Ying, he still has some precautions in his heart. But after seeing this machine that produces unlimited grain, he has some reaction. This is Cheng Ying's trump card.

With this unlimited food, his status will definitely not be lower than Cookie, or even higher. In the future, he will become a god in the temple. This kind of person, even if defeated by conspiracy, will at best be deprived. With his power, it is absolutely impossible to kill him, otherwise the people in the world will not allow him. Not only cannot he be killed, but he must be properly sacrificed and served with good food and drink.

If there is such a trump card, it is understandable that Cheng Ying is not afraid of being plotted by civil servants. This makes it less likely that there is any conspiracy.

What's more, there are many things that Cheng Yinghui has invented. If these are all attributed to his name, then his status will be almost impossible to be persecuted. Even if his rights are to be deprived, he must be given a high position. When offering sacrifices, even to save the emperor's face, he had to salute when he saw them.

Although Chen Xi had some expectations for Cheng Ying's invention, when he saw that these organic matter like rice cakes, after simple processing, could be turned into various flavors of vegetable and grain pieces, and even into neat pieces of meat, he was also surprised. I can't help but feel the difference in times.

Confucius said that if you never tire of fine meat, you will never tire of fine meat. I won't eat meat that's not cut right. But now it's good. The meat is square and square, just like a brick. It's really straight.

Some people were curious about the taste of this thing, but Cheng Ying didn't pay much attention to it and just lit a charcoal fire. A table was set up in the workshop and everyone had a barbecue together.

Although these meats, vegetables and fruits all look like square cubes, you can't tell the difference when you eat them. The technical requirements for seasonings are actually not high. In ancient times, sauces of various flavors could be made. materials, not to mention tulips. More and more compounds can be synthesized through the chemical industry. It is actually very simple to confuse people's taste buds.

The real difficulty is actually the formula, because there is no way to quantify the taste through tasting, and even everyone’s taste buds are different.

It's like some people's genes determine that they find coriander extremely unpalatable, so the taste of various compounds and their combinations can only be tasted one by one.

Chengying was also a citizen of the Big Foodie Empire in his previous life. After time travel, he would naturally not give up on the study of food. He thought back when he drove the World's End and went to sea for the first time, he made a sea soul beast in the shape of a giant octopus. In addition to sizzling squid, as technology became more advanced, there was a dedicated gourmet research department.

Up to now, I have accumulated an unknown number of formulas, such as MSG, which can bring people a taste enjoyment simply by tasting them. There are even more recipes. Even if it is limited by the technical level of the Han Empire, there are still some good ones. Several types can be prepared.

While everyone was eating, Cheng Ying had already asked people to distribute the seasonings: "The cost of these additives is very low. Just a small amount can greatly improve the taste of food. And these secondary processed synthetic foods need The cost is not high, and unless there are special circumstances, it can be supplied to the people of the world in unlimited quantities. These will help to improve the happiness of residents. Although it is not natural meat, it allows everyone in the world to eat synthetic meat for every meal. .It’s not that difficult.”

Although most of them were already in a daze due to the stimulation of their taste buds, there were still a few people with strong senses who fell into confusion about their world view after hearing Cheng Ying's explanation.

Although the food they are eating now is not exquisite, in terms of deliciousness, it is not inferior to what they usually eat. To be fair, it is even more delicious than what they usually eat, except that these are made from grass. Apart from being a bit uncomfortable, there really are no other shortcomings.

This kind of food, what Cheng Ying means is that he suddenly eats it whenever he wants. This is really destructive to people's outlook on life.

Even with Chen Xi's years of management, it is impossible for people in the world to eat meat whenever they want. This is not something that can be done in this era.

Cheng Ying ate it and explained: "These are made from organic matter fermented by fungi. Most of the ingredients are actually protein. Compared with the difficulty of converting it into starch, it is easier to convert it into meat products. That is to say, purely in terms of cost, meat is actually the cheapest, followed by vegetables, and grains are the most expensive.

Because the fiber of vegetables can be directly simulated with waste materials that have not been extracted from plants, you only need to supplement it with appropriate vitamins and you can eat it as a normal vegetable. "

It is barely understandable in modern times that meat is cheaper than vegetables, but in ancient times, it was absolutely shattering. In this world where food is the most important thing for people, the ability to produce food at will is even better than the previous production of running water. Steel is even more shocking.

Cheng Ying stopped talking nonsense. These things can be understood by people of this era. You can understand the importance without his explanation. What needs his explanation is actually the things that are beyond the times.

[To be continued]

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