Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,335 Instant Messaging

After having a full meal, Chengying continued to take everyone to visit the workshop. Yes, the meal was accompanied by wine. Although high-alcohol wine does not mean good wine, among relatively low-priced wines, the higher the wine, the better. expensive.

Theoretically, people are not allowed to make wine, which is a waste of food. Before there is enough food, private wine is not allowed. But for Cheng Ying, alcohol is not really an expensive industrial product.

Although in reality industrial alcohol is poisonous, and drinking too much may not only make you blind, but even lead to death, this is because there are many toxic substances such as methanol in industrial alcohol. Alcohol itself is not very toxic as long as it is purified in the appropriate way. , and then blended with seasonings to achieve a taste similar to brewed wine.

In this regard, simple distillation cannot do it, but it is not difficult to use things like molecular membranes. Although any substance that can affect the mind should be controlled, including tobacco and alcohol, the wine culture has been spread. How many years, in this era, has a sufficient supply of wine, which can greatly improve the happiness of residents.

Following Cheng Ying's guidance, everyone came to a brand new workshop. Here, there was a piece of equipment that looked extremely strange, with a metal surface of unknown meaning, a huge coil wound with copper wire, and an unknown flickering light. The electric light absorbs the essence of the world. In addition to the steampunk style, it also looks extremely evil, almost like the creation of a mad scientist.

"Ahem! This thing is a signal base station. This is the mother machine. The slave machine can be put in your pocket and receive the signal from the mother machine. The signal can be received hundreds of kilometers away. However, if you want to transmit the signal back to the mother machine, you need to Within fifty attacks.

Signals can be transmitted stably within five hundred miles between the mother machine and the mother machine. It is difficult to achieve instant communication across the country in a short period of time, but it is not a big problem to achieve instant communication within individual cities and between important cities.

This is his slave machine. Different slave machines can use the master machine as a secondary machine for communication. They can communicate directly by voice or directly transmit text information. However, text information requires specific equipment to be displayed. "

Due to technical limitations, qualified screens cannot be mass-produced on a large scale. Therefore, the "mobile phones" of this era do not have screens yet, only pixel screens similar to electronic watches. Even so, this is shocking enough for people of this era. .

Some people were surprised, and some people didn't believe it. Obviously, it needed verification to know whether this thing was effective. Immediately, a guard left on horseback with a mobile phone. Although it was a hundred miles away, as long as it was proven that this thing could communicate instantly from a few miles away, it would be enough. Very exaggerated.

Soon, a communication request rang out from the mother machine, and the guard's voice came from the speaker: "Can you hear me, adults? I have arrived at the city gate."

It no longer matters what the guard said. Just being able to communicate across a long distance with a machine is incredible. Some people have not yet realized the importance of this thing and only regard it as a fancy trick to attract public attention. However, those wise men who stand at the forefront of the times have already realized the changes this thing has brought to the times. Even Chen Xi Unexpectedly, Chengying could make a functional phone under the technical conditions of this era. Although it was not a very advanced thing for Chen Xi, it meant that the information age was coming.

The transmission of information will no longer affect the rule of the empire, and the era of imperial power not going to the countryside is over forever. In addition to these, the application of this thing at the military level is extremely extensive.

Before, if the immigration army had not had the ability to delegate command to everyone,

It is impossible for the Han army to suffer such a heavy loss, and even the immigration army will have no room to implement its strategies, and will be beaten to death by Han Xin who descends on the shore.

Although this is not as convenient as the information communication device directly implanted in the body of the military, it is obvious that the in-body electrical signal sensor formed through neural modification is limited in the instructions it can transmit and is not suitable for mass production.

The difficulty of upgrading is much greater than this kind of external equipment. If this thing can be made into a walkie-talkie or a headset, the effect will not be much worse than the nerves implanted in the body. It is extremely difficult for the current command system of the Han Empire. Great addition.

Among the Han army, only Guan Yu had the potential to directly command the army with his spirit. Guan Yu's divine will was extremely bright, and he could even make his soldiers vaguely feel his thoughts. But they can only carry out vague commands, not to mention other generals. They must rely on messengers to carry out flexible commands. Let alone commanding special forces to behead people, even in a head-on battle, they have to bear huge pressure. Delay in command.

"The technology of this signal station is a bit complicated and requires certain training to learn how to manufacture it. But don't worry, it is not difficult to learn these technologies. I will explain them together with the principles. As for how to plan the placement of these signal stations, that is not That’s my problem.”

Although Cheng Ying said that the technology is not difficult, in fact, without any external help, even modern people who have received a certain level of education will have to go through about half a year of study before they can fully grasp the principles and structures and know how to use parts. Assemble.

If it were these ancient people who had little education, it would be even more difficult to know how long it would take to learn.

Cheng Ying has the confidence to say that it is not difficult, naturally relying on his spiritual talent. Although improving learning talent and inspiration may seem inconspicuous, the actual effect is much more exaggerated than the skill description, even for those with poor information reception ability. The ancients, under the shadow of his talent, could also display learning abilities that were even more outrageous than those of modern academic masters.

Not to mention learning how to make these devices, even if you learn the principles of these devices, including a lot of knowledge about electromagnetism and the use of heaven and earth essence, it will be no problem. Other devices also have more or less technically difficult parts, but in the explosive high In front of the learning efficiency, it is nothing!

"The next one is not something that can be mass-produced, because its cost is a bit high, and it needs to extract materials from the bodies of beasts with internal energy to make them. But don't worry, the domestication of wild animals with internal energy separated from the body and Breeding is also possible in theory. After large-scale breeding, the yield can be increased.

This thing is actually the transmission equipment I brought you. What I brought is a one-time directional transmitter, which is more suitable for mass laying. It is actually this kind of fixed-point transmission equipment, which is divided into biological transmission equipment and non-biological transmission. equipment. "

[To be continued]

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