Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,346 Lu Bu vs. Dangerous Wanderer

The appearance of the Dangerous Wanderer calmed the generals present, including Lu Bu and Zhao Yun who followed him. They were all stunned for a moment, deep in their hearts. They all hide the ambition that big is beautiful and more is good.

Even the top generals are not exempt from this aspect. Facing huge existences, especially physical existences, people can easily feel powerful.

Many military generals couldn't help but have a desire to challenge, and they were eager to try. However, soon the few military commanders driving mechas chose to quit one by one.

During this period of time, they have also gained some understanding of the mechanical principles of mecha driving. At least they understand a simple truth. If you want to achieve the same result, the smaller the machine is, the more difficult it will be. On the contrary, the larger the size of the weapon with the same principle of action, the more terrifying the power. Of course, huge objects do not mean that they are easy to build. , but also consider material science and conduct a more precise force analysis.

But there is no doubt that the interior of a larger body can definitely carry stronger power cores and external weapons. The rifle used as the long-range main weapon alone looks thicker than the main gun of a battleship. The super-long barrel of more than fifty meters long, and the attached electromagnetic acceleration track, can accelerate the cannonball to ridiculous levels. If one shot is fired, a well-warmed city will be shattered. This kind of simplicity The kinetic energy is not weakened by the clouds.

The huge difference in size between the two sides has already determined the qualitative difference in the performance of the mechas, so much so that the military commanders driving the mechas do not want to challenge them because the winning rate is too low.

In contrast, Zhao Yun and Lu Bu seemed to be very interested in this big guy, but it was Lu Bu who finally took action. After these days of competing with Zhao Yun, his combat effectiveness has gradually narrowed the gap with Zhao Yun. As a former The most unexplainable thing about him is that he gets stronger as he fights. Of course, there is no limit to this kind of getting stronger. As the famous philosopher Dio said, human beings have limits, but this has also made him stronger. He is nearly invincible among military generals. If it were not for his wife, she would be able to completely catch up to or even surpass the unparalleled Zhao Yun.

At this time, he waved Fang Tian's painted halberd, and suddenly he turned into a ten-foot-long giant. Although he was still a little shorter than the Dangerous Wanderer, his momentum already had the momentum to rival him.

I saw him holding Fang Tian's painted halberd tightly with both hands and smashing it on the head. This time, he was right. In the Pacific Rim series of mechas, the pilot is actually on the head, and there are only a few special-type mechas. For example, if there are more than two drivers. Only then will the function of cockpit movement be set.

Ma Chao and Sun Ce are currently in a state of understanding. Facing the huge Fang Tian painted halberd, they did not panic at all. They raised their iron fists and struck at them. Apart from the high-power cutting weapons that come with them, this mecha is the hardest. This pair of iron fists is almost entirely made of Adamantium alloy and will hardly deform unless it encounters a high temperature of 200,000 degrees.

Of course, high temperature is also the biggest weakness of Adamantium alloy. Even though the temperature of 200,000 yuan seems extremely high, the temperature inside any star in the universe is higher than this. Compared with this alloy Incredible toughness, this melting point can be regarded as a weakness.

Fang Tian's painted halberd collided with the iron fist, and the strength of both sides was clearly compared. Even Lu Bu, who had the body of a god, could not compare with the huge metal structure of more than 60 meters in terms of strength. Fang Tian's painted halberd was smashed Raise high.

Seeing that the dangerous wanderer was about to punch the god Lu Bu in the chest, Lu Bu decisively threw away Fang Tian's painted halberd and made an iron bridge move to avoid the punch.

At the same time, taking advantage of this momentum, he did a backflip and kicked the dangerous wanderer on the chin, making the two people inside feel dizzy and staggered two steps.

Lu Bu became excited when he saw that these two men were not yet proficient in controlling mechas and could not dodge such simple moves. Although the ancient generals mostly fought on horseback and were good at long weapons. But it doesn't mean that Lu Bu is weak when fighting closely. Although many joint techniques are not convenient for robots to use. But just with fists and kicks, he can knock this big guy down.

I saw him taking advantage of the metal giant's staggering. Posted it. One foot inserted between the giant's legs. As his feet stumbled, his upper body leaned forward suddenly.

The two giants collided violently, and then the mountain shook and the ground shook. The huge and dangerous wanderer fell to the ground. Lu Bu immediately hit him with punches on his body, which looked extremely fierce. But the actual damage caused is limited. The armor coated with Adamantium alloy has extremely strong defense against such blunt attacks. After so many punches, there is not even a dent on the surface of the armor.

But being beaten by the horse finally angered Ma Chao and Sun Ce. As the two gradually became familiar with controlling the dangerous wanderer, their combat effectiveness also began to soar.

With a slap, Lu Bu flew off his body. The Dangerous Wanderer got up angrily. He needed a weapon. Close combat is for them who are still a little inflexible. It's really a bit of a disadvantage.

But there are really no handy weapons around. Even if it is a small hill, to him, it is just a stone in his hand.

When Cheng Ying saw the dangerous wanderer turning around, he realized that something bad was about to happen. He immediately jumped to his feet and yelled: "I'm a god! If you dare to pull out the transmitting tower, I'll beat your buttocks to death." ah!"

However, he spoke too late, and saw Dangerous Wanderer tearing down the nearly 100-meter-high sliding Xiamen door and smashing it out like an ordinary person waving the door panel.

Before he could react, the two of them were doing something to Lu Bu. I was thinking subconsciously in my mind, how much money will they have to pay after they knock down this door? He was hit on the head by a door. He was completely stunned and did not dodge three or four times in succession. The god mode was directly smashed to pieces. After all, he did not have such a terrible defense as the dangerous wanderer.

Seeing that the main body was about to be severely beaten, he had to go to Hua Tuo's place to lie down for a few days if he couldn't escape. At the same time, Zhao Yun also turned on the god mode, preparing to stop this attack.

Fortunately, at the same time that the door panel was photographed, Cheng Ying had already entered the key remotely and cut off the control of the mecha, making this moment look weak and weak. He himself jumped directly onto the head of the mecha and injected it with two injections of muscle relaxant. On the back of Ma Chao and Sun Ce's neck, pressing on their legs was like beating them.

"Do you know how expensive the gate of the mecha maintenance base is! Ah! If the mecha is broken, you two don't need to repair it, right? Say! Don't you dare to say that? You have to be tough! Let's see if you accept it! "

Ma Chao: "..."

Sun Ce: "..."

These two desperately want to cry. Now they can't move their whole bodies and their tongues are numb. How can they talk?

[To be continued]

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