Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,347 Human Potential

After a group of funny guys made a fuss, it finally came to an end. Sun Ce and Ma Chao were each punished to write a 15,000-word in-depth review, and were required to participate in the entire repair work of the mecha maintenance base. The dangerous wanderers were also temporarily confiscated, except for the required training. Project, don’t do any unnecessary actions.

However, Cheng Ying knew in his heart that sooner or later these two bad guys would cause trouble, and he didn't bother to worry about it. Being angry with these two people would shorten his life, which was contrary to his strategic goal of killing Jose. Don't be angry, be calm, and stay healthy! Feed that little brat who is ready to destroy the world!

After sending away the generals who asked him for mechas, Cheng Ying finally had time to modify his shelter. He planned to add flight functions and ground escape functions to his shelter.

Not to mention being able to fly out of the atmosphere, as long as it can avoid disasters caused by geological movements. As for escaping to the earth, it is to prevent attacks from space. In theory, if Jose is lucky enough, he can be randomly teleported to the moon. Then a set of thrusters were installed on the back of the moon. Over many years, it is theoretically possible to knock the moon down. In that case, the only way to have a chance of survival is to hide underground.

It can be seen from the mass extinctions of organisms in the past generations of the earth that it is always those smaller creatures that are good at digging holes that can survive such extinctions. The larger the species, the faster they become extinct.

On the other hand, he also needs to improve his life. Ultra-low temperature freezing cannot solve all problems, not to mention that every thawing is a troublesome project. If the clouds are not good, it will take several days, and there will be a lot of blood after thawing. of cells die, causing the body to become extremely weak.

There is no doubt that he is extremely fragile in the ultra-low temperature freeze. If he always remains in this state, the chance of being killed by a sneak attack is too high.

Therefore, biological modification under normal conditions is also necessary for him. It is theoretically very difficult to change an individual's genetic information to achieve immortality, which requires big data analysis and countless clinical trials.

But that is normal. It is difficult to obtain immortality transformation technology through scientific research. If you already know how to transform and have a systematic record of genetic information, then you only need to make slight changes to make it suitable for humans in this world. That's it. In this way, the difficulty will be much smaller. It will not be a big problem to at least increase the life span by four to five hundred years.

Last time he put on a white coat and prepared to go to the sterile room to see his clone. When he was getting used to the medicine, a stout man found him.

The person who came was none other than Dian Wei, but this bold man seemed a little disappointed now. Cheng Ying could understand his mood. Among all the people, he was restrained by the mecha. The most serious one was pure power and He no longer has the advantage of speed, and he lacks the extraordinary strength to restrain the pilot. Even if it is a standard mecha, he has to spend a lot of time to dismantle it. Who else would be in a good mood, especially His talent in piloting mechas was not very good, which made him even more frustrated.

"Master Li, do you think my power is really useless?" Dian Wei seemed to be just chatting with Cheng Ying. Sitting next to him, he could smell the strong smell of alcohol. Unfortunately, with Dian Wei's physical condition, he couldn't get drunk even if he wanted to. It's possible.

"Strength is never useless. No matter in a battle under any system, strength and speed are basic qualities, and you can never have too much.

Although I strongly disagree with the idea that one force can defeat all laws, kinetic energy is indeed the easiest force to understand and use by humans. "

"But those mechanical powers,

They are much bigger than me. Even if I exercise, my strength can still increase. But as long as they replace it with a brand new body, they can easily gain the power to crush me again. Am I on the wrong path? "Originally, Dian Wei would not have such doubts. However, the recent mecha upgrades have been too fast, and the power increase is as fast as a rocket. It is extremely easy to give him a technological upgrade. illusion.

"It's hard for you to describe something like a road as right or wrong, because to me, there is no such thing as a road. Do you think it's reasonable that you can become stronger as long as you practice?"

Dian Wei didn't understand: "What's unreasonable about this? Even I can still feel the increase in strength when I exercise every day."

"That's because you can absorb the energy of the world. If you are an ordinary person, a person without inner energy, will he continue to be strong if he insists on exercising every day?"

Dian Wei shook his head. He still understood this truth. If there is no internal energy, you may gain a lot of strength through exercise at first, but it will become more difficult to improve later on. In the end, no matter how much you exercise, you may not be able to make any progress.

"Look, if there is no essence of heaven and earth, there is a limit to the height you can reach through exercise. Why do you think that the power you can increase by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth is unlimited?"

Dian Wei was stunned. His mind was not particularly bright, and he couldn't think of how to refute it for a while.

"There is no road in the world. Only when more people walk, there will be a road. You think you are walking your own path, but in fact, every practitioner in the empire is actually walking the path of their predecessors.

Few practitioners will ask where the essence of heaven and earth comes from, but in fact, if you ask the immortals around you, they will tell you the source of the essence of heaven and earth, which is released after the sacred stone is broken. As far as I know, the sacred stone itself is probably the fragment of the golden elixir of ancient power.

What you have absorbed is the power of the ancients, and you come to ask me whether your path is correct? Isn't this strange? Because you have never followed your own path! That is the road paved by predecessors. Who knows whether this road is correct or not until we reach the end?

The world is unkind and treats all things as suckers. Didn’t the sages already make it clear? To heaven and earth, we are no different from grass, trees, fish, insects, sun, moon, mountains and rivers. Heaven and earth will not open up a path for us, and we can only rely on ourselves.

The potential of the human body is not unlimited, but since you can still feel that you are getting stronger, it means that you have not caught up with the pace of your predecessors. When one day you find that the essence of the world can no longer increase your strength Only when you make a tiny bit of progress does it mean that you have reached the end of the road opened by your predecessors and want to ask, then that is the starting point. "

Hearing this, Dian Wei was silent for a long time, and then nodded, as if he understood something. Walking on the path of his predecessors did not discourage him, but gave him a sense of pride. He insisted on seeing if he could surpass Zong Yue. Ancestor.

"So, do you want to try my full set of genetic enhancements? A course of treatment only costs 998! You can't buy it and suffer a loss! You can't buy it and be fooled!" After some reasoning, Cheng Ying also revealed his funny nature in an instant. …

Dian Wei: "..."

[To be continued]

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