Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,348 Let’s unlock the gene lock!

As soon as Dian Wei felt that what Cheng Ying said made sense, his face suddenly changed, and his style of painting suddenly changed to look like someone who rents r18 pirated discs at the entrance of a primary school, which was really unconvincing.

"Hey! Don't go! I'm serious, your way of physical training is much more reliable than their way of practicing qi and spirit! They are just baboons without the essence of heaven and earth. You are different! You Without the essence of heaven and earth, at least he is still an orangutan!"

Dian Wei: "..."

He felt that it was God's fault that Chengying had not been beaten to death at such an old age. He probably needed to restore his broken mouth to its factory settings and learn how to communicate well with primates.

"Really, I didn't lie to you! Your system of getting stronger is very promising, you know? Although the path of heaven and earth essence is left by the predecessors, human beings have evolved for so many years, and the principles left behind can be It’s not just this!

The power you inspire is not only the essence of heaven and earth that is given to you, but also the power from your blood! And this power is possessed by everyone. You may not understand what genes mean, but dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and mouse sons can dig holes. You should always understand that human beings have been doing this for so many years since ancient times. , extremely powerful people are often more likely to pass on their bloodline.

It’s just that many times, what they leave behind is not expressed, but is hidden in the blood. It is not until countless generations of its descendants that they can inherit this inheritance. I know you may not understand, that generation gap You know about heredity, right? The grandson is not like his father and his grandpa. This kind of trait can be hidden for countless generations.

Even when humans were monkeys in the trees. These characteristics have been inherited from generation to generation. What is contained in our genes is the precious wealth that has been accumulated through countless generations of evolution. The development of the body and the unlocking of the human body's limits are the exploration of this wealth!

Sao Nian! Join me in my experiment! I will help you untie the shackles of genes and help you trace all the power in your bloodline! "

Dian Wei stared at Cheng Ying. He had truly realized the unreliability of the person in front of him. Although he said it seriously and sounded very reasonable, this guy was most likely harboring evil intentions, or It's an attack of funny attributes.

However, Dian Wei had to admit that he was attracted by Cheng Ying's theory. He was very impressed by the power left in the blood of the heroes of the past generations. Although he doesn't feel that he is any worse than the previous heroes, there are many heroes in the past. They are good at things and have different special abilities. If they can combine these powers into one. It's scary to think about how strong that can be.

Cheng Ying's gene lock theory is not made up. Although there are no examples of systems like Infinite Horror that have unlocked genetic locks, there are still many examples of people relying on drugs or extreme environmental stimulation to break the limits of the human body and exert power far beyond their own strength.

Dian Wei himself can do similar things. For example, when he enters the boundary-breaking state, he will break the constraints of the body, liberate the brain's self-protection mechanism of the body, and allow the muscles to exert their full strength.

Naturally, Cheng Ying was not going to let go of such a good experimental subject. If there were any results, it would even be of great help to the real Tulip.

Although genes are made up of different base pairs arranged, the length is really ridiculous. All the functions are calculated by random arrangement of computers. Even with the computing power of Tulip today, the universe will be destroyed.

It is impossible to go through all the possibilities, so Dian Wei, a special case among humans, is still very valuable. At least its genetic sequence has the value of being recorded.

Even if your career here doesn't succeed, you can rely on the genetic sequence you memorized to go back and use more sophisticated equipment to clone a Dianwei and continue your research.

Being tempted means that it will be difficult for Dian Wei to escape from Cheng Ying's clutches. This pervert made his first pot of gold by relying on MLM, and he has a very dirty heart.

"Come on, come on! Drink this cup of radioactive elements! You are a top military general. You should understand the principle of breaking and then building. This cup of radioactive substances can release a large number of particles that are so tiny that they cannot be seen. They will break them. Your genetic factors, then you need to rely on your own strength to recombine your genetic factors, break them and then stand up again!

You don’t need to understand what your genetics is. Even if I explain it to you, you won’t understand it. As long as you understand it for a while, you will have a near-death experience. You just need to find ways to survive. Remember , the desire to survive is your biggest help to become stronger! Done! "

Dian Wei always felt that Cheng Ying was fooling him, and he also felt that the glass of fluorescent liquid in his hand was extremely dangerous. Even he thought he might die if he drank it.

You must know that after the internal energy is separated from the body, even arsenic can be eaten as jelly beans. Anything that makes them feel dangerous will definitely send ordinary people to heaven in seconds.

Cheng Ying said that this thing is absolutely safe. It is a radioactive substance that he finally extracted, and it is strictly controlled within the critical point of explosion. As long as you drink it, if there is no accident, there is still a certain chance that it will not explode, eh , there is a certain probability that it will not explode.

As for the radioactive intensity of this thing, even if a normal person does not drink it, if he walks around the room, he will basically say goodbye to the stretcher and can ask an Iveco Gold Cup to be taken to the crematorium.

Although Dian Wei was confused, he believed that Cheng Ying would not kill him, so he suppressed his uneasiness and drank up the unknown liquid emitting green fluorescence in one gulp.

As soon as he drank it, he felt something was wrong. No matter how much alcohol he drank, he had such a physical condition. There will be no feeling of being drunk. But now he felt as if he had drunk too much. Everything in front of me was spinning, and the road was unstable. Floating as he walked, he took two steps and landed on the ground with a plop.

"Quick, quick, quick! Doctor Hua! Doctor Zhang! Hurry up and rescue me. Put on your chemical protective suits and your small bodies are definitely not worth the effort."

As soon as the words fell, the two were fully armed. The little old man, who was wrapped up in protective clothing without leaving any gaps, rushed in. Although medical ethics and so on are very important, Dian Wei's rare research material, which is rare in a century, is really delicious. These two have known each other a long time ago. Thinking. How should we capture Dian Wei alive? However, this man's body is too strong. Few people can beat him, let alone capture him alive, even though both of them are miracle doctors. It is impossible to develop a poison that can kill Dian Weidu.

[To be continued]

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