Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1369: Addicted to Games

Chen Xi restored the original version as much as possible during the production process, and even the position of the easter eggs was not changed at all, so what Liu Laoliu played was the original version without any reduction in difficulty.

For a game novice, the difficulty of Super Mario is actually not low. The first three levels of the first level are okay, but after reaching the dungeon level, the spinning fireballs are undoubtedly a problem for many players with handicapped hands. nightmare.

After Liu Laoliu became familiar with the operation, he easily passed the first three levels. The little dwarf also grew taller and could shoot small fireballs. This made him feel that he was invincible. He was just a turtle and a chestnut boy. Nothing can stop him from becoming stronger.

Then he encountered 1-4 with completely different colors, pale walls, black background, and magma under his feet. It didn't look easy to mess with, especially the small fireballs spinning in circles. Although the rotation is not fast, the pressure is quite high.

Liu Laoliu couldn't help but his heart beat faster, and without exception, he was wiped by the fireball on his buttocks, lost his bullets, turned back into a small man, and finally died in the familiar background music.

This scene almost made him take off his glasses and throw them away, shouting rnm refund! But a good attitude and patience far beyond ordinary people. Still let him start the challenge again. 1-4 looks very dangerous. In fact, as long as you calm down, it is not as difficult as imagined. After calmly trying twice more, Liu Laoliu successfully passed and threw the big turtle into the magma.

"It's just average! This time, the ball car is much easier!" Although he said this, his face was grinning almost to the ears without realizing it. This extremely pure joy has been baptized by countless games. It may be difficult for modern people to realize this.

However, Liu Laoliu soon realized that this was actually just the beginning. What he had just passed was the first hurdle, and there was still 2-1 behind him. This made Liu Laoliu calm down. Since there were ones starting with 2, there were probably others starting with 3 and 4. It seemed like his The challenge is far from over.

However, Liu Laoliu was very confident. After passing the first level, his dwarf could already shoot fireballs. Then the levels going back should become more and more powerful.

But he soon realized that this form that could throw fireballs was actually the most powerful form. Being a monster was becoming more and more difficult. Flying turtles began to appear, and clouds that dropped thorny turtles began to appear. , cannonballs that fly very fast.

But facing such a challenge, it aroused his competitive spirit. Unknowingly, he felt that the light around him seemed to get brighter. When he looked up, the sun had already come out, and he had reached the fourth level. .

He could already pass the previous levels with great familiarity. He is so skilled that it makes people feel distressed. For some reason, he actually feels a sense of accomplishment. It is not the character in the game who has become stronger, but himself who has become stronger. This is more gratifying than the character becoming stronger in the game. It is also a more real change. Even if you lose everything in the game, you can't erase it and become stronger.

Under normal circumstances, if he played like this all night, he would definitely be scolded by his wife and children. But looking at his wife and children who were also wearing glasses and staring straight ahead, he felt that he could probably play again. a while...

The games launched in the first round are not just Super Mario, but also the simplest Tetris, Arkanoid, and games like Contra.

However, according to statistics, the most popular one seems to be this mushroom man.

The number of people participating in the game,

It is also growing rapidly. After more than ten days, it has grown to tens of millions. There is no doubt about this. It will affect the production of the Han Empire to a considerable extent.

But in this period when there is already a large excess of production capacity, delaying some production is actually not a big problem.

Although it was just an extremely simple pixel game, it still had a huge impact on their ordinary cultural life. As a result, there are many Internet-addicted teenagers. Chen Xi is considering whether to limit the gaming time of teenagers.

For example, game services are only provided on the last three days of the week, between 8 and 9 pm. Without real-name authentication, you cannot play at other times.

This policy is in front of us, and it is not considered a bad policy in this era. After all, half a month ago, they had not even touched the game. If it is changed to only playing three hours a week, it is not completely unacceptable.

However, it has still received resistance from many teenagers. After all, the game is so popular. Considering that a large number of people still need to play, this policy has not been implemented for the time being. Anyway, after the evil god is killed, it is not certain whether this game space can continue to be used. If it cannot be used, then everyone should stop playing.

During the hotline days when the game was launched, Cheng Ying would enter the evil god's space from time to time to check the erosion status.

During the development of the game, the evil god's counterattacks have always relied on Chen Xi's huge mental capacity to resist. Although his mental capacity is indeed extremely large. But over time, a lot was consumed.

However, as the game gradually became more popular, the positive emotions of the players whose spirits were partially pulled into the space were largely fed back to the evil god's space. Within a few days, the evil god's erosion was gradually offset, so that Chen Xi no longer needed to consume Maintain mental strength.

Currently in the process of counterattack, the evil god's power can no longer compress the space occupied by the white light. The huge white light ball is still expanding, occupying a larger area of ​​the evil god's space.

Judging from the captured Evil God's relatives, they are not in particularly good condition. According to reports from D-class personnel, these people have tentacles. There seems to be slime dripping down bit by bit. If you look at it from the perspective of the Evil God's family, it is these fried sauce doughs that are constantly dripping sauce.

According to the descriptions of these people, this phenomenon means a disease, but it is not a serious disease, and is probably equivalent to a small cold in humans. After learning this, the entire fleet breathed a sigh of relief.

Their plan to weaken the Evil God has already had an effect. Even if it cannot truly eliminate the shoe body, it can still make them gradually weaker, and the weak Evil God will pose a much smaller threat to them. At least the ability to move will become much worse. You can let the tactical eyepiece mosaic these things directly. Then they directly bombed them wildly, blasting these writing gods into pieces. Soldiers in the fleet generally refer to this act as merciful physical override.

[To be continued]

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