Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,370 Personal Shielding Device

After the evil god's power was suppressed, the Han Empire's fleet was attacked several times. Although the status of the evil god's followers was affected by the decline of the evil god's power, they did not need to attack in the first place. They only needed to hinder the fleet. view.

After several encounters, the fleet still suffered a small loss. Only after the evil god is completely eliminated can this disadvantage completely disappear.

These people are not in line with the strategy. The main purpose of the fleet is to find Jose's base and then delay its construction progress. It would be best to find out exactly what method he plans to use. A devastating blow to the planet.

At least the way he created ecocide could never be by using evil gods. This thing is extremely uncontrollable, and the rules of evil gods in each world are completely different. It is very possible that after a lot of effort, a hairless Pikachu was summoned.

The real regional ecocide blow is definitely yet to come. Cheng Ying was also a little helpless about this. There were many ways to cause a devastating blow to the surface biosphere, and it was difficult for him to judge by guessing.

The fleet is now in a suppressed state and it is difficult to break through the enemy's defense line. However, he has not gained anything these days. I already have some experience of resisting erosion.

Positive emotions can indeed resist erosion, but the emotions released by the soldiers themselves, unless they encounter a huge happy event, are not enough to resist the strong erosion on the battlefield. This requires the infection of other people's emotions.

Similar to empathy, this kind of thing is not too difficult if you say it is difficult, but it will leave some sequelae or have some side effects during combat. Although happy emotions are positive emotions, there are also cases where you are crazy about happiness. "Fan Jin Passed the National Examination" is a very typical example.

If such soldiers are sent to the battlefield, it is really difficult to judge what they will do. Maybe he would take out two grenades and throw them into the sky as fireworks to celebrate. So the degree of this positive emotion is a very critical point.

Chengying adopts the mode of detection and counterattack. That is to say, when erosion is detected, emotions will be injected and counterattacks will be made. This will prevent the soldiers from being in an excited state all the time. If they are always in a happy state, it will not only affect the battle. It may even leave irreversible damage.

In the final analysis, various human emotions are controlled by the secretion of hormones in the body. If you keep cultivating your points, the effect will be almost the same as drugs. Once you stop, you will have severe withdrawal reactions. Such a price is unbearable for the empire's army.

That is to say, based on the principle of ensuring safety as much as possible. Personal shielding devices were used. And achieved quite good results in combat. Among the warriors, one could look directly at the followers of the evil god and kill them.

Although during the killing process, he will suddenly become very excited and even do some irrational things. However, not many serious incidents occurred.

The worst time was when he pinned his long-time comrade on the deck on the battlefield. Chengying could only wish them a happy marriage.

After gaining the ability to resist the erosion of the Evil God's followers, a large-scale counterattack began. The main armies of both sides also began to collide. The real fight started on the sea.

In Jose's fleet, the metal warships are basically aircraft carriers. Compared with battleships, the lower limit of manufacturing difficulty of aircraft carriers is much lower. Regardless of movement speed, it only requires a large enough wooden board to float on the sea.

The immigrant army, with Jukun as the main force of the fleet, only needs a certain amount of air support from the aircraft carrier, and the demand for various types of gunboats is very low. This resulted in this somewhat deformed naval configuration.

In contrast, the configuration on Chengying's side is much more normal, with all types of ships equipped, as well as specially built mecha aircraft carriers. In terms of air power, the Han Empire's is not of high quality and can only rely on quantity. .

Without brainwashing, he is a truly excellent fighter pilot. They can only rely on fighting in the battlefield for training.

This time the two sides set up their positions, and there was a fierce artillery bombardment from the beginning. Jose's firepower was obviously at a disadvantage, especially since they lacked weapons of mass destruction such as guided missile destroyers, and they did not have the kind to blow up a large area. arms.

They suffered a big loss in long-range bombardment, but they also had their own advantages. That is to have both a shield and cloud protection. The shield is formed by the cloud formation of the soldiers on the fleet, and the cloud protection is made up of the massive cloud gas from the giant kun.

The cloud energy is mobilized to form a defensive formation, which is quite capable of protecting against long-range attacks. Even though it suffered some losses in long-range shooting due to lack of firepower, the battle losses were not much.

Unlike ordinary battleships, Jukun does not need to worry about water leakage. After all, they are all solid, even if the organization is destroyed. As long as enough nutrients and biomass are injected, it can still be repaired quickly. It's just that the newly repaired tissue will be more fragile and become a weak point that is easier to break through. In addition, the armor laid on the surface will not be restored.

While the two sides were shooting at each other from a distance, a large number of giant kelps dived into the sea. Basically, everyone has the ability to dive like whales. Moreover, the depth it can dive into is not shallow, and seawater can isolate most attacks. You must know that if ordinary firearms are in the water, they will basically lose their killing power at a distance of three to five meters.

Although shelling underwater will also be affected by resistance. But it can use torpedoes and rely on explosions to attack. This poses a huge threat to many warships that have adopted harmless penetration designs.

This was also one of Cheng Ying's mistakes in the process of designing the battleship. He did not expect that Jose would use whales as a blueprint for biological modification, so the design of the battleship took more into account penetrating damage rather than explosive damage.

Fortunately, even if it adopts a harmless penetration design, the Edelman alloy coating on the surface of the battleship's armor is quite strong. It is quite difficult for ordinary torpedoes to penetrate the soul in one shot.

Facing the diving opponent, the fleet immediately released depth bombs. At the same time, Ma Chao and Sun Ce also became excited. Chengying would build a mecha like the Dangerous Wanderer with almost no flying ability. Naturally, he had his reasons. . A big factor in this is that it is used to deal with underwater enemies.

It is extremely difficult for Dangerous Wanderers to fly into the sky, but it is too easy to sink to the bottom of the water. With a body made of all metal, it is difficult not to sink to the bottom. And his huge size and powerful destructive power, combined with the underwater thruster, are completely unparalleled under the sea.

[To be continued]

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