Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,376 Nuclear Explosion

Without the fleet's protection, the immigration army's air defense system was equivalent to losing most of its firepower. Under such circumstances, it faced a large number of missile attacks. We can only intercept some of them as much as possible.

foreseeable. Build the base after this round of bombing. I'm afraid there's not much left. Especially among these countless missiles, there are still three nuclear bombs hidden.

Perhaps the body's response to exposure to radiation can be suppressed by some means. You can also use brainwashing to make these people work regardless of radiation. But the base's infrastructure was destroyed, and its resources destroyed. But it is not so easy to recover.

Jose directly chose to withdraw his troops. He needed to use the effective forces at hand to rescue those still alive in the ruins and resume production.

There is still 1/3 of the progress towards the center of the earth. The most important thing is that the dormant shelter placed in the center of the earth has not been completed yet. Now a natural disaster has occurred, and he has nowhere to hide.

Dense missiles fell in the air like rain. But raindrops don't have such terrible destructive power.

After any missile falls, it is a mushroom cloud. Immediately afterwards, large pieces of steel were twisted and torn apart in the shock wave, and the twisted and deformed steel fragments were caught in the explosion storm. Like Death's scythe. Wherever it passes, all life will be torn apart and riddled with holes.

Even those who have become dependents under the influence of the evil god are still unable to survive these frequent explosions. Even though they have self-repair abilities far beyond ordinary people. In the end, it was also wiped out in successive explosions.

As more and more people died, the already weak air defense system became even more inoperable. And the three Death Gods in the sky have already landed on the ground.

What follows is the real doomsday. Even in the process of conquering multi-colonial stars, Tulip rarely uses this weapon of mass destruction. At this time, it is used to attack the relatively backward base, which is quite a killing. It feels like using a knife.

With a burst of blinding white light. The shock wave swept across the entire sea area, and the core temperature of the nuclear bomb explosion was indeed very high. But the method of killing is actually not much different from ordinary bombs. They rely on powerful shock waves to spread the terrifying mechanical energy and destroy everything along the way.

This attack seemed to be a desperate one. Under the impact of the nuclear bomb explosion, other missiles exploded. They all became insignificant and merged into the shock wave. It's like a drop of water falling into a pond, leaving no trace.

Even from far away, you can still see the mushroom cloud rising after a burst of bright light. Although many bomb explosions will produce a mushroom cloud-like effect, the mushroom that represents destruction seems to have been firmly bound to nuclear bombs in people's minds.

Jose, who saw this scene on the battleship, already knew that there might be nothing left in his hometown. However, he still sent people to search cautiously.

If the one-piece cast spherical containers used for the liquid layer had been completed before the explosion, they might have been preserved intact.

After all, those things are to be thrown to the center of the earth. There is liquid iron deep in the center of the earth, and high temperature and high pressure are the norm. If you are facing a shock wave, you are immersed in sea water. There is a high probability that it can withstand the impact intact. As long as you can get it back, you can continue to use it.

The ships dispatched this time. They are all driven by some strange tentacles. These people are all dependents transformed by evil gods. Although it is stuck with some kind of bug, it can still maintain human sanity.

But its appearance has completely changed into that of a tentacle monster, and its physiological structure has also undergone the same changes. For them, radiation is not deadly. Some people even think radiation is a delicious lunch.

Even after the nuclear explosion had just ended, the radiation in the core area was still severe. They can still travel between the explosion area and the safe area without hindrance.

The radio signals have been greatly interfered in this area, and it will take some time to reply. However, for them, even without the command of the headquarters, they can easily complete the search work.

In fact, as long as you have eyes, you can basically complete it, because the production workshops as the sea base have all been torn to pieces. Can float on the sea. There are rarely fragments larger than one meter in diameter.

At this time, there were three giant spheres floating on the sea, which were larger than their battleships. No need to ask what it is, you already know. It is to overcome the difficulty of the liquid layer. And the matryoshka-style transmission point is cast in one piece.

It looks like there are just three super big balls, but in fact, each ball is nested with a smaller ball, and so on, until the nesting of dolls is no longer possible.

There is no doubt that if you get these three guys, it will be of great help to clear the last third of the journey.

The fleet throws out the cable. Small boats hauled cables, wrapping them around the giant sphere. Then several ships were like eight-carriage oxen in ancient times, pulling the huge sphere forward slowly on the sea.

It’s just that things often don’t go as smoothly as expected. The base exploded on the spot. It was not just the production factory that was blown up, but also an unlucky guy located in the base who suffered an unthinkable disaster.

I feel very bad when I eat soy sauce. Not only because of his delicious name, but also because he was unable to harvest the negative emotions he wanted from his devout followers. Sohu has some kind of problem with its own teachings to believers.

At first, the believers screamed in fear and were extremely horrified by the changes that had occurred in their bodies. But after reaching a certain limit, they suddenly began to become positive and optimistic and worked hard. This was not evil at all, he felt. When I reincarnated, I must have encountered an error code.

This was unfortunate enough, but obviously, even worse things were yet to come. Although the path to obtain negative emotions from believers was cut off, and a steady stream of positive emotions that made him irritable broke into his spiritual world, these were not particularly important to him. He just wanted to find a quiet place to have a good sleep. Then he goes back to where he came from, and never peeps into this weird and weird world again!

But it backfired. A huge fireball swept through his room. His bed was crushed into rubbish along with it. Even if he was a powerful evil god, there was no way he could continue to sleep in such a terrifying explosion.

As everyone knows. People who are woken up often have bad tempers. Especially since this guy has a pretty serious problem with waking up.

So when a huge tentacle appeared deep under the sea, even as a descendant of the evil god, he knew that he was going to be in trouble.

[To be continued]

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