Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,377 Drug Promotion

Huge tentacles wrapped around an equally huge sphere. It was like they were playing a tug-of-war game with the battleships, competing to see who had greater strength, pulling the giant sphere in the center.

Jose saw this scene in the distance from a high-altitude reconnaissance plane. He also understood that there was no evil god, and he was afraid that too many positive emotions had invaded his spiritual world and had been reversely contaminated by mortals.

Although this situation does not occur in all collective consciousnesses, the crazy scene in front of him undoubtedly means that this unlucky evil god has been reversely eroded to the point of almost going crazy. It won't be long before he becomes A complete lunatic.

The honeymoon period of the cooperation between the Immigration Army and the Evil God is probably coming to an end, so there is no hesitation. He directly ordered the fleet to fire at the tentacles. Although the evil god's body was powerful, it was far inferior to his corrosive ability. It was nothing more than a super huge sea monster. Ordinary physical damage can destroy his body. Although this can't kill him at all. Can't even hurt him. But as long as the goods can be salvaged, that's enough.

As the maintainer of order, he should have a headache because of this crazy evil god. It's the Han Empire. It was they who injected too many positive thoughts into the spiritual world of this evil god. no doubt. When students go crazy, they will immediately find the source of these positive emotions.

Although the tentacles of the evil god are strong, their overall strength even exceeds the armor of the battleship. But being attacked by such a dense fire, they soon became unable to withstand it. Just three noodles stretched to the limit. Jumped suddenly.

There was no blood or flesh spurting out. The broken tentacle disappeared directly. Then a new tentacle appeared out of thin air. This is why it is said that the body of the evil god can be easily destroyed, but it cannot be killed.

The basis for the existence of this big guy is no longer in the real world that can be attacked by ordinary physical means. Therefore any physical damage to his body is meaningless, it will only make him more irritable and crazy.

It is a warship that is used as a towing ship, with full power. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he quickly pulled three huge spheres out of the explosion sea area. Although the evil god is irritable and crazy, he is not a vulgar man, and he has no special preference for huge spheres.

Jose successfully rescued the last three remaining giant nesting doll underground bases. Although there is still a lot of work ahead. But with the help of these three. It won't take long to complete. Because most of the work underground relies on teleportation. So the location of the base is not fixed. Any area with sufficient industrial equipment can be used as a base.

In the past, offshore drilling platforms were established all over the world. Now it becomes a very prescient arrangement. Although it is not a dedicated production base, it still has a large amount of resource reserves and industrial facilities, which can fully undertake the processing of certain components. You say assemble it into the equipment they need.

On the surface, the reconstruction work of the base will not stop. On the one hand, it is to confuse opponents, and on the other hand, it is indeed necessary to restore production capacity.

After this battle, Cheng Ying did not continue to pursue, but returned to the port to rest and recuperate. Although the fleet's losses were not as great as those of the immigrant army, they still suffered a loss of 40%.

The raging Legion attacks pose a great threat to the fleet. The losses were even more severe for the carrier-based aircraft and their pilots.

Although victorious on the battlefield,

But the search and rescue time was already too late, and many pilots who parachuted into the sea did not survive. This made Chengying's plan to accumulate a wave of veteran pilots not very successful. Only about half of the expected effect.

As for why he returned to the port, Cheng Ying finally reacted. Zhou Yu's strategy of forcibly changing families seemed to be to weaken his direct army and reduce his influence in the empire. Although his political sensitivity was average, he finally reacted. Come here, knowing that if your troops continue to suffer massive losses in battle, something bad may happen.

But it's not all bad news. At least the strategic purpose of this expedition has been achieved, and a group of navies with acceptable levels have been trained.

Next, we only need to re-produce a batch of battleships. The combat effectiveness of the Han Empire's navy can be significantly improved to another level. As for Jose, Cheng Ying was no longer in a hurry and took him out to deal with it.

Because Hua Tuo has achieved new results in the development of genetic medicines, and it seems that the production process has been extremely simplified. Mass production can already be achieved with existing equipment.

It's just that things like genes and medicines are actually very difficult to put on the assembly line. The reason is that the genes of each person who uses the medicine are different. It would be too difficult to develop a universal set of transformation potions. It needs to be customized according to each person's map.

This sounds difficult. There are more than 40 million people in the country. If you want to customize all of them, it sounds impossible. But in fact the difficulty is not as high as imagined. Because the customized results can actually be calculated directly using computers, and most of the production processes overlap with each other and need to be customized according to each person's physical condition. The amount of work required is very small, as long as the local control is strict enough and the population statistics are done well enough. It is not difficult to achieve universal vaccination.

Chen Xi has already done a good job in both aspects. The merger of villages and villages was not completely successful even in later generations, but it was realized in this era. Although there will be many problems in transportation, there is no doubt that Facilitates demographic and household registration management. Coupled with the mastery of cross-generation transportation technology and communication technology, even the outrageous technology of teleportation can be realized between certain areas, which makes this control even stricter.

After the production technology matured, the empire immediately began to organize national physical examinations. The results of the physical examinations were uniformly processed and kept by the state, and then sent to the database for calculation to determine the corresponding slap medicine for each person. Finally, they were put into production and conducted nationwide. Medication injection.

After this huge plan is fully completed, all people in the Han Empire will have extremely strong immunity. and the individual’s strong ability to survive in extreme environments. When encountering life-threatening danger, the hidden fragments within the genes will be unlocked. After unlocking the gene locks, combat and survivability will be greatly improved. Even if the doomsday comes, it will be difficult to cause much casualties to the empire.

[To be continued]

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