Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,378 New Order

At the Yangmingshou Electronic Physiotherapy Center, Liu Laoliu walked out of the iron gate with lingering fear. The instructor's voice seemed to be echoing in his ears: "Do you still dare to play games?"

When he thought of this voice, he couldn't help but tremble all over and his muscles spasmed.

There are so many addicted gamers like him. Video games are really too advanced for this era. If modern people who have experienced the baptism of information explosion will be addicted to games, for the simple people of this era , there is really only a thin line between video games and spiritual opium.

Fortunately, Cheng Ying and Chen Xi are both experienced in how to punish these guys who are addicted to games, so the Yangmingshou Electronic Physiotherapy Center was born. Those who forget about food and sleep because of games, or even give up their jobs, will be sent to In this treatment center, there are some undeniable intimate encounters with sheep and beasts.

Although the method is a bit rough, the effect is not to say that it is very effective. In the shortest possible time, they have established a conditioned reflex to resist the game. Although they still want to play in their hearts, as soon as they open the game, they subconsciously feel like being shocked. It feels like this kind of conditioned reflex can affect them for at least several months. This amount of time is enough for most people to overcome the effects of addiction.

There are many people like Liu Laoliu, but most of them are children. There is only one person like him who is running around. This made him a little embarrassed. Especially in front of other naughty children, they were so shocked that they screamed and screamed.

Fortunately, he still had the skills in his hands. After two days of recovery after being discharged from the hospital, he could go directly to work. Liu Laoliu, who was originally planning to go home directly, was notified that he had to go to the local military region before going back. General Hospital to receive this year's citizen benefits.

Although he is looking forward to the welfare of citizens, Liu Laoliu will no longer be deceived by simple names, such as Electronic Physiotherapy Center, which sounds high-end and has an extremely comfortable name that can make people serve him at the first glance. It can all be turned into a Pavlovian concentration camp, and maybe it’s a trap for citizens’ welfare or something like that?

However, Liu Laoliu could only go on his way obediently as two policemen with handsome features and strong backs and waists standing two meters high surrounded him with loaded guns and blocked the escape of him and other people who were discharged from the hospital.

It's just that when he looked at these two guys with beautiful features and strong backs, he felt more and more familiar. Although they were not very similar in stature, their features and eyes looked so much like his fellow villagers. He remembered that these two people's homes were not far from him, and they were about one meter apart. Wujiu, who is 1.61 meters tall, is not even taller than himself, and has a skinny figure. Why did he suddenly grow into a muscular brother?

This beaver? This is not a beaver!

However, it seemed to be organizational discipline. Liu Laoliu wanted to talk to the two of them, but was rejected. It seemed that he had to receive this citizen welfare. Liu Laoliu was a little worried, would he also become a tough guy?

If it was just him who became like this, it would still be barely acceptable. As for a man, it's okay to have a strong figure, but if his wife is as beautiful as a flower, she also looks like this. Then he really didn't have anywhere to cry.

Just imagine that the girl who was originally soft and cuddly suddenly transformed into the protein queen in the biology book, and then hit you habitually, punched your chest with small fists, and smashed you against the wall, unable to pick you off. , I feel like my future is bleak for a while!

Others were also whispering, and most of them were from the same hometown. The faces of these two policemen do look familiar. They are often called Wujiu and Liuyi in the village. Their nicknames literally refer to their height. These two policemen have always been concerned about their height.

The resentment is deep, and now they suddenly become so tall and powerful, people even suspect that they secretly drank Mr. Mighty...

This is not a beaver!

Although there were more and more doubts in their hearts, they still lined up and came to the local military region general hospital. It seems that just like the previous vaccinations, they also have to inject something this time. Although they are used to injecting some strange things into the body in order to prevent diseases. But with those two young warriors with strong backs and handsome features, as a lesson learned from the past, everyone was still a little uneasy, especially the more handsome ones, the more uneasy they were.

Even if Yanzu's head is attached to Schwarzenegger's body, it won't look so handsome!

The first person entered the sterile room first. He was a dark-skinned man who looked like an African chief. His teeth were chattering before he walked in. I wonder if I become darker and stronger, will I look like a pervert?

But when he walked out, others were stunned. This man did not become a muscular man. Instead, his skin became fairer like that of an African chief. Other aspects were almost unchanged.

This made people more and more confused. Then a big fat man walked in. When he walked out soon, he was covered in sweat, but he had a well-proportioned figure. He even opened his clothes to look like a belly. The outline of the abdominal muscles can be faintly seen.

After that, another guy with a hunchback walked in. When he came out, he became straight. These changes surprised those people. Ever since, the welcome of "Wuhu! Wuhu!" kept coming from the other side of the exit. For a while, it was like apes on both sides of the Taiwan Strait could not stop crying.

Finally it was Liu Laoliu's turn. Although he had to undergo electronic physical therapy every day for the past few days, he was not stupid after all. If he still couldn't see that this residents' welfare was to change physical defects, then he With this IQ, there is no need to play Super Mario.

Regarding his physical defects, Liu Laoliu doesn't have many requirements. He only needs to get rid of his body odor, mend his front teeth, grow his own eyebrows, cover his Mediterranean, and prop up his eyelids. , pull his wrinkles, and by the way, he will grow one or two centimeters taller. It is best to make his freely stretchable Ruyi stick grow to seventeen centimeters, and that's almost it.

What an unpretentious, concise and clear wish! Liu Laoliu felt that he was really too simple, too desireless!

The nurse responsible for injecting him with the genetic medicine stared at him with a pair of dead fish eyes. She had seen too many of this kind of guy who was full of yellow garbage and only smiled when he walked in. Her injection was accurate and ruthless, and her technique was so proficient. A certain sign is also ashamed of itself.

Liu Laoliu screamed, feeling pain everywhere in his body. It was as if bullet ants were crawling all over his body and biting him like crazy. And the body is gradually changing.

The pain made him sweat profusely, but he endured the pain. He got up and looked in the mirror. In person, the guy who was originally a bit wretched could now compete with Xu Gong in the north of the city. This made him ecstatic. When he left the sterile room, he looked around and saw no one. He opened his pants and looked surprised.

"Eighteen centimeters! Hahahaha! I am also eighteen centimeters!"

[To be continued]

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