Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,386 The Beginning of the Decisive Battle

Jose, like his own leader, must be extremely well prepared before setting off.

In order to avoid being discovered by other surveillance cameras, Jose gave up the normal entry methods, but sank to the bottom of the water and walked step by step to an uninhabited coast.

The most difficult thing to intercept and track is not airplanes or tanks. On the contrary, it is people who use their feet and hands to cross various obstacles. Although with the development of mechanical technology, mechanized equipment can cope with increasingly complex terrain.

But compared to the complex situations that the human body can handle after millions of years of evolution, there is still a gap, at least at this time and the current level of technology. The ability of the manufactured machinery to cope with the terrain cannot match the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

Although border guards are stationed on the coastline, there are various ships patrolling the sea. But facing a person who walks directly from the bottom of the sea to the shore, there are almost no effective methods. to monitor his location.

Jose did not try to sneak into the city. He had already found the stronghold of Chengying Defense through high-altitude reconnaissance, which was an uninhabited grassland. There would be no excuse for passing by there as a normal human being.

Therefore, he directly turned on the optical camouflage along the way. Flying close to the ground. With the blessing of various hidden devices, he seemed to have disappeared from this world.

Even Chengying didn't realize when he was. Appeared here.

Suspended in the air. Looking down at the camp shrouded in fog, Jose was also thinking about how to attack. Faced with this kind of fixed camp, dropping a nuclear bomb seems to be the best solution.

However, Cheng Ying should not have missed this point. Jose needs more information. Know how your adversary plans to defend against weapons of mass destruction.

It is very dangerous for the main body to sneak in, but he does not have to go in by himself. Although the current technology cannot allow humans to achieve seventy-two transformations, it is still possible to release a mosquito and let it fly in to help you relieve the fog of war.

There are many mosquitoes on the grassland. Even if mosquito repellent powder has been sprinkled around the camp, there are still many mosquitoes flying around. It is not difficult for mosquitoes with micro detectors to blend in.

Jose didn't put any metal equipment on this mosquito. On the surface, it was basically impossible to tell the difference between him and other mosquitoes.

The buzzing sound is very annoying, the kind that makes you jump up and turn on the light even if you hear it in the middle of the night when you are half asleep. Shouting, one of you and I must die tonight, and then we will fight him until death.

But such a sound did not trigger the alarm. It seemed that the owner of the camp did not issue a perverted order that not even a fly could be allowed in.

"It's really well-defended! It's a pity that Mosquito's body is too small. He can't carry various measuring equipment, otherwise we can know how he plans to prevent nuclear bomb attacks."

"Huh? What is this tower-like building for? It has enough energy, so let's fly over and have a look." Jose was not in a hurry. He could plan slowly and throw the mosquitoes in one by one until he found the camp. to the weakness.

"The strange device should not be the standard model inside Tulip. It seems that this thing has released the ability of a force field. Hmm... Will the neutron speed in this field be reduced? It doesn't seem to be reduced, but a force field. changes in spatial scale.

Some of them don't understand the principle.

But I seem to understand the function of this thing. Does it intercept the nuclear explosion by blocking the movement of neutrons? In this case, the possibility of releasing a nuclear bomb will be curbed from the source!

Go check out other areas. You can consider how to destroy this tower later. "José can only see now. Destroying a well-guarded building with a mosquito is tantamount to wishful thinking. The mosquito's power cannot even press a button.

Mosquito's vision continued to change, and he began to fly towards the central building of the camp, which should be Cheng Ying's tent, as the target of assassination. Presumably he must have taken a lot of precautions on himself. Detecting these in advance will undoubtedly make the assassination more convenient.

But just as he flew near the door, he heard a snap. Then the screen went black.

"Uh... someone must have filmed him to death. I think I captured this guy's face just now. Damn it, I'm going to beat the crap out of you when I get in." Jose has already expressed concern about the loss of the mosquito detector. The psychological expectation was exceeded, so one was released again.

This time he flew a long circle around Cheng Ying's tent, but found that he had no way to get in. on all windows open to the public. The windows were all hung up. Although this method is very primitive. But it is undoubtedly very useful, at least Jose found that he had no way to get in.

It seems that even with a strong body. The skin is not tough enough for mosquitoes to bite through. Cheng Yingyi doesn't want to hear the sound of mosquitoes while sleeping.

He had no choice but to settle for the next best thing. Before all the energy was consumed, he flew towards other areas. In addition to the tower against nuclear bombs, there was also a tower. The spherical building looks very eye-catching.

Thankfully, this time there was finally a gap in the building, allowing Jose to fly in and explore what was going on inside.

"It's another non-standard building... Should I say it's worthy of being a chief? It doesn't need any design drawings at all. All the necessary equipment can be made out.

This device looks like a component of a shield generator, but I can't understand how it works. It's not a large regional shield. What is it? A super powerful personal shield? A bit similar, but not exactly the same. In short, we need to be on guard against possible super shields.

What about the rest of the equipment? It's a bit troublesome. The remaining building surfaces are covered with barriers, so there's no way to check them directly! Hmm... Then go to the military camp and have a look? "


The signal was cut off again. There was no doubt that this annoying mosquito had been swatted to death again. Jose could see clearly this time, the appearance of the person who swatted him to death, including the details of his clothing. The score is clear.

"Well... I suddenly thought of a good way to sneak in. But this requires the mosquito to bring something in. It also requires immersive equipment that can simulate reality in the future. It is best to transmit information in real time on both sides of the portal.

The chief seems to have actually used this method back then. I remember it seemed to be used when solving the cult dens in the old continent. However, even if this method is known, it may be difficult to prevent it. "

[To be continued]

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