Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,387 The assassination begins

It didn't take long for Jose to prepare the equipment he needed. Basically, all of them have been produced before, and you just need to call them over. The virtual reality simulator can be directly replaced by Cthulhu Space. Chengying is not the only one who can use Cthulhu Space to create immersive games.

As the party who actively summoned the evil god. Although it is easier to use the power of the evil god. In this way, you are basically ready.

Jose, who was invisible, teleported out a set of clothes in his shelter in the center of the earth. These were the clothes of the camp's logistics director. This was one of the people who swatted mosquitoes to death during the investigation. After recording the other party's appearance, Jose began a plan to replace him.

First of all, he needs an identical set of clothes, which is very simple. Secondly, he needs to change his height and weight, and change his appearance. This is not difficult for him either. He doesn't even need to use props, he can adjust the cells on his face to make his appearance exactly the same as the other person's. Even the hairstyle is not bad at all.

"It's a pity that this guy is a bit ugly, but I can't care so much. Well... one mosquito isn't enough, so let's get two more!"

It is not difficult for Jose to replace the opponent and become exactly the same as the opponent, but it is impossible to go in and knock the opponent out personally and then replace him. That way, he would have been discovered before he was replaced. There is no point in infiltrating.

The only way to avoid being discovered is to teleport through space and replace him in an instant. This requires leaving sufficiently accurate teleportation coordinates on his body. Then teleport him to the center of the earth base, and at the same time teleport himself to take his place. As long as the speed is fast enough, the fog detector will not trigger the alarm!

As for how to prevent yourself from revealing your identity? The person being replaced needs to be allowed to enter the virtual reality space. He was completely unaware that he had been replaced.

Then the five senses in the camp after Jose was replaced were completely synchronized with the unlucky guy who was replaced. Jose only needs to completely follow the other party's actions and behaviors in the virtual world. There is no need to worry about exposure at all.

The disadvantage of this is that there is almost no room for free movement, and the movements and words of the replaced person in the virtual world must be completely synchronized.

But the advantage is that there is almost no possibility of exposure, because whether it is what he says or the actions he takes, it is the choice that the person being replaced should have made.

The basis for people to make judgments about things is their perception. After synchronizing the five senses, the choices made by the replaced unlucky guy in the virtual world will be exactly the same as in the real world. Unless he was an undercover agent from the beginning, there was no possibility of exposure.

Of course, if Jose plans to move freely, there will inevitably be a certain risk of exposure. There are ways to reduce this risk. That is in the virtual world. Create some differences from the real world,

All it takes is a subtle difference.

For example, if there is more shit ahead of a certain road than in reality, the person in the virtual world will most likely not choose this road again. Instead, choose to take a detour from another direction.

Of course, the specific operation cannot be so rough. Through a series of coincidences that are not inconsistent with each other, the replaced person will be guided to make the actions Jose needs.

Although the degree of freedom is still limited, it is enough to observe the camp and look for assassination opportunities. The position of logistics director is neither high nor low. It is just enough to face Chengying directly. After enough exploration of the camp , can instantly launch an assassination when the two parties meet.

Even if the first killing move is almost impossible to kill Cheng Ying, it will still have an advantage in the subsequent assassination steps. Although Jose thinks that it is almost impossible to win by conventional means, so he chooses to assassinate alone, but this is not It means that he gave up the victory of this competition. Just any chance. He will not give up on killing Cheng Ying.

After everything was ready, Jose waited for the logistics manager to return to the room to sleep, and at the moment his consciousness fell into a deep sleep. Space transfer is activated. Teleportation can be very precise when enough spatial coordinates are left. The moment the logistics manager disappeared. The space in his body becomes a vacuum, and air will quickly fill that location. If there are no other changes, the sensor will immediately feed back what happened here to the computer, and then trigger an alarm.

Of course Jose wouldn't let that happen. His body has long been synchronized with the logistics manager's movements, including every fold in his clothes and even the distribution of his hair.

The moment the logistics director disappeared, the vacuum area was filled. The sensor in the mist only trembled slightly. The information passed to the computer was decrypted and analyzed, and it was concluded that the sleeping person trembled, most likely having a nightmare, and no alarm was issued.

Jose closed his eyes, lay on the bed where the logistics manager had been, and breathed a sigh of relief. He was actually betting that the mist used for exploration would not be inhaled into the body. If these sensors were carried into the lungs by breathing, the logistics manager would be transported to the moment of disappearance. It will disappear along with a batch of sensors. This will 100% trigger an alarm.

Fortunately, these sensors do not enter the lungs. It seemed that it was to prevent lung disease, and to prevent the sensor from being damaged by breathing. All in all, Jose made the right bet, and his transmission did not cause an alarm. Successfully replaced the logistics manager.

At the same time, the logistics director also appeared at the core base. The teleportation did not interrupt his sleep. While he was sleeping, several invasive brain-computer interfaces were connected to his brain to ensure the smoothest flow. Signaling.

Success before waking him up. He transferred his consciousness to the virtual world and continued to sleep in the virtual world.

In the virtual world, the environment in the logistics director's room began to be constructed. Now even if he wakes up, he will find himself lying in his original room and will not be aware of any problems.

At the same time appear behind the conscious space. It also means that his dreams can begin to be invaded. Jose can, like "Inception", enter his dream and obtain the information he wants. Even if he does something outrageous in the dream, it will not arouse the other party's suspicion, because dreams are inherently It is extremely weird, and even if you can remember the content of the dream when you first wake up, you will forget it soon. Therefore, dreams have become the best place to obtain information.

[To be continued]

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