Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,388 Intelligence Collection

The interrogation in the dream went very smoothly. Not everyone can keep their mouths shut even in their dreams. The logistics officer easily revealed the camp's defense layout.

It's a pity that just knowing the defense layout is useless. The strongest defense in this camp is the people, and the top masters are on the battlefield. The most it can do is to charge into battle. Used to break through enemy defenses. To truly kill the enemy, you still need soldiers and powerful weapons.

But when it comes to dealing with assassins, an army of tens of thousands may not be as useful as a few masters for personal protection. What's more, the masters protecting Cheng Ying are not as simple as just a few people.

Each one requires Jose to deal with carefully, but his advantage is that he has enough time to collect information about these people. The equipment on his body can paralyze the automatic defense system of the camp within a certain period of time. During this period, as long as he can deal with the senior generals of the Han Empire, he will have a certain chance to complete the assassination.

In order to achieve the goal, Jose seemed to be quite patient, and he played the role of the logistics manager vividly. He even met Cheng Ying directly several times without revealing his flaws.

Jose didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​attacking Cheng Ying when he was unprepared. He knew very well the virtue of his leader. In the case of his own lack of fighting talent, of course he was exposed. He was sure that Even if he took a nuclear bomb and blew Cheng Ying into pieces, he would still have some means to survive such a fatal attack.

When the time comes, he will alert the enemy and be immediately besieged by all the masters in the camp. This is an extremely unwise behavior before he understands the methods of these people.

His daily routine these days. Everyday life is almost exactly the same as that of this logistics manager, who makes every choice following the rightful owner in the dream world. No risk of exposure is left.

In the process of getting along day and night, he gradually became familiar with the moves of each general. Huang Zhong had very obvious characteristics and was good at long-range attacks and sword skills, so he quickly formulated a response plan.

A set of AI was even written and loaded into a combat machine. Once the assassination begins. You can release it and hold Huang Zhong back.

As for the others, they also worked out their response plans bit by bit. It seemed that Guan Yu, who had worked hard to train his body, began to prepare for his ultimate move after suffering a loss from him last time. These moves are all under his observation, and he will naturally think of corresponding ways to deal with them.

In contrast, Dian Wei is actually the most troublesome, although he has not prepared any ultimate move specifically for Jose. But his body has the least shortcomings, which means that unless it is crushed by force. Otherwise there is no way to target it.

The last time I was able to easily defeat Dian Wei, I relied on the power of the mecha to crush him. This time I didn’t bring any heavy equipment. In addition, the opponent's strength is much stronger than last time, and it becomes a lot more troublesome to deal with it.

But since there is enough time to prepare, it is like a player downloading a copy after reading the guide. The winning rate will definitely increase exponentially.

After observing for a full week, he had almost figured out the abilities of the masters in the camp. The only one who didn't know what abilities they had was Cheng Ying himself. There was no doubt that the time for assassination had come.

As for what abilities Chengying actually has? Even if he waits here for a month, I'm afraid he won't have a chance to show it.

Just because he had been lurking for such a long time, some people in the camp were already agitated. After all, there were so many people stationed on the grassland. The consumption of horse chews is not small for humans. Even though the food crisis has long been out of the question. All kinds of products are extremely abundant, and the idea of ​​​​living a careful life. It still remains, and some people have already thought of retreating.

He planned to wait for two more days, until the atmosphere in the camp became more anxious and just not enough for them to retreat, so as to create an opportunity to face Cheng Ying and carry out the assassination.

This time he prepared a super-powerful Heaven and Earth Essence Cannon, which can fire high-speed jets like a particle collider. The body being hit will even have its atomic structure destroyed in a short period of time, and the damage to the individual is more terrifying than the center of a nuclear explosion.

If Cheng Ying could be killed instantly, everything would be fine. Even if he couldn't be killed instantly, he could still destroy his defensive trump card.

However, he didn't have much hope for this weapon. The technical level reached the level in the camp, and he was resurrected like some legendary magicians. It's not that difficult. And there are many means.

For example, it is possible to resurrect using a phylactery, a clone, a machine, or even an appendix. Even if the body is reduced to basic particles, the soul will not be annihilated instantly. The basic particles that maintain the soul are inherently More microscopic than atoms.

During the routine logistics material report, Jose came to Chengying with a mobile terminal and, just like every time, seriously asked how the logistics materials should be allocated and used.

Cheng Ying looked at the contents on the form while instructing him. As he looked at it, he couldn't help but frown. There was something very wrong with his cousin. Several of the data were wrong at first glance.

This is unreasonable. The treatment of logistics officers is already very good. In theory, there is no incentive to take such a huge risk for corruption.

But he also happens to have these unreasonable statistics. Attracted by the table.

"Now!" Jose was already ready for the raid. In a flash of thought, the weapon appeared in his hands. Powerful equipment like the Heaven and Earth Essence Cannon often had a common shortcoming. That's huge.

The one in his hand undoubtedly had the same shortcomings. The feeling of being lifted in his hand. It was like someone was lifting a motorcycle with his bare hands and preparing to use the car's headlights to illuminate the person to death.

Although the painting style is not very serious, the power of the attack is indeed full. The high-energy particles turned into high-speed jets and penetrated Cheng Ying's body. After a moment of shock, his expression froze, and his body was instantly engulfed in the high-speed jets. collapse. Almost no molecule is intact.

But Jose didn't relax. His intuition told him that things were not that simple. His leader's ability to save his life was excellent, and he would never be killed so easily.

At the same time, underground at the scene, an appendix soaked in purple fluorescent liquid began to expand rapidly. Immediately afterwards, it expanded into a humanoid outline in an instant, and finally returned to Chengying's original appearance.

"Huh! It was so dangerous, I almost got killed! Fortunately, a resurrection point was designed here, otherwise when the soul body ran away from the corpse, it would probably have died halfway."

[To be continued]

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