Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1389: Extreme Assassination (Part 1)

"This guy is actually lurking next to me? How on earth did he do it? Did he use space teleportation to replace the people around me?" Cheng Ying quickly came up with preliminary ideas. He also realized that the most advanced technology currently possessed by his opponent was probably teleportation technology.

He made a prompt decision immediately after Chengying was resurrected. Teleport to the teleportation shielded area below the shield generator and turn on the shield to resist the opponent's sneak attack.

Lu Bu couldn't break the military-grade shield even if he tried his best. It's not that he is too cautious, but that if various high-tech items are used for assassination, the assassin's attack will be ridiculously high. Just like the strong men in Naruto, all of them have high attack and crispy skin.

An alarm sounded in the camp, and ordinary soldiers immediately formed a military formation and placed it on top of the shield blessed by cloud energy. This was a double explosion to prevent the opponent from using any special power to paralyze the shield generator.

As for the two military soul legions, they immediately activated the miracle mode and crushed Jose as if they were gods descending from the earth. As for the strong men from all walks of life invited by Cheng Ying, they took action instantly and surrounded the assassin.

"It's more troublesome than I thought! That turtle shell... Even if it can be temporarily paralyzed, the operation of the technological equipment here cannot be broken in a short time... I have to find a way to lift the teleportation shield inside the shield. I need to go through it in one go. An extremely penetrating attack..."

Jose's brain was running rapidly, analyzing his current situation. The trapped camp was the first to launch an attack on him. Each of the miraculous warriors had the strength close to the internal energy leaving the body. Although fighting alone was no match for the inhumane Jose, it was like a miracle when they joined forces. Just twist reality to what they want it to be.

This is a very terrifying ability. Jose teleports away immediately. If they are allowed to get close, the power of miracles will even take their wishes as the core and distort reality to make Jose's teleport fail.

Gao Shun's face was not very good-looking either. As we all know, the ability involving space must be extremely advanced. Even though he has experienced hundreds of battles, he has never encountered such a difficult enemy who can travel through space at will.

If a person like this wants to run into the legion, there is absolutely no way he can do it. The Xiliang Iron Cavalry and the short-legged cavalry are even more difficult to deal with. More than two thousand cavalry. Traveling back and forth in the camp, you just can't meet your opponent.

Helpless, the two most powerful legions. Only around the center of the camp. Marching in a circle, guarding the surroundings of the camp to prevent this time the enemy from charging into the ordinary soldiers and massacring them unscrupulously.

Jose saw this. He knew that it was no longer realistic to weaken the cloud shield by killing ordinary soldiers, but the weapons in his hands had been replaced. It is a large gun that looks very heavy and has extremely powerful penetration capabilities.

This thing poses no threat to Cheng Ying because he can only attack an area the size of a coin. This is the price you pay for penetration,

And a cylinder with the diameter of a coin. Even if it is a hit, it is not fatal at all between his eyebrows. It can grow a body from his own appendix, and the mere destruction of his brain is nothing at all.

This thing is used to deal with space shielding equipment. It takes too long to break through the cloud shield head-on. As an assassin, what you want is to be fast.

The dark red jet penetrated the shield, leaving a round hole in an instrument inside. Following a burst of black smoke, the hit device was directly damaged.

"Huh? The space shield hasn't been lifted yet? Wait, what the hell is that?" Jose saw hundreds of identical devices. The invisibility was lifted and he emerged.

His eyelids twitched when he saw it. This was really his leader's style. Since the shield couldn't perfectly protect the space shielding device, he had to create a lot of them. Guys who look exactly the same come and confuse things.

This is simply a blood test. Europeans may be fascinated by it at first glance, but if it's a non-chieftain... then it's hard to say that the last one will be able to hit the real one.

However, he didn't have enough time to quietly aim and shoot. This was the enemy's base camp. All the masters were here, and countless sniper rifles were aimed at him.

Huang Zhong was the first to shoot. After realizing that his opponent could teleport through space, General Huang immediately gave up the powerful attack and instead used the fastest attack.

The speed of attack flight does not need to be faster than space teleportation, it only needs to be faster than the opponent's reaction.


Jose, who had a premonition of danger, teleported away from the place, but Huang Zhong's arrow was already waiting for him at his possible landing point. What General Huang didn't expect was that his predicted attack failed. It was obviously the place where Jose was most likely to teleport, but the landing point after he teleported was completely different.

Of course Jose could have predicted that. There are enemies with extremely strong combat talents who can predict where they will land after teleportation through experience and intuition. Of course, he can also do the operations of the leader! Since there is a risk of being prejudged by relying on subjective teleportation, it would be better to directly turn on random teleportation when the artificial intelligence on the body predicts this risk.

Although there may be certain dangers in the randomly teleported landing points. But there is no doubt that the opponent has no room for prediction. They will randomly place a hammer on you. This is not a card draw. Even if you earn 648 krypton, there will be no guarantee.

But he immediately teleported to where he appeared. It didn't look very good. Zhang Fei was staring at him with wide eyes. He couldn't figure out for a moment why this guy suddenly appeared in front of him? But his instinct still made him wave the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand.

Jose rolled around like a lazy ass and dodged the attack in a panic. He had changed his hand to a weapon with great recoil. As soon as the shot went down, he was blown away by the recoil. Zhang Fei was stopped in pursuit by the shock wave of the explosion.

In mid-air, he switched weapons and fired another burst at the numerous space shielding devices.

Unfortunately, although the attack hit, it had no effect. The God of European Qi did not favor him, and this shot hit the fake again.

Silver sword energy came through the air, and it was Zhao Yun who came to kill him. Another random teleportation begins. Zhao Yun, who has almost the strongest combat intuition, found that this guy's random teleportation was too troublesome. Based on his own experience, he rushed over immediately and blocked the opponent's escape route. However, the location where the opponent appeared was different from his prediction. It's a counter-intuitive battle that can't be fought with eight poles.

It's simply uncomfortable, like obsessive-compulsive disorder. It’s as uncomfortable as seeing a poop being pinched off in the middle of a poop. Of course, Jose himself felt equally uncomfortable, but there was no doubt that this behavior could greatly delay his defeat and give him a chance for assassination.

[To be continued]

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