Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,390 Extreme Assassination (Part 2)

As soon as the battle started, it fell into extreme chaos. The effect of the random conveyor belt was on both sides of the battle. No one could predict what would happen next.

It's like rock-paper-scissors. If one side is purely random, without considering psychological factors or any tactics, then no matter how proficient his opponent is in psychology, mathematics, or how good he is in analyzing his opponent. Expression, the winning rate is always 50%.

The masters of the Han Empire felt almost like this. They obviously had top-notch combat intuition and had predicted the best response to their opponents, but these were all useless. Pure random transmission made their habitual predictions turn into battles. constraints.

"Good opportunity!" The moment Jose appeared near the shield after a teleportation, he switched his weapon and was in this position. He is just level with many devices, and a straight-line penetrating attack can destroy multiple devices at the same time.

The attack penetrated and a row of devices was destroyed, but it was a pity. The real space shielding device is still not destroyed.

Because Ma Chao was still a little short of strength, he could never get ahead during the siege. At this time, he noticed that in order to hit multiple devices in succession, Jose took a little longer to aim than usual, which delayed his next random teleportation. The time also gave Ma Chao enough time to take aim.

The dragon spear in his hand was thrown out fiercely, and two electric lights extended out. It turned into an electromagnetic orbit and accelerated its weapons crazily. Unfortunately, the distance between the two sides was too close and there was no long enough acceleration orbit.

Ma Chao also knew very well that the power of his attacks was limited. If he aimed at the opponent's body, it would be questionable whether he could break through the defense. So he aimed directly at his opponent's weapon.

Jose didn't expect that there were people staring at him from the outside, and the attack was not directed at him, which made him not feel enough crisis. The weapon in his hand was obviously not as strong as the armor on his body. The dragon gun accelerated by the electromagnetic force After the hit, it broke into two pieces.

"Troublesome guy!" Jose switched to another weapon before randomly teleporting. His weapons were all stored in the underground base. It doesn't matter if one of them was destroyed. He still has a new one, but this is indeed a warning. Without him, there are not many weapons that can instantly break through the cloud shield without charging. While protecting yourself from attacks, you must also protect your own weapons.

When he reappeared, he had switched to a melee weapon in his hand, an ax with flashing electric light, and he fiercely circled himself with a whirlwind slash!

Although there is no skill, the high-voltage electricity it comes with is not something ordinary people's bodies can withstand. In comparison, Jose, who has long since ceased to be a human, is much less affected by the current.

Even Zhao Yun, who was beside him this time, fell into a brief paralysis. There was no way the weapons in this era were basically made of metal. Under this kind of range-type lightning attack,

Each and every one of them is a human lightning rod.

Cheng Ying watched Jose moving around in the crowd, silently activated the teleportation shielding device in the camp, and began to adjust the parameters.

He has already seen that this guy can survive surrounded by so many masters by relying on the spatial teleportation he wants, but this kind of teleportation must have some kind of basis. With the technical means of this world, if there are no clear coordinates Guided transmission, through calculation, can be transmitted freely within an area. The amount of calculation required is simply not what computers of this era can do.

If there is a mistake in the calculation, a purely random teleportation like his may get stuck in the wall. In that case, even if the backup body used for resurrection is left behind, it will be difficult to survive.

"Based on the fact that this guy has been working as a logistics director before, I'm afraid he has been lurking in the camp for a long time. Although he has never shown his specialness, it doesn't mean that he has done nothing these days.

For example, in the camp, leaving the coordinates used to guide him to teleport... This is definitely not a difficult thing for him. The technical difficulty of guiding the teleportation coordinates is very low, and like dust, it is extremely difficult to detect.

I think he took advantage of these few days to leave these teleportation coordinates in the camp. Using these coordinates to guide teleportation requires almost no calculations. What he is doing now is probably to randomly select a coordinate to teleport in the nearby area.

If you want to solve it, you have to clear out the teleportation beacons he left in the camp. The characteristics of these things should be obvious. Well... I have found them. They are very small devices, but they just happen to be more powerful to destroy. convenient. "

Cheng Ying thought of this and prepared to adjust the parameters of the shield generator and then conduct a cleanup of the teleportation beacon.

But before he took action, he stopped suddenly: "I can't let him realize now that I have seen through the truth of his transmission. As long as he keeps these beacons, he has a certain probability of killing me. If all the letters If the target is destroyed, then he will definitely escape immediately. It will be difficult to catch him by then.

His goal is to assassinate me, but this is also the best opportunity to counterattack. In an away game, he will not have the opportunity to prepare a resurrected body nearby. In other words, as long as I kill him, the world of chess this time That's it.

Is there any way... to kill him instantly while he is constantly teleporting randomly? With so many top generals besieging him, if they can't do anything about him in a short period of time, conventional methods may be useless...

Unless...he can take the initiative to reach my gun. "Cheng Ying began to reorganize the data he had obtained, changed the parameters of the shield generator, and at the same time controlled the camp to start assembling a high-energy particle emission source. He needed an annihilation strike covering at least ten square meters. Only such an attack could ensure that he would be destroyed. An opponent of this level will be killed instantly.

From the beginning of the design of the camp, the possibility of killing intruders was taken into consideration, so a large amount of weapons and equipment were stored. It was not difficult to transform the necessary weapons according to Cheng Ying's requirements.

It's just that it's very difficult to hit with such a weapon. As long as the weapon is aimed at Jose, he will be alert immediately. Random teleportation will make all aiming meaningless.

What Cheng Ying has to do is to let Jose throw himself into the trap, come into the attack range of the weapon, and before he has time to react, he will shoot into the soul and completely end this chess game world, and Cheng Ying has already thought of it How can this be done!

[To be continued]

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