Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,391 Extreme Assassination (Part 2)

"Since Jose's teleportation is based on randomly selecting beacons he has placed within the range, then as long as I destroy all other beacons placed within the range, the location of his next random teleportation can be predicted.

In other words, his next teleportation location must be the last remaining teleportation beacon. This is the best chance to end him, but there is only one chance. After he discovers that the location after random teleportation is still the same, time, he must immediately return to his refuge.

At that time, it was much more difficult to catch him. Who knows how long I would have to be annoying here. "After Chengying made his decision, he began to adjust the parameters of the shield generator.

The teleportation beacon is used as the target of destruction of the shield. During this process, the shield must be designed to filter out all other substances and be silent, making the process of annihilating the teleportation beacon as fast as possible and as difficult to detect as possible.

If this process takes too long, Jose will definitely find that the range within which he can teleport has changed, which will give him a high probability of escaping early.

Cheng Ying nervously set the parameters of the equipment, and the number of camouflaged space shielding devices around him was also decreasing one by one. That is, every time Jose attacks. If it hits the real space, the probability of shielding the device will increase.

If he is European enough, then he may be able to break through the interference of the space shielding device in the next attack.

At that time, even if there was no teleportation beacon left by him inside the shield, he could still calculate it by force. The spatial parameters directly broke through the shield and came to Cheng Ying.

Cheng Ying is very self-aware when it comes to frontal battles. It is very simple to design a random teleportation program, but like Jose, he can still adapt to changes after various random teleportations, and he can handle the siege of many masters with ease. The difficulty is It's too big.

Cheng Ying asked himself, if it were him who came to such a complicated battlefield and was suddenly teleported to a position that made him confused, the most likely way would be to have these top military generals put a knife on their face and rely on their face to be as thick as a tank armor. Resist hard.

Therefore, he knew very well what would happen to him if he let the other side come in. In that kind of confrontation where life and death could be decided in a split second, he would most likely be the one who died.

"There are forty-five left! Damn! Am I so unruly?" Jose once again smashed a device, but still encountered a fake: "Damn it! The chief doesn't know that, there is no real thing in it at all. Really? Impossible! This kind of space shielding device.

It can only shield the space near him, and the device is definitely hidden inside the shield. In such a small area, there is no other place to hide. "Jose has always felt that he is still a European, but he has exploded more than seventy of the more than one hundred space shielding devices, and he still failed to hit the real thing.

If two space shielding devices were not close to each other, chaos would occur.

He even doubted that the shields contained all of them were genuine.

"Hurry up, there are less than fifty left. The probability of hitting the real thing is already close to the probability of drawing golden light, and it is still the kind of situation where the water level has reached the minimum, and the more you draw, the greater the probability. One shot is 648 , it will definitely solve the problem!”

Although Cheng Ying was complaining, the movements of his hands were not slow at all. After adjusting the last few parameters, the shield generator released an invisible energy barrier, which silently penetrated everyone present. , all buildings, filtering every atom.

A large number of transmission beacons were shattered in front of the invisible energy barrier. Once this process started, it meant that the plan could not be changed. The super weapon began to charge up, and the drill-like muzzle released an ominous red light. Jose also tensed up. His nerves were aroused, and he was ready to teleport and dodge at any time, but the muzzle of the weapon kept shaking, but he could never aim it.


Invisible energy barriers sweep across the camp one by one, but it takes time to destroy the beacons, especially to clear every inch of land in the camp. Once a teleportation beacon is left outside the attack range, it means that the previous plan has failed.

Just when the energy barrier was about to complete its final cleanup, the beam suddenly penetrated an inconspicuous device inside the shield. The next moment, the space shield around Cheng Ying disappeared.

"Good opportunity!" Jose did not activate the space teleportation, but directly threw the weapon in his hand and hit the furious Lu Bu. The explosion of the ammunition stopped Lu Bu's pursuit.

Jose's portable computer emitted a burst of white smoke due to the overload of high-intensity calculations. In the same way, he also obtained the spatial coordinates of Cheng Ying's location.

"It turned out that I was wrong at this time! In this case, I can only blow myself up!" Cheng Ying did not hesitate at all, releasing all the energy in the body, including inner energy and mental power, into a form that even Lu Bu would have to retreat from. The horrific impact.

Jose, who had just teleported over, saw a burst of white light coming towards him. It was an attack that could almost annihilate him. After being hit, he might not die, but all the equipment on his body would probably be destroyed. He escaped through space teleportation and had no equipment to teleport.

He immediately decided and started random teleportation again. As long as he is not unlucky enough to TP on the spot, space teleportation can allow him to escape Cheng Ying's attack range. Then Cheng Ying, who has emptied all his energy, becomes a target for anyone to slaughter.

"It's over!" Cheng Ying said calmly.

It's a pity that the strong light and loud noise prevented Jose from seeing what his opponent was saying. He just felt that the location of the random teleportation this time seemed a bit far away, but he still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

A fraction of a second after his figure appeared, the fatal sense of crisis made him immediately start the random teleportation again. Originally, he could have avoided this disaster if he teleported directly back to the earth's center shelter.

But after breaking through the space blockade, he was obviously unwilling to give up this hard-won victory. In short, he was greedy!

Greedy Sword often does not end well. The next moment after the random teleportation was activated, he appeared on the spot because there was only the last teleportation beacon left within the camp. No matter how random it was, he could only It will randomly go to the one at your feet.

The last chance to escape had been missed. Even if he realized what had happened, it was already too late. The super weapon that had been charged for a long time had been activated. No way, the red light swallowed up everything within a few meters, even the soul. It is difficult to survive an attack of this intensity.

[To be continued]

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