Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,393 Extraordinary Meaning

Everyone did not drink, and alcohol had no effect on their bodies. However, after the dinner, everyone still slumped at the table and did not want to move. They chatted until late at night before going back.

Only Dugu Bo stayed, as if he had something important to do.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Cheng Ying wiped his face and looked more serious.

"There has been some progress in the analysis of the protagonist's aura, but the results are a bit subversive. I don't know if there is a problem with our understanding of luck." Dugu Bo rarely showed a strange expression.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Teacher, why do you think the protagonist has the protagonist aura or system?" Dugu Bo asked.

"Hmm... the spontaneous condensation of luck? No, the artificial traces of the system are too strong. Is it because of their own luck that they got the golden finger?" Cheng Ying fell into thinking.

"Indeed, we have proven the existence of luck, and proved that its mystery is higher than soul power, and may even be higher than mental power, and is on the same level as the soul.

People with high luck will have correspondingly high luck, which will indirectly affect reality from the microscopic realm, as if there is an extra observer out of thin air. Such good luck may indeed make it easy for people with high luck to find golden fingers.

But during the analysis of the system, we found that this process is actually the other way around. The system itself has a retrieval mechanism that will tend to favor people with high luck.

During the experiment, I asked many people who were suspected of having good luck, including Tang Chen, and almost every time, the system favored Tang Chen. This is also in line with the conclusion in our calculation that Tang Chen had the most good luck. "

Dugu Bo did not come to a conclusion, but Cheng Ying already had some ideas: "You mean, these man-made halos of protagonists are actually actively looking for people with great luck? Such a clear purpose probably means that the people who create the halos need to Luck, at least those who need it.”

"Yes, although we did not find the functional module for the system to absorb luck, we found that the system has an independent energy and plastic energy system, and the various functions of the system do not require luck.

People with bad luck can also own the system and be able to use it normally. There is no decisive difference from people with great's not that there is none at all. There is still a big disadvantage in probabilistic choices. "

Cheng Ying: "..."

Are non-Emirates not even qualified to use the system?

"It is precisely because the function of the system is completely independent of luck that we came up with a weird conjecture, that is, the system is always looking for people with good luck.

Then rely on the power of the system to complete things that these people need luck to complete, and then reach some kind of deal to extract the difference in luck.

But this is just a conjecture. At least so far, we have not found any function related to extracting the luck difference. I wonder if we should continue to invest in research in this area. "

Cheng Ying pinched his eyebrows. There was indeed a high probability that this weird conjecture was true, but he didn't really agree with exploring along this line.

Luck is more mysterious than soul power. Trying to understand the principles right now is too ambitious. It is like giving a modern refrigerator to people in the 18th century. If they take it apart, they will probably be able to come up with something similar. , but if it were replaced by a smartphone, they would probably think it was God appearing.

"Let me think about it... If the function of the system is to intercept luck, it can also explain the captivity of these backward civilizations by the creators of soul power. However, don't invest too much energy in technical verification for the time being. The technical gap is too big. , the technology tree still needs to be climbed step by step.

For things like luck that cannot be analyzed in a short period of time, the best way is to observe the phenomenon and summarize experience, and don't rush to clarify the principles." Cheng Ying said this, and the thoughts in his mind began to spin.

"After listening to your conclusion, I also have a conjecture that I can try to verify. The transfer and interception of luck may not require a specially designed functional module, but rather use the characteristics of luck or natural phenomena to transfer on its own. "

Dugu Bo frowned: "What do you mean?" He hated this kind of metaphysical stuff that couldn't be quantified.

"What do you think luck is? What kind of person has luck?" Cheng Ying did not wait for Dugu Bo to answer, but directly gave his own answer: "People who rise from the bottom and can create miracles, or those who are in high status A person in a high position who can decide the life and death of millions of people with a single word.

In short, either he has potential or he has talent. Then let me ask you, if there is a person who creates a lot of systems and controls everything behind the scenes, those lucky people who rise from the bottom and finally stand on the top of the world will all escape. Without his arrangement, what will happen to the fate of the man behind the scenes?

I'm not very clear about the determination of luck, but it shouldn't be necessary for someone to know the plan of the person behind the scenes. In other words, such a plan itself may gather luck for the person behind the scenes. In a world like Douluo Continent, maybe Just one of their many ranches. "

Dugu Bo frowned. He didn't like this metaphysical conjecture, but it did sound reasonable.

"So how does the teacher plan to verify this conjecture?"

"It's very simple to verify. You don't need to consume too many resources. You just need to create a few systems, and then give them to the luckers of the planet to be developed, and then observe the fluctuations of the luck of the people who created the systems." "

Dugu Bo nodded. This verification method is indeed simple and does not consume any resources. On a wild planet to be developed, Tulip's technology can be called a dimensionality reduction attack.

Although it is not possible to achieve the level of the system that was just captured, it is not difficult to achieve a less effective and single function. At least it is not difficult to let the system host dominate the planet.

"'s not appropriate for me to do this. After all, I have to control the variables. There are too many people related to my luck, and there are too many uncertain variables. It's best to be someone with simpler interpersonal relationships, and also There is enough technology to design the system..." At this point, Cheng Ying couldn't help but look at Dugu Bo.

The interpersonal relationship is simple, he doesn’t even have a wife, and he has strong technical skills. He is one of the best scientific researchers in Tulip. Apart from the obsessive-compulsive disorder caused by working with data for many years, he has almost no other shortcomings... The most important thing is that the person doing this must be Someone you trust absolutely.

Dugu Bo also noticed Cheng Ying's gaze. He was not very enthusiastic about verifying this conjecture. However, after thinking about it carefully, he found that it was most appropriate for him to verify it, so he sighed helplessly: "I understand, I will draw up a plan." Several system construction plans.”

[To be continued]

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