Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1394: Have an absurd imagination about reality

"When designing the system, the host should have the same initial conditions as much as possible, so it is best to be able to start the game through soul penetration. People with great luck are needed, otherwise the effect of intercepting luck will not be reflected.

However, people with great luck in Tulip are not bad in luck and are basically in important positions. There is no reason for them to participate in the experiment. "Dugu Bo pinched his eyebrows. This seemed to be a troublesome matter.

Tang Chen, who was listening to the colonial star exploration report remotely, heard this and said subconsciously: "Don't we happen to have the kind of person you are talking about? The luck of the gods should be very high, right? At least it is the level of the protagonist of an empire!"

"It makes sense!" Dugu Bo slapped his forehead and realized that he had ignored the captured gods. This test does not need to consider loyalty, and it is even better not to use people who are loyal to Tulip. Otherwise it will interfere with the test results.

The gods are so suitable. They are all the protagonists of various worlds, and they have been working hard in the divine world for so many years. Their luck cannot be bad! It just so happens that these people also need to be judged. As D-class personnel, there is nothing wrong with using soul piercing.

"Okay! I'm going to program the system."

For a wild planet with low technological level, only using nanomachines as a carrier can build a system that can unify the world.

The God of Destruction has calmed down recently. After a series of shocks, he has become numb. The Tulip who once left his hometown and had to escape from Douluo Star has secretly grown into an invisible creature without knowing when. Marginal behemoth.

Losing to such an opponent is not unfair. He also knows very well that the only thing waiting for him is trial. No matter from any angle, it is impossible for him to integrate into this civilization.

But he didn't expect that the trial would be so fast, and that the four god kings would be tried at the same time...


It's not a gunpowder weapon. Such artillery poses no threat to them. The so-called cannon is the sub-light particle jet main gun of the Dreadnought-class battleship.

It is still a kinetic energy weapon, but its speed has further approached the speed of light. Even the Supreme God can only be destroyed by such a cannon.

In the empty universe, electromagnetic waves convey the solemn declaration of the judge. The rule of the gods that lasted for tens of thousands of years will completely end on this day. Free will will guide civilization on the long journey to the sea of ​​stars.

White light lit up the dark starry sky, and high-energy jets stretching for countless kilometers penetrated the body of the God of Destruction, shattering every particle that made up his body. His consciousness fell into darkness. The God of Destruction did not know whether this was death. It just feels like every second becomes extremely long,

I can't even understand the concept of time.

Just when he thought that his consciousness would continue to sink like this, a light pierced his pupils. The dazzling light made his soul suffer sharp pain, and memories came flooding in. This was the memory of this body. , the God of Destruction seemed to understand that he might have traveled through time.

This was an answer that surprised and disappointed him. There was very little extraordinary power in his frail body, and the divine power that surged like the ocean was gone forever, but in the end, it was good to survive.

"The owner of this body is called Regien, and he studies at the Dark Element Magic Academy? Have I come to a world of swords and magic?" Everything in front of him was absurd but real. The God of Destruction got up from the bed and touched his magic. Books, everything feels so magical.

"Region, you fell asleep when it was obvious again!"

"As expected of you!"

The roommates laughed at him. The original owner seemed to have poor talent and was not hard-working. He would fall asleep even while meditating. No classmates thought highly of him.

This time, Regien was not angry because of the ridicule. He just flipped through the magic book calmly. Although his extraordinary divine power was gone, his understanding of power was still there. Maybe the system was different, but under the high roof, the apprentice-level magic had a profound impact on him. It's not difficult.

Magic power flowed and gathered into obscure runes at his fingertips. A dark sphere appeared in his palm, and then began to expand. The light was swallowed up. In an instant, the dormitory was dark.

"How is it possible! How can the shading technique cover such a large area! I can't see it anymore!"

"How can a trick be so powerful? This is at least a first-level spell!"

"Region! How did you do that!"

A series of exclamations came from the darkness, but none of them could compare with the soft sound in Regen's mind: "Ding! Congratulations to the host, bound to the shock value system!"


"Shock value from Wang Jie +25"

"Shock value from Shen Qiu +77"

"Shock value +18 from Willem Garrison Driver William Laplov"

"Congratulations to the host for completing the novice mission. I'm the first to arrive at your place and you'll get one draw! Do you want to start the draw?"

The God of Destruction was not found. After traveling through time, he even came up with a system. What is more absurd than fantasy is reality? It seems that one should always have an absurd imagination about reality.

Without hesitation, Regien directly chose the lottery.

The turntable rotates, and fortunately, there is no option to thank you for your patronage. There are magic power x 1, magic power x 3, magic power x 99, as well as a random monster egg, a random mythical beast egg, a random summon from different time and space, and even There are also exaggerated scavenger fighter planes, pioneer mechas, and demon-breaking chainswords.

It's a pity that for those things that look awesome at first glance, the range of the efficiency dial is very small.

Regien's luck was neither good nor bad. He drew magic power x 10. As he received the reward, the magic power of the entry-level apprentice level in his body began to be guaranteed. In an instant, he reached the peak of the apprentice level. As long as he wanted, he could become noble at any time. A first-level official magician.

The power of the system exceeded his imagination. In the memory of the original owner, the Dark Element Magic Academy was one of the top fifty academies in the continent. The graduation rate of apprentices, that is, the probability of becoming an official mage, was only a pitiful 100%. Sixty-one, the remaining people can only be magic apprentices for life. A random draw from the system allowed him to accomplish something that 40% of apprentices could not do after four years of hard work, which is enough to show the power of the system.

"Maybe... I can rely on the system to get back to the top. A system where you can win prizes as long as you get a shock! Maybe one day, I can become strong enough to defeat Tulip!

I just don’t know if I can return to my original world. Who knows if I can? It takes a wild imagination to imagine reality, doesn’t it? "

Regien came up with the absurd idea of ​​relying on the system to counter-kill Tulip, but he soon returned to reality. If he wanted to become stronger, he still had to be down-to-earth, and his journey to becoming stronger would begin by shocking this academy!

[To be continued]

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