Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,395 The Path of the Protagonist of the God of Destruction

Some people have crazy factors engraved in their bones. Once they have strength and support, they will become unscrupulous.

Even Cheng Ying felt frightened when he watched the video after Regian troubled the system.

"I'm going? The whole school is handing out flyers to challenge the principal at the beginning of the game. Is it so fast? You wouldn't even dare to write a novel like this. You don't even think about the later stage, do you?"

"Don't worry, you won't die." Dugu Bo's expression was still cold. The data analysis had already come out, so he didn't panic at all.

In the Academy of Dark Elements, Regien, who was reincarnated by the God of Destruction, was doing something that shocked and ridiculed all the teachers and students in the school, that is, he openly challenged the principal.

That's right, this guy went beyond his roommates, the monitor, the student union, the president of the college, and even the counselors and teachers to directly challenge the president of the college.

You just threatened to challenge Dumbledore just after entering platform nine and three-quarters. If you just said it, people would think you like to brag, but they didn't even send invitations to watch the game. Now that the Voldemort family is here, it's hard to explain it as bragging.

This behavior also caused shock to all the teachers and students in the school, and the impact of the matter has even spread outside the school. It has to be said that the God of Destruction does not rely entirely on recklessness. He obviously relies on this method to build momentum for himself. , reap the shock value.

The system did not say where this shock was directed.

Damn it! This guy is really awesome. This is a shock.

Damn it! There was actually a man running naked on the street! This is also a shock.

Therefore, Lei Guien didn't mind that all the teachers and students in the school were shocked that this idiot dared to challenge the principal, and were shocked by his overestimation of his abilities.

Anyway, it is enough to provide him with shock value. Five hundred points of shock value can be used to draw a prize. By the time the challenge starts, he has become stronger. If he can defeat the principal, the shock value will be doubled.

However, his arrogant behavior caused him to lose all his friends, which was a social death in a literal sense. The reporter from the campus newspaper interviewed him several times, and every time he expressed his attitude, he was extremely arrogant. Son, why don’t you die quickly!

In just two days of operation, the shock value of 150,000 was recorded, enough for more than 300 draws, enough for one well.

No matter how unlucky he is, a little magic power is enough for him to break through to a third-level magician. Even if he can't defeat the principal, he is still the strongest among the students. Even if he is labeled as overestimating his abilities, he can definitely gain another wave. shock value,

At worst, I'll just brush up the principal again.

He finally figured it out, and the empire he was in was still very orderly. If the principal killed someone just because of the students' provocation, he would be scolded to death. If the public relations were not good, he would not be able to recruit students in the future.

The nature is probably similar to that of the president of a modern university being exposed to groping female students, and it will be trending on you in minutes.

He plans to treat the principal as a dungeon, and if he fails, he will continue to challenge. Anyway, as long as he challenges the principal, he will definitely shock the teachers and students. If he wins the challenge, he will be able to gain a lot of weight.

Cheng Ying stared at the screen for a long time, feeling slightly reassured. Although this God of Destruction wanted to die, he still had some brains and would not kill people at the beginning.

"How are the others?"

Cheng Ying has not been paying attention to the situation of the God of Destruction. Time is not wasted like this. Naturally, there are dedicated people who are responsible for monitoring the luck extraction and testing.

"The other three test subjects are in relatively stable condition and are not in danger of death. In order to enrich the diversity of the samples, I gave different systems to different samples.

The goddess of life has a super miracle medical system, the planet is a planet with few extraordinary powers, the main civilization is human beings, and the most prosperous one is a feudal empire. She is currently preparing to open a medical clinic and completing the novice tasks without any surprises.

The God of Kindness is loaded with the Wenzhi Public System. In a world covered by the Magic Network, if an author in this world writes an article or film or television work that is sufficiently recognized by others, he or she will receive powerful feedback after being uploaded to the Magic Network. The author is also considered an author. One of the most important extraordinary systems in that world.

Hmm... However, there is a slight problem with this sample. Although it is not life-threatening, the progress may be delayed. "Dugu Bo's words made Cheng Ying curious.

"What kind of accident, concussion? Amnesia?"

Dugu Bo shook his head: "No, he is addicted to the games and movies that come with the system. His current life is very decadent, and he may not consider coding in the short term..."

Cheng Ying: "..."

"This kind of person! He should be locked up in a dark room and not given food until he finishes writing!"

Dugu Bo nodded with deep understanding: "The last sample is the God of Evil. He reincarnated into a satellite, which is the satellite we use to observe the colony star to be developed. It inherited the geological change data information deduced from the satellite's observation of the earth's surface. And he thought it was his memory that had been hanging in the sky for tens of thousands of years.

Now he has successfully traveled from the satellite to a body of more than 700 years old, raised his coffin, and became the ancestor of a certain viscount family. His system is on the satellite. As long as he maintains a China Unicom card with the satellite, he can borrow money. Finger strength. "

Cheng Ying: "..."

He is familiar with this routine! Are you afraid that there will soon be an operation where the ancestors do not follow the ancestral precepts? Throw a cannonball and engrave it with "Hello fellow debater, this is our argument."

Although the time travel was a little outrageous at the time, it seemed that the process was going smoothly. The God of Evil had already led his incompetent descendants to the imperial city to show off. After they were done showing off, they could start farming. He was also the only one who had doubts about Tulip. people, but they don’t realize that these are intentional.

After all, from their point of view, there was no need for Tulip to do this. He had already publicly executed the God King, so why bother arranging for them to travel through time?

Back on the side of destruction, Regien has already publicized his challenge to the principal. It can be said that no one on campus knows about it.

However, the principal's temper was unexpectedly good, and he did not punish him. Instead, he issued a public notice that it is good to be enterprising, but do not be too ambitious, and study in a down-to-earth manner. As a principal, there is no problem for him to say this, even It reflects his broad-mindedness as an elder, and most people understand this.

However, Regien did not appreciate it. How could he let the principal fool him? No matter he won or lost, he would not be satisfied with the shock caused by not formally challenging him once.

So today, he came to the door of the principal's office building, waving the best magic wand in his hand, the sky was covered with clouds, and thunder fell the next moment.

"You say I'm so ambitious, but you also want to see how capable you are!" After saying that, he left the door scorched black and walked away.

[To be continued]

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