Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,396 1 wave of fat

Destruction leaves behind bad provocations and then walks away. If the principal does nothing after receiving such provocations, then the school's reputation will be completely ruined.

No matter how good-tempered the principal is, he will definitely accept the challenge this time, and he must show a strong enough deterrence to suppress this ignorant student with absolute force.

Hawke was in a very bad mood. Although his academy was known as one of the top three in the Dark Magic Continent, he himself was considered quite amiable among the mages. Even with seventh-level strength, he had rarely done anything to bully others.

He didn't pay much attention to his students' provocation at first. It's normal for young people to be energetic and high-spirited. If he treats it coldly for a while, he may even forget about it.

However, he blew up the door of his office building. If he didn't respond to this matter, it would appear that he was too weak. Although he was in a bad mood, he still prepared several control spells before accepting the challenge. After all, I don’t know what kind of details I have as a student. Using offensive spells would be bad if your opponent has high attack and low defense and is killed directly.

In the campus arena, this much-anticipated battle is about to begin. The thunderbolt waiting at the principal's door was as powerful as a fourth-level spell. It could be said to be more powerful than all the students in the school. It gained nearly 100,000 shock points in one day.

Standing in the ring, Regien was gaining a lot of shock value every minute and every second. His strength was further improved, and he was only one step away from breaking through to the fifth level. He still held many trump cards in his hand. The Supreme God, who has extremely rich combat experience, believes that he has the power to fight against the seventh-level principal.

The moment the principal stepped into the ring, the atmosphere in the arena reached its climax. All the lights were focused on the small stage. Hawke saw through the strength of his opponent at a glance and breathed a sigh of relief. He was not suddenly six level, then he can deal with it more appropriately and don't have to worry. He accidentally beat the student to death.

Dark magic has a poor reputation in this world. As a role model for this department, the impact of beating students to death is too bad. Even if the student deserves to be beaten to death, those damn newspapers will definitely distort the facts. , portraying this incident as an evil principal forcing the students to death.

Because these are what the ignorant masses want to see. Only by looking at the lights can newspapers sell these random fabricated contents.

"A very good talent. Even though you are the same age as me, I don't have the same achievements as you. I hope this is an end-to-end competition, and I hope you can treat the next battle rationally." Hawke's old voice A small resounding sound filled the arena.

"Old man! Are you afraid of being beaten to death by me when you say that?" Instead of showing any appreciation, Reggie mocked him. This scene immediately shocked the crowd. Another large amount of shock value was recorded in his account. This was also his With confidence, as long as you can continue to do things that surprise the audience,

His power is endless.

It was useless to say more. Even Hawke felt at this time that the child was hopeless and words could no longer persuade him. The best solution is probably a severe beating. Some people can only truly grow after experiencing severe beatings from society.

After the whistle, the game began. The principal clicked the wand in his hand, and the arena transformed into a pitch-black quagmire. Countless pitch-black sludge was replaced by black tentacles, entwining towards Regien. It did look quite ominous. This evil appearance is also an important reason why dark magic is often criticized.

Faced with a seventh-level binding spell, which was compressed in the wand and released instantly, Regien was not happy at all. He took out a wand from his sleeve that was even more luxurious than the principal's, the Dragon Bone Phoenix Jade Wand Plus. Supreme Deluxe Edition, well... that's how the system is named.

Seeing that it is plus, supreme, and luxurious, you can understand that the one in his hand is definitely the best of the best. Even the principal's wand can only store one seventh-level magic, but his can store three.

The first is a seventh-level lighting spell. This is a spell that every attribute mage can learn. However, anyone with a normal mind would not point it to the seventh level, because even at such a high level, it is almost useless. It has no lethality, but it has the effect of dispersing darkness like a flash bomb.

It's not that Regien is out of his mind, it's just that he got this thing in the lottery, and it happened to be used at this time to help him get out of the quagmire. It just made the audience suffer. After giving a lot of shock, both of them With tears in his eyes, he yelled at the field.

Although the Dark Mire was not destroyed, it was isolated from Regien's body.

The principal was not affected by this unexpected situation. Continuing to recite incantations, prepare spells, darkness descends, and the fifth-level shading spell is a very low-level spell, but it effectively suppresses the brightness of the lighting spell and restores the battlefield's vision.

Walking in the landmark swamp, under the high-level application of his spells, the new convergence turned into a huge black hand, grabbing at Regien.

Faced with the attack, Regien took his time and took out a high-tech shoulder-mounted heavy cannon from somewhere, aimed and fired!

It is difficult for a mage who has not experienced sci-fi-level weapons to understand the scene that happened before him. An iron lump without the slightest fluctuation in mana suddenly erupted with terrifying energy that dwarfed even the seventh-level magic. High-temperature, high-speed jets penetrated the dark giant hand, and then Explodes in the battlefield.

Not only did he resist the attack, but he also burned the dark mire. The audience finally managed to escape from the tearful effect of the flash bomb. What I saw was this shocking scene.

The principal did not panic, but he also realized that this battle would not be easy. Darkness falls again. This time, it appeared directly next to Regien, completely shrouding it in the center of a dark Rubik's Cube.

Inside the Rubik's Cube is a different space, in which various extreme natural environments are randomly generated. It is a fairly high-end banning spell. Even opponents at the same level as the principal would find it difficult to escape from such an environment.

This is also the principal's famous stunt. He used it against a student and once again shocked the audience. It also meant that Regien, who was locked up inside, became stronger again.

The dark Rubik's Cube keeps turning. Changing the parameters of the environment makes the trapped opponent unable to adapt to drastic environmental changes, but quickly. The Rubik's Cube began to be overwhelmed, and every turn became extremely difficult. There is even more light coming out of the gap.

Cracks appeared one after another, and finally it could no longer be maintained, and suddenly exploded into pieces. The figure that emerged from it changed from a person to a steel monster.

[To be continued]

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