Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,406 Crisis in the Virtual World

"Buddha style? What is that?" Oscar has some impression of the word "Buddhist style". It seems to have been popular for a while, describing people who don't care about anything and can deal with everything indifferently, but this doesn't seem to count. It's a disaster.

"It's different from the Buddhism in your understanding. It doesn't mean that you are indifferent, but it is a kind of thought that gives up reality and returns to the virtual.

But after the virtual world can completely simulate reality, at least when the person who is the eldest brother cannot see the flaws, what is the difference between reality and virtuality? "

Oscar heard this and thought: "No matter how real things are in the virtual world, they are still false. Once the server stops running, everything in the virtual world will disappear, right?"

"You are right, but in reality the government will not allow a server with a large number of people immersed in it to stop operating. The unprecedentedly high national credibility makes people believe that as long as more people join the virtual world, the server will Keep it going forever." Chengying took Oscar to the Internet cafe of this era and found that it was overcrowded.

Most people lay motionless in the loading bay. Occasionally, some people got up to eat, go to the toilet, or take a shower, and then hurriedly plunged into the virtual world.

"Did you see it? In the virtual world, there is more time, more interesting settings, and more convenient social functions than in reality. What else is attractive about the real world?"

Oscar was speechless. He was now in a virtual world. Without the markers in the corners of his field of vision, he could not distinguish between virtuality and reality. Compared with such a real space, reality seemed really unattractive.

"No!" Oscar felt that what Cheng Ying said was wrong: "The virtual world is fake after all, and in reality there are family and friends, as well as the plants and trees that accompany a person's growth, which are completely different from those simulated in the server. different!"

Cheng Ying shook his head: "You haven't realized the seriousness of the problem yet. Let me record you the simplest example. If you live in a virtual world as soon as you are born, grow up in the virtual world, and have a childhood sweetheart. The artificial intelligence is married, has a happy family and even children, has harmonious neighbors, and has a smooth job.

At this time, I suddenly tell you that the world you live in is virtual, and there is a real world outside, where you are an ugly bald humanoid soaked in nutrient solution. Will you accept such a real world? "

Oscar was speechless. This was a bit like the plot of The Matrix, but it was a little different. The difference was that this time humans took the initiative to choose the virtual world.

"What if you were this person? What if your first half of your life was a piece of data in the virtual world? Do you even have any way to prove that you didn't live in a virtual world since you were born?"

"This..." Oscar was stunned,

Why does he think he is living in reality? There is no way to prove that he is not the consciousness in a server. He even doubts whether he is a human after all. Maybe he is actually an artificial intelligence, just living in someone else's virtual world to make this world more real. .

"You see, the boundary between virtuality and reality is so blurred. What makes people stick to the real world is just living in reality longer than they live in the virtual world, so that they can stick to the world view of the real world.

But the flow of time in the virtual world is slower than in reality! If this situation continues, do you think the bond in the real world is more important, or the bond in the virtual world?

People's three views are made up of memories. No matter how important the person is, no matter how attached to the thing, under the erosion of time, it will be covered by more memories. Don't try to prove this is wrong.

There are already many people who are not convinced by this point of view and try to prove that they believe that there are people and things in their hearts that are worthy of cherishing forever and can withstand the test of endless time, and then enter the virtual world at a time flow rate of more than a hundred times.

And when they come out, they are either crazy, or they are completely different people, and they even sneer at the people or things they once cherished. We are far more fickle than we think. If we don't stop it, sooner or later time will completely blur the virtual and the The limits of reality. "

Cheng Ying pointed to a guy in a neat suit in the Internet cafe: "Did you see that guy? He is a server operator and has recruited millions of people to join his virtual world.

The conditions he gave are very simple. People in the virtual world do not need to work at all and can freely enjoy the food, luxury houses, attractions, artificial intelligence services, and even the services of real people in the virtual world.

Although in reality, the Tulip people live a good life, life is always stressful, and people never compare downwards. There will always be lives that they envy and cannot live up to. "

Oscar is digesting the content of this passage. People will not make downward comparisons, which means that the improvement of living standards brought about by the progress of the times will not bring people too much happiness.

Just like modern people do not bring themselves into the identity before the founding of the People's Republic of China. Compared with the people at that time, they can conclude that they are very happy every day. They can have enough to eat and live in 30 to 40 square meters. In the big bathroom room, life is like a fairy.

Normal people would not have such an idea, and they would not compare with people of the same era who had to do heavy physical labor but whose income was less than half of them, as if these people did not exist.

They only compare themselves with the people around them. They obviously work one hour less than me, but they get the same salary. How miserable I am! How come the boss can buy a car, a house, and support his mistress when he doesn't do anything! My life is worse than a pig or a dog!

This kind of thinking is the norm. It’s hard to say whether this kind of thinking is right or wrong. Remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet may not necessarily be worth promoting. This is just a common phenomenon in society. No matter how happy your life is, you will still feel envy, jealousy, and even hatred. People with better lives wish they could replace them.

And this idea also gives people the motivation to escape into the virtual world.

“In the virtual world, everyone can be superior to other people. Artificial intelligence is almost exactly the same as human beings. They can act as servers in the virtual world, allowing you to live like the protagonist in a novel and go wherever you want. Just go to the supermarket and you will meet the innocent and cute girl next door who will confess to you and even tell you that as long as you have me in your heart, I don't mind even if there are other sisters with you.

Any post on the virtual network will receive a large number of likes. As long as something uploaded has some merit, it will attract rave reviews. "

[To be continued]

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