Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,407 The Tulip was once in danger of destruction [Part 1]

"In the virtual world, there are artificial intelligences with various personalities. They have completed most of the work in society. In addition, in the virtual world, there is no need for production at all. Materials can be refreshed directly and people in the virtual world can , no need to work at all, just enjoy.

You can even experience the feeling of self-realization surrounded by artificial intelligence. If you are a game fan, but you are not good at it, in the virtual world, you will be matched with a group of better AI, making you confident Score higher.

During the game, your opponents will interact with you like a real person, scold you, be killed by you, become frustrated and furious, or praise your awesome operations, or even tell you a bunch of operations that you didn't even think of. Explain and make yourself believe that you are awesome.

The progress of the game will not be smooth. Artificial intelligence will design various games. Sometimes it will be miserable in the early stage, and then you will be left to turn the tide alone in the later stage.

Sometimes you lose the game, but you show a god-like operation, even though you lose, it's an honor. In this way, the game will feel very real, and every game will be extremely enjoyable.

Not just games, but other things as well. You can live broadcast, and artificial intelligence will arrange for you to rise from the bottom in a reasonable trajectory. There will be some minor setbacks for you, but don’t worry, it’s all calculated. It will only make the subsequent experience more enjoyable.

You can become an up owner, a well-known writer, the king of extreme sports, and a mecha master. In the virtual world, as long as it is what you want to do, there is no chance of failure. There are even people with weird hobbies who like to be social animals, and that’s okay. , surrounded by AIs, you will soon become a social nerd, become the most handsome boy among the workers, get a promotion and raise your salary, become a CEO, and marry Bai Fumei.

Can you imagine the temptation of such a world to yourself? No, you can't because you haven't experienced it. Want to try it? It will become addictive after a long time. If you want to experience it, I can let you experience this kind of life for a few days. "

"This... okay, I'll give it a try." Oscar felt that such a virtual world was indeed very tempting, but as long as he had good self-control, he should be able to resist the temptation.

"Remember, this is just an experience. After it is over, I will not continue to provide you with this illegal service no matter what."

Oscar nodded. He was confident that he could distinguish between virtuality and reality. But the moment his consciousness was immersed, his confidence was shaken.

He thought he would come to a luxurious city full of feasting, delicious food, beauties, fancy cars, and mansions. Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a shabby old table, surrounded by A dilapidated tent.

"This..." Oscar suddenly couldn't tell whether his previous interaction with Duke Tulip was real or a dream after he was too tired from work and dozed off.

"It seems that I really underestimated virtual reality technology..." Oscar couldn't help but be moved,

Just when he strengthened his belief that this was just a dream, the tent was suddenly opened, and a girl in dirty cloth rushed in anxiously.

Oscar knew her. She was a very hard-working girl. With the spirit of not being afraid of hardship or getting dirty, she led the settlement to complete the first European linen and weaving. But he vaguely felt that there was something different about the girl, but he couldn't tell for a while. It just feels more pleasing to the eye.

Just make subtle adjustments to the facial features according to Oscar's preferences. Even if you look carefully, it is difficult to distinguish the changes, but it can greatly improve Oscar's favorability in terms of appearance.

"It's not good! The steel-making furnace exploded again! My brother...he is about to die. Please go and save him!"

Although he knew that this was a virtual world, everything was so similar to reality that Oscar couldn't help but feel immersed in it. As soon as he heard this, he stood up and said, "Take me there quickly!"

Pulling the girl who was about to cry, she rushed to the steel-making furnace with mixed emotions, but she was thinking in her heart, shouldn't I be allowed to succeed easily in the virtual world? Why did you give me a slap on the head when you came up? Could this be reality, or at least it was just a dream I had because I was too tired?

When Oscar came to the scene, he saw the man who was seriously injured by the bombing. He also had an impression of this man. He had put forward suggestions for improving the steel furnace several times. He was definitely a scarce talent in the camp. Oscar did not hesitate at all and took out precious medicines to clean him up. He then worked with others to perform first aid. After working for a long time, he finally brought the man back from the dead. At this moment, Oscar no longer had the time to think about whether this was virtuality or reality.

That night, after he finished handling the affairs in the camp, he lay on the mat tiredly. He just wanted to fall asleep, but he didn't want to. In the dim candlelight, the girl from the morning, wearing only light underwear, touched into his tent. Her face was as red as a ripe apple.

I don't know if it was because of the cold or shyness, but my body couldn't stop shaking. Seeing Oscar's stunned expression, I couldn't help but get into his bed.

Oscar wanted to push her away, but the cold touch of skin to skin made him realize that the girl must be extremely cold. Even if he wanted to reject her, it would be too cruel to push her away, so he just moved a little distance. Let the girl wrap herself in the quilt, but she doesn't want the other person to stick to her again soon.

"Don't be like this. I didn't save your brother for your body. It was my obligation as the leader." Oscar said seriously.

But the girl didn't let him explain. She clung to him like an octopus: "But we have nothing. I don't know how to repay you. I...I can only think of this...this..."

"Calm down, calm down, let go first. This kind of thing requires an emotional basis. You don't need to wrong yourself, and I don't need anything in return. Think about it, do you really like me to do this? Be good! Go back. Bar!"

Oscar wanted to send the girl back, but soon found that she was shaking badly. He touched her forehead and found that it was hot. She said as if she was talking in her sleep: "It's so cold... so... cold... can you hug me?" ? So cold..."

Oscar was at a loss, but he still hugged the cold body subconsciously. The mutual support in suffering is often more emotional than the icing on the cake after success. A man and a woman clinging tightly to each other in the cold wind, there is no other charm. But it was enough to make Oscar unable to forget such a night. The quilt was so small that if he moved it, air would leak out. His body was very cold, but his heart felt a little warm. He could vaguely hear the murmuring in his ears:

"I... have liked... you... for a long time..." The messy sentences made people endlessly reverie. At dawn, the girl's high fever seemed to have subsided, and she ran away with a red face. Over at the health center, there was news that the girl's brother had regained consciousness. News, the man who woke up said excitedly that he knew how to improve the steel furnace and realize the converter steelmaking. Oscar ran to ask excitedly, but he had completely forgotten that he was in an illusion.

[To be continued]

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