Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,408 The Tulip was once in danger of destruction [Part 2]

After Oscar rushed to the health center, he immediately followed the instructions of the seriously injured man and returned to the construction site to repair the steel furnace. As the steel furnace was running, the efficiency of the molten steel pouring out almost tripled than before, and he was filled with intense joy. .

With so much metal, many weapons and tools can be made. By arming the soldiers in the camp, he can explore more ruins and absorb more refugees. Maybe in a short time, he can build a Magnificent huge city.

After urging the blacksmith to try making the armor, Oscar was about to return to the tent and make a new production plan. At this moment, someone else hurried over to him.

"New tulip remains discovered?"

"Yes, and it is a large ruins. According to our observation, the inside of the ruins should be paralyzed. There are a lot of usable materials inside. As long as the tools are enough, we will not be short of weapons and medicine for a long time!"

Oscar nodded and asked the blacksmiths to stop making weapons and rush to make tools and vehicle parts. Although they can only make wooden carriages now, if there are enough metal parts and a large amount of metal is used to make nails and bearings, the speed of making carriages will return. Significantly increase it in order to transport more supplies back before other survivor forces take action.

The next day, in front of the camp gate, Oscar personally led the elite troops to prepare for the expedition. A tall mecha stood next to him. The thick armor was covered with scratches, obviously he had experienced many battles.

"This time, our target is a very large ruins with a battlefield of at least five square kilometers. We will inevitably encounter dangers and we will definitely make sacrifices.

But this time, our harvest will be abundant! No more people will starve or freeze, no more patients will have no cure, no more will we need to use our flesh and blood to fight against the invading beasts!

For the sake of our families, for our shelter, and for the survival of human civilization, I hope that everyone in the camp can unite and all industries can use their full energy! Come and fight this crucial battle!

Now! Set off! "

As Oscar put away the loudspeaker, five hundred of the most elite members of the exploration team followed him towards the ruins. The high morale could be clearly felt even without looking back.

Just when Oscar was about to speed up his march, a girl suddenly ran over panting. She still seemed a little weak, but she still caught up with him and stuffed an amulet carved from ancient copper soul coins into his chest pocket.

"You must come back alive! Everyone needs you!"

Oscar nodded and watched the girl leave.

The group of people trekked for nearly a day.

Finally, we arrived at the entrance to the ruins. After clearing away the dense weeds, we saw a super alloy door large enough for a Titan truck to enter.

"Usual methods can't be opened at all, and even black powder can't damage this door at all." The members of the exploration team who had been guarding here for a day and night reported the situation to Oscar.

"I know, let's try it with a mecha! After the soul power disappears, the locking mechanism of the door is probably broken. The reason why it can't be opened is because the door is too heavy."

After boarding the mecha, Oscar skillfully drove the car to the door. The mecha's arms clasped the bottom of the door and lifted it up. Under full power output, the door began to tremble violently, and then slowly opened with the harsh sound of metal friction. rise slowly.

The others were already prepared. More than a dozen people worked together, pushing or pulling, to push two boulders that were as tall as one person under the gate. Oscar let go and the gate fell down, but it was stuck by the boulder just enough for them to walk together.

Oscar left the mecha, re-activated the energy-saving mode, and walked at the front: "You are following me. Even if the soul power disappears, some pure mechanical power facilities will still be in effect. If I say to retreat, return immediately!"

Oscar has a shield left by Poseidon. Although it is not a high-end product, it is not difficult to block ordinary bullets, so whenever he explores the ruins, he is always at the forefront.

Kaka! Oscar stepped on a certain mechanism, and two machine guns popped out of the wall. However, after two turns, no bullets were fired. It seemed that the ammunition could no longer be fired. After checking that there were no other traps around, Oscar waved his hand, and someone immediately came up to disassemble the machine gun and bullets, and replace it with other propellants. The gun was probably still usable, so naturally it couldn't be wasted.

Then came the poisonous fog trap, pit trap, and rockfall trap. Except for the rockfall trap, which was more dangerous, the others were all passed safely. The so-called rockfall trap is actually a piece of metal weighing hundreds of tons falling from the sky. Oscar estimates that behind this thing is probably a 10,000-ton hydraulic press. If he doesn't run, even if he is driving the mecha, he will be crushed into a meat pie. Fortunately, he has not turned on the machine. A, let his men drive the mecha and bend the cage that trapped him, and then narrowly escaped.

There were no dangers along the way, and he explored many warehouses. Looking at the terrain, he could quickly find the most precious items in the ruins, and Oscar also relaxed his vigilance a little. Suddenly, a heavy gate suddenly fell behind him. Separating him from his subordinates, the next moment there were many red dots on his body, followed by intensive gunfire.

The purely mechanical firearms and electronically controlled aiming equipment were all well preserved. Bullets fell like a rain, and the shield capacity dropped rapidly. Oscar intuitively felt that death was close at hand. Retreating was impossible. The only thing left was to move forward. He made a prompt decision and rushed through. In the corridor, the door was closed years ago, but after all, it was not as thick as the gate behind it.

Before the shield shattered, Oscar decisively threw out the only high-explosive bomb he had left. The sticky bomb stuck to the door and detonated in an instant. The door opened. Oscar was also blown away. There was not much shield capacity left on his body. He had no time to think. Others quickly got up and ran towards the door.

There was a loud noise behind him. It was his subordinates who were blasting the gate. Oscar, who rushed out of the gate, looked back subconsciously. Almost at the same time, the shield shattered and a bullet passed through the gate and hit his left chest. There was severe pain in his chest and his body froze. , Oscar used his last strength to fall to the side and hide behind the door. This choice prevented subsequent bullets from hitting him in the blind spot, but the bullet in his left chest still almost made him faint.

He touched his chest with difficulty, but there was no blood. The bullet did not penetrate his chest. Instead, he touched a deformed coin, which was the amulet the girl had given him before. A hard smile appeared on his face. The bullet hit the amulet. This was really lucky!

The shooting stopped, Oscar reloaded the shield, and stumbled up. He had arrived at the room in the center of the ruins, and what was in front of him was the most precious treasure in the ruins, a test tube.

Holding the test tube, a familiar feeling came to his heart, and the surging soul power filled his body. For a moment, Oscar was moved to tears. It was soul power, even if it was just the soul power of a test tube, as long as there was a seed, one day he could Restore the soul power environment of the planet!

The next moment, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and Cheng Ying looked at him with a smile.

[To be continued]

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