Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,410 Development is the last word

"So how did you solve it later?" Judging from the prosperity of Tulip today, it is certain that there are at least a large number of people. They are happy to live in the real world, and judging from their mental state, they don't seem to be forced.

Oscar thought for a while, but couldn't think of a perfect solution, only some immature ones, all of which had considerable hidden dangers.

"If Tulip is really a country of immigrants, perhaps this problem can be solved by adding new blood. In this way, only a part of Tulip will be needed, and people will stay in reality. It will continue to absorb immigrants from uncivilized planets.

Relying on the freshness and happiness brought to them by advanced technology, they can maintain their enthusiasm for living in the real world. It also stipulates how long they can work before they can retire. After retirement, they can return to their original pursuits and immerse themselves in the virtual world.

And the retirement date can be used as an incentive method to design KPIs that can only be completed by working hard to stimulate employees' work enthusiasm.

This can at least return Tulip to its previous state and allow some young people to live in the real world with a positive attitude. The retirement date is equivalent to the original human life span. On this day, this person will basically die socially and enter the virtual world. The world is a bit similar to the paradise described in religion when technology has not yet sprouted. Even the virtual world is countless times more beautiful than the paradise described in religion. "

Cheng Ying nodded when he heard the words: "Your mind is spinning very fast. Someone did make such a suggestion at that time, and it was much more detailed than what you said, and it is definitely implementable.

To be honest, returning to the previous state of limited lifespan is not an unacceptable loss for Tulip. The universe is vast and there are many living planets. It is not impossible to continuously accept new immigrants.

But doing so will lead to more and more people being immersed in virtual world servers. The manpower and material resources required to maintain the operation of servers will also accumulate year by year, and will increase faster every year. The more people it absorbs, the greater this burden will be in the future.

If science and technology cannot make breakthrough progress during this period, it will undoubtedly mean that more immigrants will be needed every year, and this will continue a vicious cycle.

Of course, at that time, we were relatively confident and believed that technological breakthroughs were not difficult, and the probability of falling into such a vicious cycle in the future was extremely slim.

But many managers, including me, are also aware of another hidden danger of this model, that is, the purpose of everyone's efforts is no longer to promote the development and progress of civilization, but to enter the virtual world faster and escape from the Mundane troubles.

That ethereal existence will gradually replace the Tulip people's belief in science and eventually become the target of superstition. People with faith can be brave and fearless of death and burst out with huge potential, but they are also blind.

Not suitable for advancing civilization.

Such reforms are still just poison to quench thirst. In the long run, the thirst for knowledge of Tulip people will be gradually eroded, and the emergence of new technologies will probably become slower and slower. Even if civilization can continue like this. But the aggressive Tulip has already existed in name only.

Therefore, we chose a tougher policy and still maintained a high degree of control over the virtual network. This once caused considerable dissatisfaction at the bottom. I think you should be able to understand how strong this dissatisfaction is.

Simply limiting the gaming time of minors is enough for minors to come out and scold the government bloody. If it is to limit the game time of all citizens. In particular, this game is hundreds of times more sticky than traditional online games. One can imagine what a huge backlash there will be.

The reputation of the government at that time almost fell to the freezing point, and uprisings, demonstrations, and violent confrontations could be seen everywhere. During that period, the top scientific researchers within Tulip were under great pressure.

Including myself, we have to devote almost all our energy to the research and development of new technologies. If you want to solve the problem of addiction to the virtual world once and for all, you must develop! "

Oscar frowned: "I don't understand what you mean. Can technological progress offset the dissatisfaction at the bottom? No matter how fast technology advances, it is impossible to let them do whatever they want in the real world. How can we talk about it? How about solving the problem once and for all?”

Cheng Ying smiled, left this time and space bubble, and took Oscar to an extremely ancient time and space bubble. The two of them settled in a somewhat dilapidated adobe house, obviously a tenant farmer in shabby clothing.

Although it was not yet dawn, he had to get up from the bed sleepily. While looking for farm tools, he complained: "It would be great if I could sleep and dream for a lifetime!"

"Do you want to sleep for the rest of your life?" Cheng Ying asked Oscar.

"If it's an ordinary sleep, then definitely not. But if it's like what I experienced before, where you can experience dreams in an extremely real way, it's hard for me to refuse by my own willpower."

"Look, you wouldn't be willing to sleep normally for the rest of your life, but he is willing." Cheng Ying reached out and grabbed it, as if grabbing the timeline. Under his pull, time passed quickly, and when the two of them stopped again, , already standing next to an antique courtyard house.

There was a drama with a little electric sound coming from the yard, and when you walked in, you could see an old man lying on a rocking chair. Listen to the radio.

Zi La La ~

It seemed that the signal was not good. The old man picked up the radio and tapped it twice before he recovered: "Oh! It would be great if I could listen to this thing every day!"

"Are you willing to listen to the radio for the rest of your life?" Chengying asked Oscar.

Oscar shook his head and seemed to understand Cheng Ying's meaning, but there seemed to be something he didn't understand.

Then the timeline was pulled again. This time the two came to an apartment. In the apartment, a housewife was knitting a sweater and watching TV.

Unsurprisingly, she was like the first two people, sighing that it would be great if she could watch TV for a lifetime.

The timeline moved forward again, this time it was replaced by two children playing games in front of the TV. Although it was just a pixel game, it still made them extremely addicted. The two children also wanted to play games for a lifetime.

Next up are online games, and this time, not just some people want to play games for the rest of their lives. Some people have actually become professional players. Later, Oscar even played the immersive online game himself. He almost won the championship with his team.

"Do you understand what you're talking about? Do you still have the idea of ​​spending your whole life in immersive online games?"

If Oscar has some enlightenment, he finally understands that development is the last word in solving problems.

[To be continued]

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