Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,411 The Heyday

"You are saying that the times are constantly developing, and entertainment methods are also constantly improving. If your vision is limited by the times and you indulge in one kind of entertainment, you will miss more exciting things in the future!

For example, if the person had been sleeping in the beginning, there would be no chance to see it. Radio, TV, computer, and even immersive online games.

If you don’t want to become someone who has missed a wonderful era and is laughed at by future generations! We must continue to stay in reality and keep up with the development of the times. Come and witness the new era. More new discoveries. "

Cheng Ying nodded, Oscar's understanding was pretty good, and after being freed from the poison of Tang San's conservative thinking, he was still able to understand the progress of society.

As for Tang San, Cheng Ying even felt a little unreasonable, as if his mind had been stamped with ideological stamps. He had obviously been exposed to more progressive thinking patterns, but turned a deaf ear to them. This even made him doubt that the thoughts of the original author still affected the protagonists of this world.

This is easy to see from the development of the original work. The first part is about the conservative and backward family soul masters, who defeat the Wuhun Palace that liberates productivity and cultivates civilian soul masters. The second part is also about the conservative soul master forces and defeats them. With advanced soul guidance technology, even if the protagonist can't defeat him at the end, Tang San will use a mechanical deity.

The backward and conservative forces will always defeat the advanced and progressive forces. This once made Cheng Ying, who has been born in two generations, extremely confused.

Returning to the issue of addiction to the virtual world, Chengying was quite satisfied with Oscar's reaction, so he explained: "Your understanding is pretty good, but compared to our measures, it is a bit one-sided. It is limited to the level of technology you have experienced. The most that can be understood is immersive gaming.

Moreover, due to the conservative academic atmosphere of Douluo Continent, open human experiments are almost non-existent, and your transformation is limited to the use of soul power.

In this way, I will simply let you compare. If you only have perception ability and no power, do you think there is a big gap between Titled Douluo and ordinary people? "

Oscar nodded: "The difference is indeed very big. If the Titled Douluo's perception ability is degraded to the same as that of ordinary people, then they will definitely be extremely uncomfortable, and it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine that kind of perception ability, such as vision, hearing, and smell. , taste, touch, and even the sense of spiritual power and sixth sense are far beyond ordinary people."

"That's it. If a game can only simulate the feelings of ordinary people. Then let Title Douluo play this game. He will feel that no matter what he sees or touches, it will be as if there is a layer of film between him and become very strange. It's vague. In fact, they perceive the same information as ordinary people, but because they have become accustomed to stronger perception and stronger control over the material world, they will become increasingly uncomfortable after returning to ordinary people.

In this way, as Tulip grows, it's not just the entertainment industry that's progressing.

There is also basic technology, and the human body's perception ability will become stronger and stronger with the advancement of technology.

The pressure faced by scientific researchers at that time was to develop a human body modification that was reliable and could be widely promoted in a short period of time. Moreover, this kind of modification could significantly improve human body functions and allow us to have a better understanding of the material world. Deep perception, the minimum standard, allows all those who have accepted this transformation to realize that the world has become more exciting and complex.

This is actually a very difficult task, because at that time our bodies have been modified to be quite powerful. Our vision can see infrared and ultraviolet rays, which almost doubles the visible light spectrum. Ultrasound and infrasound waves are also common to us. .

There are several microscopic ones. Although it is not as exaggerated as to see molecules, we can all see the microorganisms in the air at a glance. The senses of smell and taste rely on their powerful computing power to distinguish hundreds of tastes at the same time and record numbers. Thousands of different flavors.

With such a powerful perceptual ability, if you want to go further, you will undoubtedly have to put in a lot of effort.

But we still did it, although we could only vaguely perceive it, which gave us a new perception ability, the perception of gravitational waves. "Said this, Cheng Ying's forehead opened, revealing a milky white pupil.

“This is a completely new organ that we have evolved to allow us to see a completely new world that is completely different from what we can see.

Many times, facts are much more convincing than lengthy truths. When everyone sees the new and colorful world, everyone is as shocked as a blind man who has just regained his sight. And this kind of The shock was something they could not experience even after living in the virtual world for millions of years.

Most people also understand that only by staying in reality, participating in and promoting the development of the times, can they participate in this great change, otherwise they will only be eliminated by the times little by little.

Staying in the virtual world, you will never be able to witness it. Great changes are happening all the time. Our world is so interesting. As long as we continue to explore, we will always make new discoveries.

The former Tulip people believed in this, but the temptation of the virtual world made them waver. What I have to do is to prove to them and tell them with facts that exploring the unknown is always better than indulging in the world. The past is even more desirable. "

Oscar breathed rapidly, imagining that his perception was constantly being expanded, and the world became more and more colorful in his eyes. The sense of identity that had been involuntarily lingered in his heart again.

Maybe that's why tulips. Although it only has an initial population of 100 million, it can continue to assimilate new immigrants and make them truly identify themselves as Tulip people. Perhaps it is this goal of reaching the truth of the universe that gives everyone the motivation to keep moving forward.

"Speaking quickly, in fact, this turmoil lasted from the 37th year of the Star Era to the 50th year of the Star Era, and after that, it was our heyday until now.

When ideals and reality are unified, every step forward for everyone is on the road of dreams. The speed of social development will reach a level that will amaze me.

We have completely perfected the technology of teleportation. It is even possible to directly calculate the coordinates of other planets through the gravity model. Then reach its vicinity via teleportation.

This allows our external development to completely get rid of the restrictions of the demiplane. Similarly, the virtual world on the Internet is also becoming more and more real. But no one will be addicted to it anymore, because everyone firmly believes that our future will never stop in the virtual world. "

[To be continued]

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