Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,412 More unsolvable than soul science

Oscar follows Cheng Ying and continues to other time-space bubbles. The further up he goes, the more time-space bubbles there are and the closer they are to modern times. The top layer may have been created just yesterday.

The higher he went, the more Oscar couldn't understand. Food, clothing, housing and transportation were beyond his understanding. Although there were many industries he was familiar with, most of them were incomprehensible to him.

"Did you see that store over there? It's an escape room with an expanded internal space. Although you can experience almost the same service online, experiencing it in real life is important in our culture. The meaning is more ritualistic than the experience in the virtual world.

Moreover, in real game venues, there may be accidents that the designers cannot control. Do you want to go and take a look? "

Oscar nodded when he heard this. During this period of history, space expansion technology had just become popular, and he wanted to experience it.

Walking into the store, it originally looked like an ordinary commercial store, but inside it looked like a shopping mall. Oscar saw that the players who entered the game took off their belongings, which were all mobile terminals and auxiliary peripherals. The most basic ability of the human body, entering the secret room.

Following the tourists inside, Oscar was shocked to see that the theme of this store was actually ghosts, and there were real shadows lurking in the darkness. As a witness, he could see it directly, but the tourists seemed not to see it.

"Then... what is that?" The martial arts in Douluo Continent are full of strange things, ghosts and zombies are not uncommon, but he has never seen a real ghost, and his voice can't help but tremble.

"Those... can be called ghosts in a broad sense! But in fact, it is a natural phenomenon, just like the will-o'-the-wisps in the cemetery, but this natural phenomenon is more complicated, causing them to show certain quasi-intelligent reactions.

This is a natural phenomenon accidentally discovered during the interstellar colonization process. The selling point of this store is that it can replicate this witty and complex one, and there are even ghosts that correspond to the plot. "

Oscar was slightly relieved. Although the translucent figure was very eye-catching, he still relaxed after learning that it was just a natural phenomenon.

"Then are there really ghosts in this world?" Oscar thought about how many people had died in his continent. Those whose martial spirits were zombies and skeletons had inherited something from the deceased.

"It depends on the definition of ghost. If it is an unknown, mysterious existence that cannot be controlled, then it must exist. Before we can control all the knowledge of the universe, there must be such an uncontrollable thing.

But if you are talking about things like ghosts, that is another matter. I can only say that intelligent low-entropy bodies can be called intelligent creatures. In comparison, they will make tulip people feel scared. On the contrary, it is what I mentioned before, a natural phenomenon that has no intelligence but exhibits quasi-wisdom for some reasons.

Because these things are difficult to measure logically. One moment you may be pleasant, but the next moment you may be standing on your head and stabbing you with a knife.

As you explore more natural laws, you will discover more interesting phenomena, let's go! We have stayed in the library for too long, and the long river of history is not something that you and I can see through now.

Go and see our weapons! You may be able to take away one or two items for self-defense, but the memory of the weapons cannot be taken back, that is, they cannot be used actively. "

In fact, Oscar has always had a doubt.

That is, Chengying has already developed so many planets, but he has left Douluo Planet undeveloped. If it was because of the God Realm in the beginning, then it is completely unnecessary now!

When this topic was mentioned, he asked directly: "Since I can come to Tulip's homeland, why can't other people in Douluo integrate into Tulip like immigrants from other planets?"

Cheng Ying had a strange look on his face when he heard this: "I can't say the answer to this. I can only say that your civilization is very special."

Oscar was puzzled: "What's so special about it? Are we inferior to other colonial stars?"

Cheng Ying shook his head: "It's not a question of qualifications. Although Tulip's main race is human, there are also many citizens who are humanoid or even very different from humans.

Douluo Star is special because it gave birth to me. "

Oscar: "..."

For the first time, he discovered that people can be narcissistic in such a fresh and refined way.

However, thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no problem! This is indeed special enough. In the tens of thousands of years before, there was no race on this planet that escaped the shackles of gravity. Even the Kunpeng that flew out of the atmosphere was just that. Oscar has not yet Know that he exists.

The planets occupied by other intelligent creatures have obviously not broken away from the shackles of gravity and established interstellar order. Tulip has opened up so many colonial stars without encountering exceptions, which is already very illustrative of the problem.

A guy who stepped onto the starry sky and established interstellar order was quite special in the Douluo Star. Chengying's weird attitude towards the Douluo people could barely be explained.

However, what really makes Cheng Ying unwilling to interfere too much with the Douluo people is actually his identity. Even now, he has not forgotten his identity as a time traveler.

As for the matter of time travel, he really couldn't find any reasonable explanation. Unlike the time travel of the protagonist in the Dionysian world, the kind that can detect gravitational wave vibrations obviously transports the soul through space, at least There are traces to follow, but Chengying's own time travel is really inexplicable. Even the nature of soul power, even luck, and mysterious things like the soul can be found in the scientific system he established. , except for his time travel, which he had no clue about.

This also made him more cautious in interfering with the Douluo people than on other planets. This world surpassed his previous life, and he had a hunch that although certain extraordinary powers could not see the world in his previous life, it might be superior to Above all otherworldly worlds.

Just like the protagonist in a novel, no matter how awesome he is, in the eyes of the author, he is just a string of words under the keyboard. Cheng Ying's thoughts are very pessimistic, but he feels that thinking this way is better than thinking in many ways. After becoming invincible in the world, he really regarded himself as the king of the world. As an ant, he did not realize that he was stronger.

Oscar didn't expect Cheng Ying to be silent for so long. Although he still had many doubts, he stopped asking and followed Cheng Ying to the fourth floor of the military port, where almost all kinds of war weapons of Tulip were parked.

[To be continued]

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