Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1413: Full of Martial Arts

Although the conquest of the colonial star is far less than the use of perverted equipment such as the stellar annihilation cannon, but in someone's sense of crisis, Tulip has never reduced its military expenditures and is intensifying its troops every day. Compared with the ones they conquered On the colonial star, Tulip's own army seems a bit too martial.

For example, any piece of individual soldier equipment is powerful enough to tear apart a planet the size of the Douluo Star. Any military mecha can transform a planet the size of the moon into a "chaos" state and use it as a weapon.

With such an armament, any one of their warriors would be a monster that could not be classified according to the local professional system for the undeveloped colonial star.

In this universe, the homogeneity of the wild world is very serious. It can be seen from the time traveled by the God of Destruction that although there are magicians in that world, the levels are still one to nine, and each level is divided into ten levels.

This is the most common hierarchical classification in the universe. It is difficult not to doubt that it is man-made. Don’t think that the decimal system is such a natural progression position. We find the decimal system convenient, natural and scientific. That is just because we have been doing it. Using him, the ancestors only had ten fingers, which is the easiest way to be born.

If our ancestors had twelve fingers, they would probably use the twelve-digit system now, and we would not feel inconvenienced, and would even take it for granted that twelve is a comfortable-looking integer, just like a programmer’s joke , the salary is not rounded up to 1,000 but to rounded up to 1,024.

There is nothing special about ten in nature. Insects have six legs, spiders have eight legs, octopuses have eight legs, cats and dogs have four fingers on their back paws, and chickens, ducks and geese have four-pointed claws. Ten is not a natural number.

The universal decimal classification in the universe does correspond to the phenomenon of extraordinary power. It is also an important reason why Tulip is obviously super strong but overly cautious.

This allows every Tulip warrior to have combat power that breaks through the top of the decimal level classification, which is the power of the gods recognized in various worlds.

"Well... let's start with the basics first!" The two of them did not take the elevator this time, but teleported directly to the fourth floor and came to a shooting range.

Cheng Ying took out something that looked like a pistol and explained to Oscar: "It is also one of the most basic individual weapons, the kinetic energy pistol. Because I named it myself, it seems very uncreative."

Oscar: "..."

He felt that Cheng Ying didn't have the slightest sense of shame when he said he didn't have any creativity.

"In order to increase the endurance of the weapon, this gun uses cold nuclear fusion to provide energy, and can also be connected to the energy network of a personal tactical unit for recharging.

Because it is a typical kinetic energy weapon, the bullets also use physical bullets. You can see the magazine! You can fill it with any substance and fire it. In theory, grabbing a handful of sand and stuffing it in will not affect the operation of the firearm.

However, if you want to exert the intercontinental strike capability of penetrating the planet's crust, you still need to use professional bullets with a capacity of eight rounds and no recoil. The propulsion method is difficult to explain to you based on your current level of knowledge.

Equipped with optical sights and a computational auxiliary aiming system, it can carry out beyond-visual-range strikes through calculations, but compared to professional sniper equipment, it is still far behind. "

Oscar's lips twitched: "Why does a pistol have the ability to strike intercontinentally? And if the bullet flies so fast, it must exceed the speed of the first universe! How should you strike intercontinentally!"

"Ah? Didn't I just say that? Professional bullets can break through the earth's crust.

Even if it exceeds the first cosmic speed, it can still go in a straight line, penetrate the planet and hit the target. As long as it detonates an extremely small amount of antimatter inside when it hits, it can accurately create an explosion that is enough to destroy the target! "

Oscar: "..."

What kind of crazy weapon is this! It turns out that the machine gunner who killed the Japanese eight hundred miles away was you! It turns out that the bullets that killed the Japanese machine gunners penetrated the earth's crust!

"Calm down, calm down, the ultra-long-range strike is only an auxiliary function. The main function of this weapon is ongoing fire suppression and close combat.

This one is the main force among long-range kinetic energy weapons. Compared with the weak fire control system of the pistol, the aiming effect of this thing is much better. Even interstellar strikes are no problem. "

This time, the weapon Cheng Ying took out no longer looked familiar to Oscar. It looked like a rocket launcher, but the difference was that the tube of this thing was soft and could be turned at will, or even coiled into a circle.

"This is a relatively common long-range weapon. It is named snakeskin rocket by Rong Nianbing. Let me declare that I am very opposed to this unintelligible naming method."

Oscar: "..."

From a certain point of view, this is actually very appropriate, because after Cheng Ying picked up the thing, it actually moved like a snake.

"You can see the barrel moving! This is the essence of this weapon. It can block the subtle interference of your body shaking, adjust the ballistics in real time, and ensure accurate hitting of targets. Generally, it can target targets within 300,000 kilometers. The error is guaranteed to be within three millimeters.

The power of the attack can also be adjusted by yourself. If it is the lowest, the person being attacked will feel like being pricked by a needle at most, just like Mouri Kogoro. Decapitation tactics can be carried out without hurting innocent people.

As for the maximum power... I can only say that it is recommended not to launch maximum power at the core of the planet. The shells will penetrate the core and explode precisely inside the core, causing unpredictable consequences. Generally speaking, for the creatures on the surface of the planet, The consequences are devastating. "

Oscar didn't know what to say. He had already learned before that Douluo Star's combat power was actually among the best, even second to none, among the many planets occupied by intelligent creatures.

However, facing an enemy of this level, Tulip has developed a weapon that can be called insane. Not to mention a titled Douluo, this thing is the top demigod in the past. If you stick to it, you will probably die.

This is still the most basic equipment. Oscar suspects that if Tulip really wants to do something serious, he might be able to wipe out an entire galaxy and turn it into a bunch of elementary particles.

Facts have proved that Oscar's guess is correct. The power brought by the annihilation of matter and antimatter at the planet level is comparable to the explosion of a super star. An entire galaxy will be wiped out by such a force, leaving no trace behind.

Cheng Ying picked up another weapon that looked extremely dangerous and began to introduce: "This is one of the few weapons whose explosion range is greater than its shooting range, so it must be equipped with a shield of sufficient capacity when used..."

Oscar: "..."

[To be continued]

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