Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1414 Chaos Matter

"These are the most commonly used equipment for individual soldiers. If you agree to the transaction, you can choose one or two of them as life-saving trump cards. They will be activated automatically when it detects that your life is in danger. I recommend you choose a shield for individual soldiers. There are many types of shields, but any one of them is enough for you to deal with all the troubles ahead."

Cheng Ying pointed to the area where the shields were displayed. Tulip's shield looked like a tattoo. It was a layer of nanomachines that was so specialized that it lost its ability to deform. It was similar to how our stem cells differentiated into tissue cells. Although there are no infinite possibilities, But the ability in a certain direction has been greatly strengthened.

The style of the tattoo can be set by oneself. Most people like to have it tattooed on the back of the hand or arm. It looks like the master's command spell, and the effect is somewhat similar. The completeness of the tattoo also represents the shield capacity.

Compared with civilian shields that can be recharged repeatedly, military shields are disposable tattoos. Once the capacity is exhausted, a new one must be attached.

It seems that this is not as convenient as the civilian shield, but it actually solves the problem of lack of protection for soldiers during the reloading of the shield. The moment the shield capacity is exhausted, just open a new one.

Similarly, abandoning the charging module not only makes such a shield more portable, but its strength is also several orders of magnitude higher than the civilian version. A kinetic energy weapon with a mass of no more than one ton can easily be used as long as the speed is within 500 kilometers per second. withstand. If it is only used to resist shock waves, the effect will undoubtedly be better.

If Oscar uses it, even though it is a one-time use and will be gone when the capacity is exhausted, exhausting all the weapons currently stored in Douluo Continent may not be able to exhaust his shield capacity. This is almost equivalent to using it without his knowledge. In a situation of love, I made him invincible.

Oscar was not polite and picked the most balanced shield in his hand: "That's it! How do I use it?"

"Imagine what you want the tattoo to look like, and then stick it on the part you want. Well... you'd better be careful, because the shape cannot be changed after the tattoo is applied, unless the shield is exhausted.

I remember that there used to be a very skinny warrior who chose a pink fluorescent shield and tattooed it on his lower abdomen, which was shaped like a T. You should be able to imagine what it looked like. In short, it was very unbearable to look at.

So much so that he was misunderstood by his friend Ji in the same dormitory in the bathhouse, and some indescribable things happened. Now they have become lovers and sisters. "

The shield in Oscar's hand almost dropped to the ground. He thought that when choosing a color for his tattoo, he should choose a transparent one! I always feel that no matter what the tattoo looks like, it is dangerous.

"Actually, you don't have to stick to getting tattoos on your body. Eyes can also be used for tattoos. The skinny warrior from before, her friend Ji, got the tattoo in her pupils. It's a pink heart shape, although it looks... It blocks the line of sight, but it actually doesn’t affect it, as the tattoos are actually concentrated on the iris.”

Oscar: "..."

"It's... quite a match..."

"That's right! You think so too! Let's go, I'll take you to see the strategic equipment. Although you can't take these away, it's not a military secret. It's okay if you want to see it."

Oscar nodded: "Destruction is far easier than construction. You can all build facilities as huge as a planet. It shouldn't be easier to destroy a planet!"

Cheng Ying nodded: "Destroying the planet is indeed not difficult.

However, facing a stronger enemy, it is difficult to cause fatal injuries by simply tearing.

Destruction at a deeper level is needed. To understand Tulip’s strategic weapons, you must first know what chaotic matter is in our definition. "

As he spoke, Cheng Ying picked up a pistol and created a force field invisible to the naked eye in his palm. In the force field, the pistol suddenly disintegrated and turned into colorful mist, flying around in Cheng Ying's palm. .

"Chaos is just the name we give to this form of matter. It is not the chaotic state of matter when the world first opened. To put it in a positive way, it is that the nuclei of all the atoms that originally made up the pistol were shattered and neutrons were released. , themselves become hydrogen atoms.

Under the constraints of the force field, it operates in a subtle state and does not release a large amount of energy, nor does it self-aggregate to form new substances. As for why this mass of gas shows colorful colors, the principle Reference flame glow.

Such a lump of matter can be transformed into various elements I need at will, and provide the required energy for this transformation. For example, if I want a carrot, then as long as I have enough control and know what I want The atomic arrangement of the carrot you want is like this! "

Oscar was shocked to find that the chaotic matter suddenly aggregated and actually turned into a carrot. It was hard to imagine how a pistol turned into a carrot.

"Actually, this kind of chaotic matter is a product of helplessness. Our technology cannot complete the conversion of matter and energy without loss. If matter is converted into energy, and then the energy is used to create matter, then the matter that can be obtained will not even be Not one millionth of the consumption.

Therefore, if you want to transform all things, you can only rely on the medium of chaotic matter. Of course, you can also use smaller particles as the carrier of chaotic matter, not necessarily protons and neutrons, but that would be more technically difficult. However, the practicality will not be greatly improved, so it has not been popularized as a military technology.

Our strategic weapons basically operate based on chaotic matter, such as this. This is our most common strategic weapon, the hand of creation, which can complete the transformation of all things, and can even create itself.

It can easily refine the planet into chaotic matter, and replicate itself in large quantities in a short period of time. If it is released, it will spread virally, and even stars can be transformed and swallowed, turning into a super huge mass of chaotic matter. As a super production base factory. "

In fact, when dealing with Tang San's five levels of soul power unlocked, this move is also one of the alternatives. Transforming the star into a super factory, and then producing an epic stellar cannon can also destroy Tang San. The power of a single object is even greater than that of Tang San. Supernova explosions are much larger.

The disadvantage is that the preparation time is too long. The protagonist's halo is best at creating surprises and contains extremely high skills. It is very likely that the ultimate move is half prepared and cannot be used, which would be very embarrassing.

Oscar looked a little numb. If he could barely understand the previous individual equipment as the Tulipman was obviously very strong but overly cautious, then he really didn't know how to explain the star-killing weapon like the Hand of Creation.

[To be continued]

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