Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,415 Strategic Weapons

Oscar could only believe that the Tulip people were suffering from a collective delusion of being persecuted. To deal with a group of opponents who couldn't leave the planet and even had to rule the empire with a feudal system, they actually created anti-star weapons.

Cheng Ying didn't seem to care about Oscar's numb expression and continued to introduce: "The Hand of Creation is not actually a real weapon, because it integrates a large number of production functions and is generally used as a development tool for inanimate planets.

The weapons that are truly regarded as important strategic reserves are actually anti-matter battle stars. "This time Cheng Ying didn't take out the actual object. After all, as soon as he heard the name Zhan Xing, he knew that it was huge and impossible to fit in such a small warehouse.

"Antimatter...battle star? What is that?" Oscar wondered. He knew what antimatter was, and he could barely understand the battle star, but what the hell was the combination of the two things?

"That's what it means! A planet full of antimatter. In a galaxy full of normal matter, such a strategic weapon is equivalent to a super bomb.

You should be able to understand that the energy erupted from the annihilation of matter and antimatter is basically to release all the energy in the mass of matter. Even the hydrogen bomb, which truly realizes mass-energy conversion, is very small. Even so, it can still release A devastating explosion. As for antimatter the size of a planet, one can imagine how magnificent the energy released after detonation is. "

Oscar's expression was stiff. Although his mathematics was not very good, he could still imagine the horror of that scene. Everything within the explosion range would probably be reduced to nothing by the torrent of matter approaching the speed of light.

"How is it possible? How do you have so much energy to prepare antimatter? Didn't you say before that even tulips have less than one millionth in efficiency of mass-to-energy conversion? Have you destroyed millions of planets? Turn it into energy to create antimatter war stars?"

Facing Oscar's question, Cheng Ying shook his head and said: "We have to have absurd imagination about reality. Why must our antimatter be prepared? Can't it be mined?"

"How is it possible! Antimatter and antimatter will annihilate each other and release energy. How could it be..." When Oscar said this, he suddenly choked.

"Why is it impossible? Our universe is actually very young. At the beginning of the birth of the universe, there were both positive matter and antimatter. The amount of both determines the main matter that will form the world in the future.

But it does not mean that all matter and antimatter will be annihilated at the moment the universe is born! As antimatter occupies a considerable part of the mass of the universe, it cannot be completely annihilated in an instant, right?

And just a random antimatter nebula is an extremely huge source of antimatter for tiny intelligent creatures like us.

You also know that the galaxies in the starry sky are extremely far away. Why are there no galaxies among these galaxies that are purely made of antimatter?

Most of our antimatter is actually obtained through mining. These antimatters are difficult to preserve. Fortunately, we have created simple antimatter machines to mine, transport, and store antimatter to avoid danger.

And when the war requires it, the anti-matter battle star will activate the thrusters on the planet and rush towards its target in an attitude of dying together.

In fact, we rarely need such powerful explosions. The true meaning of anti-matter war stars is actually to annihilate all positive matter within the attack range. The attack mode is also to surround the target after disintegrating.

Then annihilation occurs from all directions.

This can kill some enemies that cannot be killed by pure mechanical energy. After all, in some extreme cases, an atom may carry the enemy's will. "

Because of the different technology trees, although Tulip is capable of interstellar navigation and space teleportation, it is not possible to expand and process protons into eleven-dimensional sophons for the time being.

But the theoretical basis in this area has been gone. It is certain that an atom, or even a proton, can carry consciousness. If the opponent is this kind of existence, it will be difficult to eradicate it even with the power of a supernova explosion. After all, That was not enough to crush every proton, so this antimatter battle star was created.

"Have you really encountered such a powerful opponent?" Oscar was a little confused, could it be in the starry sky? There are other powerful civilizations.

"No, there are few civilizations we have encountered that can surpass Douluo, but this is the biggest problem. Do you think flying into space is really such a difficult thing to accomplish? Especially when there are extraordinary people. In the case of power, it is actually not difficult to just build a satellite group around the planet.

But we don’t know how many civilizations we have discovered. Yesterday we detected three brand-new civilizations, but almost all of them are like animals raised in pastures and have never stepped out of the fence.

If you were the owner of a ranch, what would your attitude be towards a guy like Tulip who not only broke down the fence, but also opened the gate and let more animals out?

In order to cope with various dangers in the future, we are in a rare period of development. Many other strategic weapons have also been prepared, some of which are military secrets and some of which can be made public. Look over there, the irregular object with a strange shape floating there is also one of our strategic weapons. It is just a strategic weapon that is still in the process of research and development, and it has not yet been able to exert much power. "

Oscar looked over and felt that what he was looking at was indescribable. It was difficult for him to describe the texture and color of the irregular objects he saw, because when he was asleep, as long as he was slightly shifted, the colors he saw would not be the same. The texture will be different, making this thing look very weird in sight.

"What was that? It feels so bad staring at him."

"If that thing were to be named in a scientific way, I would probably need to use a mobile hard drive to record its name, so generally speaking, we call it by its codename, Bodhi.

One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi. This is the origin of the code name. It is named after this code name because what you see is actually a single molecule.

Although in our minds, molecules should be extremely tiny, and even huge molecules like DNA should be invisible to the naked eye, there is no theoretical limit to the size of molecules.

If DNA is extended and superimposed infinitely, its volume can eventually expand to the point where human flesh is visible. All bodhisattvas are single super macromolecules, and each one has very special physical properties.

It also corresponds to the description of one flower and one world, and one leaf and one bodhi. The inside of each bodhi is an extremely complex molecular structure, just like a complicated universe. "

[To be continued]

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