Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,416 Oscar’s Choice

"A single molecule that directly affects the macroscopic world!" Oscar looked at the strategic weapon codenamed Bodhi in astonishment, and for a moment he didn't know how to describe his shock.

If it were him in the original work, he wouldn't be surprised when he heard this, because he couldn't understand it at all, but it was precisely because of some basic knowledge that he understood how incredible the basketball-sized thing in front of him was.

"What does this thing do?"

Hearing this, Cheng Ying scratched his head in embarrassment: "There is actually no specific effect yet. As you know, the composition of this super macromolecule is very complex. We are still in the process of exploring it. Different combinations mean different physical effects.

At present, we only have a few imperfect configurations, which can control the internal energy within the range of influence to a certain extent, or relieve the mechanical energy acting on itself to a certain extent.

That’s why I said this is a semi-finished product of a strategic weapon. Before we perfect the configuration, it is basically impossible to see them in actual combat. But this is another scientific research idea besides nanomachines. The difference is probably similar to that of a modular machine and an all-in-one machine. Judging from the expected data in the future, the potential of Bodhi is higher than that of micro-mechanical polymers at the same volume.

But these can only be shown to you. Even if part of the memory is erased, it is impossible for you to return to Douluo Continent with something dangerous. "

"Uh... can't this kind of semi-finished product also work? Didn't you say that these are not enough to be used in actual combat?" Oscar felt that even if he could not retain his memory, the props he carried should have the highest potential, the better.

"It is not suitable for use in actual combat. It means that compared with other strategic weapons, it is not suitable for the civilization level of Douluo Star, just because of the one in front of you.

The special property he exhibits is very simple, that is, he can turn stones into gold. The substances he removes will be converted into gold elements, and this transformation will spread rapidly through the medium of gold elements. That is to say, once this thing lands, it will last for three days. A Douluo star within it, a planet that big, would turn into a pile of gold.

Don't think that you can just pick it up from the ground with your hands. The human body is not special compared to other substances. People who come into contact with it will also be assimilated into gold.

It is almost impossible for you to create a force field that allows him to float in the vacuum. Tulip can easily save or even destroy him, but for you, the mere existence of this thing is a disaster. "

Oscar shrank his neck and finally realized how big the gap between the two sides was. An unsuccessful product from others could easily destroy their planet.

Although turning stones into gold was once the wish of many people, after all, gold has been the hard currency on Douluo Continent for a long time. Who doesn't want to own a mountain of gold?

But if all the land in the world turns into gold, it will be a complete disaster. Not to mention that those who step on the ground and even the people in contact with the air may be assimilated into gold. Let’s just say that everything will be turned into gold. After turning into gold, all creatures on this planet will lose their food sources and water sources. Even if they are lucky enough to survive flying in the air, death will be the only thing waiting for them.

"If you still want to visit, I can take you to the port to see what a real interstellar fleet is. But after seeing so much, you should have already made a decision. Do you want to keep it for me? Something?

If you agree,

I can also provide you with more help within certain limits. The premise is that you won't use that thing. "Chengying looked directly at Oscar.

He took the other party to visit these, on the one hand, to show his sincerity. Let him understand that he can definitely pay a price that satisfies him.

On the other hand, it makes him think twice before taking the system. Tulip, who is too martial-minded, is a major deterrent to any system holder.

No matter what system it is, it is the weakest when it is first bound. If you violate the rules at this time, you will almost certainly be discovered. Faced with Tulip, who is full of martial arts, probably no system holder will think that he can handle the first leader reward. This kind of blowing up stars Playing super civilization.

After reading this, Oscar knew this very well. If you choose to accept the safekeeping of this item, you must abide by the rule of never using it, otherwise, I am afraid it will be annihilated immediately.

"I'm willing to accept the deal, but I'm curious. What kind of assistance can you give me? It seems that you don't want to interfere too much in the lives of the natives of Douluo Continent. In this case, it seems difficult for me to get enough to affect the overall situation. "

Cheng Ying patted Oscar on the shoulder again: "Do you know what the most important assistance is to you? It's not a massive amount of supplies, nor a powerful weapon. Don't think wrongly, an intelligent maid robot is even less possible. .

The most important thing to you is actually knowledge, isn't it? If you only rely on your own strength to guide the people to revive civilization, without the support of black technology such as soul power, it may take a hundred years to complete the first satellite launch, which will be quite difficult.

After all, I don’t have the convenient soul power to solve the problem of food, clothing, housing and transportation, free up more labor force to join scientific research, and rely on step by step to explore in a world without any extraordinary power. The difficulty of progress is a hundred times more difficult than it was for me.

But if you are willing to trade, I can agree to trade to give you knowledge, which is not the technology tree we had back then. Then I am not suitable for you. At that time, we used too many soul power equipment to overcome the technological bottleneck, which could not be used on a continent without soul power.

If you agree to the transaction, you will get a set of technology trees tailored to the current situation of Douluo Star, although we have not carried out such land reclamation. However, in computer simulation, it is still enough to come up with a technology tree that fits the natural environment, humanistic environment, and development laws of Douluo Continent.

If you are lucky, within ten years, you will be able to accumulate the power to unify all mankind. Within thirty years, technology will be able to catch up to the level before the soul power disappeared. I will basically choose to ignore your internal disputes.

So a weapon that is too powerful. Just stop thinking about it. Something I can give you. You need to rely on your own efforts to exert its power. Whether you can carry him with you or not depends on you. "

Oscar nodded. Although he did not receive weapons or supplies, knowledge was an equally valuable gift.

"Okay! I agree to the deal, so how can I help you keep that thing?"

[To be continued]

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