Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,417 System Splitting and Transfer

"This process is relatively complicated and has certain risks. Therefore, it cannot be carried out near the reincarnation disk. When we go to the port, we will also take you to visit Tulip's large spaceship."

Oscar nodded after hearing this. After they arrived at the Samsara Disk, they had not seen a spaceship. It seemed that space control was implemented on the outer circle of the Samsara Disk, and the ship's flight path was not allowed to pass through this airspace.

This time, the two of them also chose to teleport directly, because the spaceport is independent of the reincarnation disk.

As the light of transmission flickered, the two came to the spaceport, where Rong Nianbing was already waiting for them.

The design of a space port is actually similar to that of an airport. However, one thing that is different from an airport is that a space port is spherical and planes must take off from the ground. Therefore, the airport can only be designed in a two-dimensional form, but the space port can obviously be three-dimensional. It's like a ball with many spikes on it. These spikes are the entrance to the plane.

The three of them came to an entrance with a transparent wall that could see outside. Oscar finally saw the huge spaceship in his mind.

Although these are civilian spaceships and not battleships, in terms of size, they are definitely not smaller than battleships. Civilian passenger ships may not be particularly huge, but the size of cargo ships is very terrifying.

Oscar lay on the window, only to see that his field of vision was completely filled. The cold, metallic shell slowly passed in front of him. Even though he had been watching for more than a minute, he could not see the end of the freighter.

"Will we often build huge spaceships like this?"

Cheng Ying shook his head: "Of course not. We don't need to transport anything. We just need to go to a camp in the dark star. All we need is a small spaceship. The equipment for the transfer system has already been arranged."

Cheng Ying did not set up the transfer system in a bustling urban area. After all, this thing is still quite dangerous. Once the transfer fails, it might go to someone else's head. Others are eager to get the system. Because he is such a weirdo, he should be avoided.

Therefore, the location of the transfer system was designed in the dark interstellar space.

"Dark Star? Is it the seat of some gangster force? I thought there would be no such society in the highly centralized Tulip."

Rong Nianbing knocked on Oscar's forehead: "What are you thinking about? What does darkness, the interstellar, and gangsters have to do? Even if there are gangs, they will not go to the dark interstellar to seek death!

The so-called darkness is not an adjective with extended meaning, it is its literal meaning, a dark interstellar space. In the universe we live in, matter is actually very thin, and there are long distances between stars.

There are always some places that are very far away from every star. Here, there is no sun, no moon, and no other celestial bodies that look huge in the field of vision. The surroundings are dark and only the distant starlight can be seen.

This kind of open space between the stars is what we call the dark interstellar space. Many dangerous experiments and confidential projects must be carried out in such places. As long as you are not very unlucky, there is basically no possibility of being broken. "

Oscar was stunned, seeing too many Tulip people using teleportation technology. He has gradually forgotten how far away the stars are, and even the stars are just like grains of sand in front of the universe.

"Let's go! Our spaceship has arrived.

"Cheng Ying took the two of them to board the ship. This was a mini spaceship that was only over 100 meters long. It looked very narrow and long. Just by looking at the appearance, you could tell that it was a high-speed spaceship.

Walking into the cabin, Oscar noticed the change in the direction of gravity. Apparently a gravity generator is installed in this spacecraft to provide simulated gravity to the pilot and crew of the spacecraft.

The spaceship started, and Oscar lay on the porthole, watching the scenery around him regress rapidly. He felt a strong push on his back, and even his feet were very stable. There was only a very slight sway, which was even slighter than the sway when the subway just started. Much, which is obviously inconsistent with the ultra-high acceleration of the spacecraft.

"Don't look at it, it's an inertial damper. This is a standard feature of deep space spacecraft. Even if our bodies have been modified to be very strong, it is still very painful to withstand the acceleration of the spacecraft, let alone you. If the acceleration of gravity exceeds ten times, you are likely to die suddenly on the spot.

Inertial dampers are now standard equipment. Even the cargo holds of cargo spacecraft are basically equipped with them. After all, not all cargo can withstand hundreds of times the acceleration of gravity. Especially if you use vegetables and fruits, they will have turned into jam after being transported to the place.

You'd better go to your seat and fasten your seat belt, even though there are inertial dampers. But the warp engine will be turned on soon, and the fluctuations in space-time ripples will affect the human body to a certain extent even if they are blocked. Especially if you have not undergone any transformation and your body is very fragile, this impact may be more serious.

See the bag next to the seat? If you feel like vomiting later, just vomit there. After the warp drive is turned on, it will temporarily shut down the gravity generator, which will be quite troublesome if you spit it out randomly. "

Oscar imagined his vomit floating around in a zero-gravity environment, and decisively ran to his seat to prepare it, holding the bag tightly in his hand.

It turns out that the ripples in space-time after shielding are not particularly strong. After turning on the warp engine, the outside of the porthole became pitch black. The slight vibration did make Oscar feel a little nauseous, but it was not to the point of vomiting.

In contrast, Cheng Ying and Rong Nianbing didn't react at all. It was obvious that some people with strong physical fitness had a considerable degree of resistance to this kind of dizziness. Tulip people generally do not suffer from motion sickness.

When the spacecraft stopped, Oscar could finally see the outside scene again through the portholes. Just like the names of these areas, it was indeed pitch black around the dark star. Without turning off the lights inside the spacecraft, he could see everything through the portholes. Less than.

After turning off the lights, he could see that there was a small space station parked not far away. The image of the space battle was like a donut. There are no strange pipelines and equipment outside. It looks like a huge machine. I think this is the equipment needed for the so-called transfer system.

Cheng Ying took Oscar out of the spacecraft and explained at the same time: "Before starting the experiment, I have to tell you what the so-called system is.

You should have read the novel! After getting the system, you can control the wind and rain, continuously become stronger, and even do whatever you want in the book. "

[To be continued]

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