Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,418 The stripping begins

Chengying looked at Oscar solemnly: "The power of the system even exceeds the limits of Tulip's technology. In other words, theoretically, you can threaten Tulip."

Oscar was silent and then asked: "Then why do you still leave the system to me for safekeeping? Aren't you afraid that I will use the system to become stronger and then swallow the tulips? Don't you want to use such power?"

Cheng Ying shook his head: "I chose you because you are weak. The system cannot make people become extremely strong in an instant, so the weaker the holder of the system is, the safer it is.

Remember, there is no love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason. The universe will not give you a system that just fits your race, and the people who give us these must have their purposes.

At first, I did not agree with attributing great power to oneself, as that would create a world of absolutely solidified classes and despair, but now, my point of view has changed.

There is nothing wrong with attributing great power to oneself. What is wrong is not recognizing what is one's own strength. Wisdom and courage, knowledge and experience are the great powers that belong to oneself. Others can be taken away and traded. foreign objects.

External things can be used. The ancients told us that a gentleman's nature is not different. He is good and fake in things! The biggest difference between us and ignorant primitive creatures is that we are good at using tools, but tools can never be our only support in the vast universe. When one day, you lose all the tools you have now, and even your familiar body Only then will you understand what the real power is. "

Oscar recalled that the disappearance of soul power had become accustomed to Douluo, and he even thought that something belonging to him was missing, which led to the collapse of civilization.

Can he rebuild civilization among the ruins by relying on mechas and shields? It is definitely helpful, but I did not have superior force from the beginning. I mustered up the courage to obtain the mechas and shields from the crisis-ridden ruins. If the world suffered a round of EMP, my mechas and shields would be Will the shield become obsolete? At that time, did I still have the courage to start all over again?

He was not clear about it before, but now he understands that it is this kind of spirit of surviving and living like an individual no matter how difficult the situation is that is worthy of a great civilization.

Compared to Oscar, Chengying actually has a deeper understanding of this. Although he was a small person in his previous life, with a similar life trajectory to more than 90% of his peers, he still enjoyed the conveniences brought by modern civilization all the time.

And the moment he traveled through time, he lost not only his human body, but also everything that human civilization had brought to him. All he could rely on was the knowledge in his mind and adaptability to danger.

"The system is just a tool, and it is a tool made by others. We can use it, but we cannot rely on it. Tulip contains more than one system, one of which is on the body of a war criminal, and that is one of the ones we use and crack. Our status as human beings allows us to conduct experiments using some inhumane means.

But the other one doesn't work. Its holder is already too powerful and cannot use forced imprisonment. Therefore, we need a weak and powerful person to hold this system.

We have chosen you to trade with you, and we hope that you can abide by the agreement and not use the power of the system. We will supervise you, but we also hope that you can rely on your own will to resist the temptation of the system.

There are so many protagonists who rely on the system to achieve success.

They enjoy a life of luxury and entertainment, but they never thought about what they would have after losing the system.

I hope you can have the courage and perseverance to rely on your own strength to open up the way forward for civilization. This road will inevitably be extremely difficult and full of thorns, but it is a fool's road that will surely lead to the highest.

do you know? In Tulip, there has always been a scientific research project open to everyone. The project aims to unlock all the secrets of the universe and control all the rules of the universe. Do you know the code name of this project? "

Oscar shook his head, but he felt a heat in his chest, and a name that he had never heard before but was extremely familiar was about to come out.

"Yu Gong." Chengying looked Oscar in the eyes and told the story of Yu Gong moving the mountains: "Although the ending was that Yu Gong moved the heavens and asked the gods to move the two mountains, but that is not because the gods realized that the two mountains Sooner or later it will be leveled?

May you and I both be foolish men, and the roads of civilization will eventually intersect, but you and I have not changed our ambitions at that time. "Cheng Ying took Oscar to the seat for the system stripping ceremony, and Rong Nianbing was already sitting opposite him.

Although it is a ritual constructed with many precision instruments, it looks like witchcraft. Under the guidance of nanorobots, the lavender light turns into a bridge connecting the two people. As the nanomachines penetrate deeper and deeper into the microscopic realm, It has become more and more like soul power, and it is more controllable than soul power, so it can be used as a medium to guide the protagonist's halo transfer.

At the same time, the surrounding equipment was activated. Although he could not feel anything, Oscar still had the illusion that destructive energy was brewing.

Although his perception was an illusion, the donut-like ring-shaped device surrounding them did contain destructive power. It was so powerful that once it exploded, the nearest galaxies would see an extra star in the sky. A bright star that can be seen clearly during the day. This is not the effect of watching a nuclear bomb at close range, but a real celestial-level explosion.

It is not antimatter that provides energy, but the power from space. Unifying the four fundamental forces is not the end of science. The physical rules of this universe are not exactly the same as reality. There is a transformation between space and energy, and space and matter. The shock brought by the discovery is tantamount to the first realization of mass-energy conversion for tulips.

The huge energy is not used to attack, but to offset the outflow of energy after erasing the space. As long as the space where the system resides is erased and converted into energy, the system will inevitably be squeezed out. This is impossible. It is discussed that there can be no matter in non-existent space.

The moment the system breaks away, the nanomachines will begin to guide and transfer the system that should have returned to Rong Nian Bing's body to Oscar's body.

The huge energy reserve gradually began to affect the outside world, and the hair of the three people began to explode as if it was electrified.

"Are you ready? The transfer ceremony is about to begin?" After Cheng Ying finished speaking, Oscar and Rong Nianbing nodded at the same time: "I'm ready!"

Pull the ceremonial knife-shaped switch and the ceremony begins!

[To be continued]

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