Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,419 Oscar’s Return and the Departure of the God of Destruction

Compared with the huge energy in the preparation process of the ceremony, after Cheng Ying started the ceremony, everything seemed calm. Only a white lightning-like light streak flashed between the foreheads of the two people, and it ended. The scene was simply like Halfway through filming, the film suddenly ran out of money and had to resort to 50-cent special effects.

"Ah? Is this the end?" Both of them were confused.

"What else?" Cheng Ying asked, "Although the instruments here are arranged like a magic array, that's because the magic array conforms to mathematical laws. Many magic arrays require complex geometric knowledge and even fractal mathematics. , these are also useful for the placement of equipment, and it is inevitable that they are similar to the magic circle.

But this is not magic or witchcraft. It is not something whose principle is unclear and can produce huge redundant energy fluctuations. What science pays attention to is a precise one. The energy released by the annihilation space is exactly offset by the huge energy in the annular cabin. Naturally There is no movement at all. Little movement means success! "

Oscar and Rong Nianbing both showed expressions that although they didn't understand, they felt so powerful.

Cheng Ying supports his forehead, it is understandable that Oscar's knowledge level is limited. After all, he is really just a big kid, just an adult, and Rong Nian Bing is not enterprising.

Not to mention his age, who knows how long he lived after becoming a god. What’s even more annoying is that he is a rare technology god. All the divine powers are left over from the super civilization before his world, but he doesn’t have any There is no desire to reverse crack.

Especially after meeting Cheng Ying, even though he was surrounded by scientific researchers, he still continued to eat, drink and have fun all day long. New technologies had not been developed yet, but new dishes had been prepared for tens of thousands, which greatly enriched the food culture of Tulip. .

But Cheng Ying can't do anything to him. Tulips will encourage progress and reward those who make progress, but they will not punish those who lie down, because lying down is guiltless. Not everyone is determined to build civilization, study and study , it is fun for some people, but extremely painful for others. Chengying cannot ask everyone to become a pioneer of the times.

In fact, 80% of people are similar to Rong Nianbing. It is enough to support themselves by doing what they like. Fortunately, even if they are not willing to work hard to open up the way forward for civilization, the existence of these people, It still objectively provides help for the progress of civilization.

"Is this the system in front of me?" Oscar's question interrupted Cheng Ying's emotion. In his field of vision, there was an additional sign-in interface. As long as you click to sign in, you can get rewards. Power comes too easily. It's hard not to be tempted.

"I don't know, you have to ask him." Cheng Ying pointed at Rong Nian Bing. This is actually a very frustrating reality. Tulip can't even project the system interface, or even extract the memory of the system interface from memory. , will be interfered by strange forces, and the technical gap is so huge that people are helpless.

"Describe it to me. I remember that the system interface I saw was the Tuhaojin kind. It's a bit like the interface where the dragon-slaying sword is given away with one click."

Oscar nodded. There must be something wrong with the aesthetics of the people who designed the system. The sign-in interface is no longer down to earth, it is simply down to earth.

"Well, counting the time, you have been here for more than thirty hours. It's almost time to go back." Cheng Ying looked at his watch. Although he had a more accurate biological clock, looking at his watch had become a habit.

"Yeah, although I feel like I've forgotten something, this book is enough." Oscar already has an extra book of truth in his hand,

Different from the first edition in Xue Ye's hands, this Book of Truth has removed and changed all the techniques that require the assistance of soul power, and replaced them with techniques that can be realized without soul power, making it more suitable for him. current situation.

Although he has only read the first few chapters, he is already quite excited. With the help of this knowledge, the development speed of the survivor camp will increase several times, and the future will no longer be bleak.

Cheng Ying opened the space door and sent Oscar back to the jungle not far from the camp. When he returned from here, he could make up an excuse to leave the camp and look for something.

"Then... see you later!"

Oscar turned and left, closed the sign-in page, and treated the system as if it were nothing. Such behavior was unimaginable to him in the past, but now he did it so naturally.

On the other hand, compared to Oscar who categorically rejected the temptation of the genuine system, the God of Destruction has become addicted to the pirated system and cannot extricate himself. It is fun to cheat for a while, and it will be fun to cheat all the time. The question is who can cheat all the time?

The old principal was accidentally beaten to death by Regien, but Regien was not severely punished. Casualties in the duel were inevitable. As long as he did not kill his opponent when he lost the ability to resist or surrendered, he did not need to bear legal responsibility. responsibility.

During the duel, the old principal had always been the one taking the initiative, at least from the perspective of the scene. Regien's counterattack accidentally killed the old principal and he only needed to pay a certain amount of property.

The God of Destruction is naturally happy to see this happen, and what follows is his challenge letter, which is just like a primary school student from the God of Death saying that he wants to visit your home. It is frightening. The buff that challenges anyone to die is really terrifying.

Although the dean of the Dark Element Academy is highly respected, his strength is only above average in the mainland, and he is an academic who is not good at fighting. There are many strong men who can challenge the God of Destruction. And he started the challenge as the guardian of his city.

Being able to defeat the principal was indeed shocking, and it also allowed him to gain a lot of shock value. But just after defeating the principal, he challenged the stronger city guardian, which once again shocked the residents of the city. This time, the news was no longer just Spread in the academy, everyone in the city knew that Zero, a new student who overestimated his abilities, dared to provoke the city guardian.

The city guardian is one level higher than the old principal. If it were the previous Regien, it would be difficult to defeat him even with a mecha. But after gaining a large amount of shock value again, his combat effectiveness is no longer what it used to be. His own strength Having reached the seventh level of this world, there are many treasures and props, but these are unknown to the onlookers.

In a luxurious suite of a hotel in the city, Regien put on the mage's robe again, dressed like a dog, and said in a magnetic voice to the girl on the bed who was shyly recalling last night's clouds and rain: "Have a good sleep, I Will be back soon.”

For the gods, picking up girls and starting a harem is just like instinct. It is a matter of course that you can conquer the school beauties and get a wave of jealousy shock value. Why not do it?

[To be continued]

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