Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,420 The Gathering of Luck

Cheng Ying expressed extreme indignation at the God of Destruction's actions. He obviously already had a large harem and even brought his family to become a god. However, after time traveling, he actually started hooking up with girls from another world, and even went there on the same day. hotel.

Cheng Ying said that he was by no means envious, this was pure criticism, a criticism of the corruption and backwardness of the old society!

Naturally, the God of Destruction didn't know that his behavior had caused someone's indignation. In his eyes, the school beauty was just a girl, and then the most beautiful woman in the city, and even the most beautiful woman in the empire. He was confident that no matter how he started a harem, he would be the best. Will not roll over.

Women in almost all worlds are extremely tolerant of the strong. Loyalty, abstinence, coldness, beauty, wisdom, and responsibility. These harsh requirements for their partners will only appear on the weak. If they were replaced by the strong, they would All I can say is, it’s good that you have me in your heart.

Of course, the real world is not much different, but it just changes the strength of strength into whether it is rich or not.

The God of Destruction obviously knows this well. He is not only good at using golden fingers, but also good at enjoying the dividends brought by increased strength.

"Teacher, I suddenly feel that it is very inappropriate to let the gods become experimenters." Dugu Bo said to Cheng Ying's clone expressionlessly. As a multi-threaded thinking being, Cheng Ying seems to be always with Oscar, but in fact many This clone is actually following the progress of multiple projects at the same time.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Cheng Ying was confused.

"As war criminals awaiting trial, they are allowed to enjoy the fun of being the protagonists. This is one, and the other is that with their behavior style, in the process of becoming stronger, they will inevitably harm the interests of a large number of indigenous people. These people They are all our future citizens, so this decision may be unfair. Perhaps we need to choose people with relatively higher moral standards to participate in the experiment."

Cheng Ying shook his head when he heard this and said: "There is no need to change. There is actually nothing wrong with your choice. The gods are indeed the most suitable experimental samples. Those who have been harmed by him will be compensated in the future. Those who died will also They have all been resurrected, and there are indeed some procedural problems. But the impact is actually minimal."

"But..." Dugu Bo looked at the school beauty watching Regien leave on the screen with a strange expression: "If the experiment ends and the God of Destruction is truly judged, then those who have feelings for him will be hurt. It’s hard to compensate with material things.”

"Huh? I never realized that you actually have such a saintly side! Back then you were able to perform vivisection on death row prisoners without hesitation!" Cheng Ying was a little confused.

"I don't have any sympathy for them, I just think it's not worth lowering the authority of the law because of these things."

Cheng Ying sighed: "You're right, it's not worth lowering the authority of the law for these people, so even if they get compensation, they have no chance to tell what happened there.

Indeed, this is unfair, but when civilization is in crisis, it is the greatest injustice to insist on absolute fairness. Excessive democracy will only bring disaster.

Besides, you don’t have to worry about her having her feelings hurt. A woman who can be easily manipulated by the God of Destruction can also easily abandon him when she learns that he is an experimental subject. Don’t expect these people to be like in the novel. , the protagonist never abandons her despite difficult circumstances. Anyone who can do this is lucky to meet one in his life.

Let’s get down to business. Have you got the results of your luck test? The progress of the God of Destruction is so fast,

Put it on this continent. None of the children of the past can compare to him. If there is really luck feedback, you should have seen it. "

Dugubo shook his head: "I haven't seen any changes for the time being. I am currently conducting a preliminary test by guessing coins. When I guess randomly, my accuracy is still about 50%. The accuracy has not improved significantly."

Cheng Ying touched his chin: "Theoretically it shouldn't be! Have you really not collected any luck? Or is there something wrong with your verification method. By the way, what is your initial luck? It can't be the same Fifty percent!"

"Yes, it was 50% before. No deviation was detected in at least 10,000 repeated experiments."

A simple gamble like guessing the size of a coin. Tulips are often used as an indicator to evaluate luck. In previous tests, the experimental results have been relatively accurate. Generally, as long as a certain number of repeated experiments are performed, the test results will approach a value, and this value is consistent with There is a slight deviation in mathematical expectations, and this deviation is luck.

The deviations of most people are negligible, and even the deviations of most people cannot be reflected within millions of repeated experiments. This means that luck has almost no influence on them.

But no matter how he looked at it, Dugu Bo didn't look like a man with no luck. After thinking about it, Cheng Ying slapped his forehead: "What are your gambling chips?"

Dugu Bo was stunned: "I followed the standard process, and each time I chipped in 10,000 credit points."

"I understand, I understand! Fortunately, I asked, otherwise the test would not have been in vain." Cheng Ying knocked on Dugu Bo's forehead: "Let me ask you, do you like money? In other words, these 10,000 credits are Is that what you want?”

Dugubo shook his head: "What do I need money for?"

"That's right! The reason why the standard process uses credit points for settlement is because most people want money. At least they will only think that the money is too little, not too much. It is precisely because they want it. Only luck will interfere to a certain extent. Although this is extremely inconsistent with our technological system, since the situation of subjective will affecting reality exists, we must study it as a phenomenon.

Back to your question, you use credit points as chips to gamble, but you have no desire for money. In this case, winning or losing has no meaning to you, and how can luck interfere? For you, it's just like the natural phenomenon in the experiment. Of course, it is infinitely close to the normal situation without luck interference, which is 50%!

Tell me, what do you want? Let’s change the chips for testing. Fortunately, the problem is not discovered too late. If we only discovered this problem when the God of Destruction became famous and then changed the test chips, I’m afraid it would be There was no time to do a controlled experiment.

Is there anything in particular you want? It's the kind of thing that you really want, but you can get a limited amount of it on weekdays, and you can only get more under special circumstances. You should understand what I mean. "

Dugu Bo is also an old researcher. He has done various controlled experiments countless times. He naturally understood what Cheng Ying meant and said, "Give me ninety trillion tons of antimatter."

Cheng Ying: "..."

[To be continued]

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